Selasa, 03 Juli 2018

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YOU'RE A CUNT - Dan Pena on London Real - YouTube

Cunt is a vulgar word for the vulva or vagina and is also used as an insulting term. Reflecting different national uses, the vagina is described as "unpleasant or stupid" in the Oxford Compact English Dictionary, while Merriam-Webster states that it is "usually disparaging and "an obscene term for a woman or" an offensive way to refer to a woman "in the United States. The Australian Macquarie Dictionary gives Australians "insults". In the UK, New Zealand, and Australia, it can also be used as neutral or, if used with positive qualifications (good, funny, smart, etc.), a positive way of referring to a person.

The earliest known use of the word, according to the Oxford English Dictionary , is as part of the London street name, Gropecunt Lane, c.a, 1230. The use of the word as a term of relatively recent harassment, dating from the late nineteenth century. The word did not seem taboo in the Middle Ages, but it became taboo towards the end of the eighteenth century, and then was not generally accepted in print until the later part of the twentieth century. This term has various derivative notions, including adjectives and the use of verbs. Feminist writer and English professor Germaine Greer argues that "vagina" is one of the few words left in English with original power for shock. "

Video Cunt


The etiology of vagina is a matter of debate, but most sources assume it comes from the Germanic word (Proto-Germanic * kunt? , stem * kunt? N - ), which appears as Old Norse's kunta . Scholars are unsure about the origins of Proto-Germanic forms themselves. There is the same language in Germanic, such as Swedish, Faroe and Nynorsk kunta ; Western Frisian and Middle Low German kunte ; Middle Dutch ; Dutch kut and cont ; Middle Low German kutte ; Middle High German kotze (" whore "); German kott , and possibly Old English cot . the Proto-Germanic term is debatable.It may have arisen by Grimm law operating at Proto-Indo-European root * gen/gon " create, become " visible in gonad, genital, gamete, genetics, genes or Proto-Indo-European root * g? Neh?/Guneh? " women " (Greek: gunÃÆ'ª , visible in gynecology). Relationship with words that sound like Latin cunnus (" vulva "), and their derivatives speak French con , Spanish coÃÆ' Â ± o , and Portuguese cona , or in Persian kun ( ??? ), has not been conclusively proven. Another Latin word associated with cunnus is cuneus (" wedge ") and its derivation cun? re (" to accelerate with wedge ", (figurative) " to suppress "), leading to English words such as cuneiform (" shaped wedge "). In Central England, vagina appears with many spellings, such as coynte , cunte and queynte , which does not necessarily reflect actual word pronunciation.

The word in its modern sense is attested in Central English. Proverbs Hendyng , manuscripts from some time before 1325, including suggestions:

? eue ÃÆ'¾i cunte for cunnig wedding and craig affetir.
(Give your vagina wisely and make [your] request after marriage.)

Maps Cunt



The word vagina is generally considered in English-speaking countries as unsuitable for normal public discourse. It has been described as "the most taboo word of all English words", although John Ayto, editor of the Oxford Dictionary of Slang, says "nigger" is more taboo.

Feminist perspective

Several American feminists in 1970 tried to eliminate disparaging terms for women, including "bitch" and "vagina". In the context of pornography, Catharine MacKinnon argues that the use of words acts to strengthen women's dehumanization by reducing them to mere body parts; and in 1979 Andrea Dworkin described the word as an attempt to reduce women to "the most important - 'the vagina: our essence... our transgression'".

Despite criticism, there is a movement among feminists seeking to retake vagina not only acceptable but as an honor, in the same way as queer has been resected by LGBT. people and negro have been by some African-Americans. Supporters include Inga Muscio in his book, Cunt: A Declaration of Independence ; artist Tee Corinne in The Colorful Color Book (1975); and Eve Ensler in "Reclaiming Cunt" from The Vagina Monologues .

Germaine Greer, feminist writer and English professor who once published a magazine article titled "Lady, Love Your Cunt" (anthologized in 1986), discusses the origin, usage and power of words in the BBC series Balderdash and Piffle >, explains how his views evolve over time. In the 1970s he had "championed" the use of the word for female genitals, thinking it "should not be rude"; he rejects the word "proper" vagina , the Latin name meaning "sword-sarong" originally applied by the male anatomist to all the muscle cover (see synovial cover) - not only because it refers only to internal channels but also because of the implication that the female body is "just a container for weapons". But in 2006, referring to his use as a term of abuse, he said that, although used in some parts as a term of affection, it has become "the most offensive offense one person can throw at the other" and suggests that the word is "sacred", and "a word of great power, to be used sparingly".

Also By The Way JK Rowling Is Still A Cunt - YouTube

Usage: century pre-twent

Cunt has been proved in its anatomical sense since at least the 13th century. While Francis Grose's 1785 The Vulgar Tongue's Classic Dictionary lists the word as "C ** T: bad name for bad things", it did not appear in the major English dictionaries from 1795 to 1961, when it included in Webster's Third New International Dictionary with the comment "usu. is considered obscene". His first appearance at the Oxford English Dictionary was in 1972, which quotes the word as having been used from 1230 in what should be the London street name "Gropecunte Lane". It was, however, also used before 1230, which had been brought by the Anglo-Saxon, originally not an obscenity but rather an ordinary name for the vulva or vagina. Gropecunt Lane was originally a prostitution street, a red light district. It was normal in the Middle Ages for streets to be named after the goods are available for sale in them, so the prevalence in cities has the medieval history of names like "Silver Street" and "Fish Street." In some locations, old names have been dogged, as in the City of York, to a more acceptable "Grape Lane."

The word appears several times in Chaucer Canterbury Tales (c 1390), in a perverted context, but because it is used openly, it does not seem to be considered indecent at the time. The important use is from "Miller's Tale": "Prdif he caught it with queynte." The Wife of Bath also uses this term, "For certeyn, olde dotard, with your leave/you will have a queynte quite right on the night... What makes you groche and complain? - Is it because you will have my own queynte? "In modern versions of these passages the word" queynte "is usually translated simply as" cunt ". However, in Chaucer's use there seems to be an overlap between the words "cunt" and "quaint" (probably derived from Latin for "known"). "Strange" may be spoken in Central English in the same way as "cunt". Sometimes it is not clear whether the two words are considered different from each other. Elsewhere in Chaucer's work, the word queynte seems to be used with meanings that are comparable to the modern "quaint" (odd or ancient but still interesting). This obscurity is still exploited by the 17th century; Andrew Marvell ... then the worm will try/The long-awake virginity is,/And your ancient honor turns to dust,/And to ashes all my passions in To His Coy Lady depends on the punishment of these two "ancient" senses.

On Shakespeare's day, the word seems to have become obscene. Although Shakespeare does not use the word explicitly (or with insulting meanings) in his drama, he still uses the word game to smuggle it indirectly. In Act III, Scene 2, of Hamlet, as the castle's residents are settled to watch drama-in-the-play, Hamlet asks his girlfriend Ophelia, "Madam, will I lie on your lap?" ? "Ophelia replied," No, my lord. "Hamlet, pretending to be shocked, said," What do you think I mean is the state of affairs? Then, to drive home to the point that the accent is clear on the first syllable of country , Shakespeare has Hamlet saying, "That's a fair thought, to lie between the servant's feet." In < i> Twelfth Night (Act II, Scene V), Puritan Malvolio believes he acknowledged his employer's handwriting in an anonymous letter, commented "There is a very Cs, Us, and Ts: and thus makes him/her great Ps ", unconsciously pressing" cunt "and" urine ", and while it has also been argued that the term slang" cut "is intended, Pauline Kiernan writes that Shakespeare mocks" prissy puritanical party-poopers "by having" a Puritan spell the word 'cunt' on the public stage. "Related scene occurred at Henry V : when Katherine was studying English, she was shocked at the words" feet "and" harsh words " mispronouncing " coun " Usually it is said that Shakespeare intends to m (French, "fuck") and "coun" as " con " (French "cunt", also used for the "foot" as "foutre" means "idiot").

Similarly, John Donne mentions the obscene meaning of the word without explicitly in his poetry The Good-Morrow , referring to "the pleasure of the state". The Restoration Comedy 1675 The Country Wife also features such a word game, even in the title.

In the 17th century a softer form of the word, "cunny", began to be used. The use of this famous derivation can be found in Samuel Pepys' diary entries on October 25, 1668. He was found having an affair with Deborah Willet: he wrote that his wife "came suddenly, not finding me hooking the girl [with] my hands sub [ down] su coat, and finally me with [main] my [hands] in her cunny I'm in a tremendous loss on it and that girl too.... "

Cunny may come from a coney coney , which means "rabbit", as pus connected to the same term for the cat. (Philip Massinger (1583-1640): "Smallpox to your Christian sister! They cried, like the piercer's wife, 'No money, no cones.'") Due to the use of this slang as a synonym for taboo, the word "Coney ", when it is used in its original meaning to refer to the rabbit, then pronounced as (rhymes with" phoney ") instead of the original /'k? Ni/ (rhymes with "honey"). Finally the taboo association causes the word "coney" to be completely abandoned and replaced by the word "rabbit".

Robert Burns (1759-1796) used the word in Merry Muses of Caledonia, a collection of obscene passages he kept for himself and was not available to the public until the mid-1960s. In "Yon, Yon, Yon, Lassie", this verse appears: "To ilka birss above the vagina, Is worth ryal ryal".

I Am Not My Genitalia | Manifesta

Usage: modern

As a harassment term

Merriam-Webster claims it is a term "usually disparaging and indecent" for a woman, and that is "an offensive way to refer to a woman" in the United States. As a broader term of contempt, it is comparable to prick and means "fool, stupid, unhappy person - of either sex". This feeling is common in New Zealand, Britain and Australia England, where it is usually applied to men or refer specifically to "despicable, despicable or ignorant" man . During the 1971 Oz trial for obscenity, the prosecutor asked the writer George Melly "Are you going to call your 10-year-old daughter, a woman?" Melly replied, "No, because I do not think she is." In the 1975 movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, McMurphy's central character, when pressed to explain exactly why he did not like tyrannical Nurses, said, "Well, I do not want to break the meeting or nothing- what, but she's a kind of vagina, do not you, Doc? "

In American slang, this term can be used to refer to "fellow homosexual men who do not like".

Australian expert Emma Alice Jane explains how the term used in social media is an example of what she calls "gendered vitriol", and an example of misogynistic e-empedians.

Other meanings

It can also be used to refer to something very difficult or unpleasant (as in "job prostitutes"), or (in English, Irish, New Zealand and Australian English) without any negative connotations to refer to (usually men ) person. In this sense, it can be modified by positive qualifications (funny, clever, etc.). For example, "This is my friend, Brian, he's a good girl."

In the English Survey, the word was recorded in some areas as meaning "cow vulva". This is pronounced as [k? Nt] in Devon, and [k? Nt] in Isle of Man, Gloucestershire and Northumberland. Perhaps related is the word cunny [k? Ni], with the same meaning, in Wiltshire.

The word "cunty" is also known, though rarely used: a line from Hanif Kureishi My Beautiful Laundrette is the British definition by a Pakistani immigrant as "eating hot butter bread with cunty fingers", suggestive of hypocrisy and the hidden gloom or immorality behind the ancient façade of the country. The term is attributed to the English novelist Henry Green.

In the United States, "cunty" is sometimes used in a cross-cultural culture for queen pullers who "project feminine beauty" and is the title of hit song by Aviance. A visitor to a New York drag show tells the story of the hosts praising a queen with "cunty, cunty, cunty" as she walks past.

Frequency of use

Frequency of use varies in the United States. According to US research studies conducted in 2013 and 2014 by forensic experts Jack Grieve of Aston University and others, including researchers from the University of South Carolina, based on a corpus of nearly 9 billion words in bergeotog tweet, the word was most often used in New England and most often used in the southeastern states. In Maine, it is the most commonly used "insult" word after "bastard".

honey shut the fuck up you cunt! - YouTube

Usage examples

In court

In 2016, the word was used by a judge in a British court: when a man was sentenced, he was reported to have told the judge that he was "a little vaginal", which the judge replied "you 're a little of the vagina as well." Judge's behavior met with mixed acceptance in the British media. In one column Guardian , under the heading "It is easy to entertain a judge who uses the C-word but we should not," Simon Jenkins wrote "... it will take the heart out of the rock to not cheer." but added, "Of course the judge should not say what he said." Judges are praised in social media, but complaints are filed to the Judicial Conduct Investigation Office.

In public

In February 2016, an Australian man, Danny Lim, was fined $ 500 by a New South Wales District Court judge for publicly displaying the sign with the word "cunt", arguing that it was offensive behavior. His conviction was canceled in August 2017 when appealing to the District Court of New South Wales, stating that the use of the word "vagina" is not an offensive behavior because "it is used regularly on television and less offensive in Australia than any other English-speaking country".


James Joyce was one of the great 20th-century novelists who included the word "cunt" into the mold. In the context of one of the central characters in Ulysses (1922), Leopold Bloom, Joyce refers to the Dead Sea and to

... the oldest person. Wandering far above the whole earth, captivity into captivity, multiplying, dying, born everywhere. It's lying there now. Now can not take it anymore. Dead: elderly woman: a sunken gray vagina from the world.

Joyce uses the word figuratively rather than literally; but while Joyce used the word only once in Ulysses , with four other words ('cunty') on it, DH Lawrence used the word ten times in Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928)) , in a more direct sense. Mellors, the creator of gamelan and eponymous lover, attempts gently to explain the definition of the word to Lady Constance Chatterley: "If your brother comes to me for a little tenderness, he knows what he's looking for." This novel was the subject of a failed British prosecution in 1961 against its publisher, Penguin Books, on the basis of obscenity.

Samuel Beckett is a colleague of Joyce, and in his book Malone Dies (1956), he writes: "His young wife has left all hope of carrying her, through her genitals, the trump card, the young wife." On In 1998, Inga Muscio published Cunt: A Declaration of Independence . In the novel Ian McEwan Atonement (2001), set in 1935, this word is used in the faulty design of a love letter sent in lieu of a revised version, and although not pronounced, is an important plot pivot.


The Tee Corinne Lesbian Artist publishes the Cunt Coloring Book as a tool for sex education and to affirm female and female sexuality. The book was re-published as Labiaflowers in 1981. This word is sometimes used in titles of works of art, such as Peter Renosa "I am Cunt of Western Civilization".


The theater sensors were effectively removed in England in 1968; before that all theatrical production should be examined by the Office of Lord Chamberlain. Britain's stand-up comedian Roy "Chubby" Brown claims that he was the first person to say a word on stage in the UK.

In the 1996 drama of The Vagina Monologues author, American writer Eve Ensler, said she had reclaimed the word and encouraged the audience to repeat it. "Feeling a bit annoyed at the airport, just saying 'vagina', everything changed," he said. "Try it, move on, go on, hit, hit, hit."



Broadcast media is set up for content, and media providers like the BBC have guidelines on how "vagina" and similar words should be treated. In a 2000 survey commissioned by the UK Broadcasting Standards Commission, the Independent Television Commission, the BBC and the Advertising Standards Authority, "vagina" is regarded as the most offensive word that can be heard, above "bastards" and "lovemaking". However, there are times when, especially in live broadcasts, the word has gone beyond editorial control:

  • The Frost Program , broadcast live on November 7, 1970, was the first time the word was known to have been used on British television, in addition to Felix Dennis. This incident has been repeatedly repeated.
  • Bernard Manning first said on television the phrase "They say you are what you eat, I'm a vagina."
  • This morning broadcasts the word in 2000, used by Caprice Bourret's model while being interviewed directly about her role in The Vagina Monologues

The use of the first article of the word on British television occurred in 1979, in the drama ITV No Mama No . In Jerry Springer - The Opera (BBC, 2005), the suggestion that Christ's character may be gay is found to be more controversial than the singing that depicts Satan as "cunting, cunting, cunting, cunting cunt".

In July 2007 BBC Three broadcast an hour-long documentary, titled The 'C' Word , about the origin, usage and evolution of the word from the early 1900s to the present day. Presented by British comedian Will Smith, viewers were taken to a street in Oxford once called "Gropecunt Lane" and presented with examples of "cunt" acceptance as words. (Note that the "C-word" is also an old euphemism for cancer, Lisa Lynch's book causes the BBC1 drama, both of which are with that title.)


The use of the first draft on US television was on the Larry Sanders Show in 1992, and striking use occurred in Sex and the City. In the US, an episode of the NBC TV show 30 Rock , titled "The C Word", centered around the protagonist of Liz Lemon's subordinate protagonist Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and his subsequent effort to regain the support of his staff. The characters in the popular TV series, The Sopranos, often use the term. Jane Fonda said the word on live broadcast of the Today Show , a network TV news program, in 2008 when interviewed about The Vagina Monologues. In 2018, controversy erupted when Canadian comedian Samantha Bee used the term as an affront to Ivanka Trump, a White House official and daughter of US President Donald Trump.


On December 6, 2010 on BBC Radio 4 Program today, presenter James Naughtie referred to British Culture Minister Jeremy Hunt as "Jeremy Cunt"; he later apologized for what the BBC called the unintentional use of the unintentional "four letter" offensive. In the next program, about an hour later, Andrew Marr refers to the incident during Starting Sunday where it says that "we will not repeat mistakes" where Marr sneaks in the same way as Naughtie had.


The word appears in graffiti on the wall in the 1969 film Bronco Bullfrog. The use of the first word spoken in the main cinema takes place in Carnal Knowledge (1971), where Jonathan (Jack Nicholson) asks, "Is this an ultimatum, my answer, you are ball-busting, castrated, bitch! Is this an ultimatum or not? "That same year, the word was used in the movie Women in Revolt, where Holly Woodlawn shouted" I love cunt "while avoiding harsh boyfriends. Nicholson then used it again, in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975). The first two films by Martin Scorsese, Mean Streets (1973) and Taxi Driver (1976), use the word in the context of a virgin-whore dichotomy, with characters using it after they are rejected Mean Streets ) or after they slept with the woman (at Taxi Driver ).

In the important example, word has been edited. Saturday Night Fever (1977) was released in two versions, "R" (Restricted) and "PG" (Parental Guidance), the latter removes or replaces dialogues such as Tony Manero (John Travolta) comments for Annette ( Donna Pescow), "This is a decision a girl must make early in life, if she is going to be a good girl or a woman". This difference continues, and in The Silence of the Lambs (1991), Agent Starling (Jodie Foster) meets Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) for the first time and passing through "Multiple Miggs" cell, who told Starling: "I can smell your cock." In the edited version of the film for television, the word was dubbed with the word aroma. The 2010 film Kick-Ass caused controversy when it was used by Hit-Girl because the actress played a role, ChloÃÆ'§ Grace Moretz, 11 years old during filming.

In the UK, the use of the word "cunt" can produce an "18" rating from the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), and this happens on the Ken Loach Sweet Sixteen movie, due to an estimated twenty "vaginal" usage. However, the BBFC guidance in "15" states that "very powerful language may be permitted, depending on how it is used, who uses the language, its frequency in the work as a whole and any specific contextual justification." Also directed by Loach, My name is Joe is certified 15 despite more than one instance of the word. The 2010 Ian Dury biopic Sex & amp; Drug & amp; Rock & amp; Roll is rated "15" even though it contains seven word usage.


In their Derek and Clive dialogue, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, especially Cook, arguably make the word more accessible in the UK; in the 1976 sketch "This Joke Came Up To Me", "cunt" was used about thirty-five times. The word is also used extensively by British comedian Roy 'Chubby' Brown, who ensured that his firm actions were never fully featured on British television.

Australian stand-up actor Rodney Rude often refers to his audience as "cunts" and often uses the word in action, which makes him arrested in Queensland and Western Australia for violating the obscenity laws of those states in the mid-1980s. Australian comedy singer Kevin Bloody Wilson uses many words, especially in the songs of Concerned Understanding the Nine Years and You Can not Say "Cunt" in Canada .

The word appears in the 1972 American comic exercise stand of George Carlin on a list of seven dirty words that could not, at the time, be said on American broadcast television, a routine that led to the decision of the US Supreme Court. While some of the original seven are now heard on US broadcast television from time to time, "vagina" remains generally taboo except on premium cable subscriber channels such as HBO or Showtime. Comedian Louis C.K. using that term often in his stage acting as well as on his television show Louie on the FX network, which bleeps it out.

In 2018, Canadian comedian Samantha Bee, triggered a storm when she used the term disparaging in a comedy routine on a late-night US TV show Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.


The 1977 Ian Dury and The Blockheads album, New Boots and Panties use the word in the opening line of the song "Plaistow Patricia", thus: "Arseholes, bastards, fucking and poking cunts", especially notable for none music that leads to the lyrics.

In 1979, during a concert at Bottom Line New York, Carlene Carter introduced a song about mate-swapping called "Swap-Meat Rag" by stating, "If this song does not put the vagina back into the country, I do not know what it will be. " The comments were widely quoted in the media, and Carter spent most of the next decade trying to live the comment. However, the use of words in the lyrics was not recorded before the version of Sid Vicious's "My Way" in 1978, which marked the use of the first known word in the UK top 10 hit, when the line was changed to "You cunt/I 'I'm not a freak". The following year, "cunt" was used more explicitly in the song "Why D'Ya Do It?" from the album Marianne Faithfull Broken English :

Why did you do it, he yelled, after all we said,

Every time I see your cock I see her pussy on my bed.

Happy Mondays Songs, "Kuff Dam" (ie "Mad fuck" in reverse), from their 1987 debut album, Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party Plastic Face Men Carnt Smile (White Out) including the lyrics "You see that Jesus is a vagina/and never helps you with what you do, or not." Bible scholar James Crossley, writing in an academic journal, Biblical Interpretation, analyzed the Happy Monday references to "Jesus is a cunt" as a description of the "useless help" of an "inadequate Jesus" now.. A phrase from the same lyrics, "Jesus is a cunt" is included in the famous Cradle of Filth T-shirt depicting a nun who masturbates at the front and the slogan "Jesus is a cunt" in big letters on the back. The T-shirt was banned in New Zealand, in 2008.

Liz Phair in "Dance of Seven Veils" on his 1993 album Exile in Guyville uses the word on the line "I'm just asking because I'm really a sissy in the spring". Liz Phair (June 22, 1993). Exile in Guyville (Dual LP) (vinyl). Matador Records, OLE 051-1.

This word has been used by many non-mainstream bands, such as the Australian band TISM, which released an extended drama in 1993 Australia the Lucky Cunt (a reference to the Australian label "lucky country"). They also released a single in 1998 titled "I Might Be a Cunt, but I'm Not a Fucking Cunt", which is banned. American grindcore band, Anal Cunt, which is signing a contract with a larger label, shortened their name to AxCx.

The word appears once in the 2010 song Nicki Minaj "Roman's Revenge." The song included the lyrics "I'm a naughty woman, I'm a vagina."

More recently, in 2012, the word appeared at least 10 times in Azealia Banks "212". He is also known for calling his fans on Facebook as "kuntz". The bank has said he is "tired" defending the lyrical lyrics of critics, saying they reflect his speech and daily experience.

Computer and video games

The 2004 video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is the first major video game that uses the word, along with being the first in the series to use the words nigga , motherfucker , and bastard . It was used only once, by English character Kent Paul (voiced by Danny Dyer), referring to Maccer as a "sloppy vagina" in the mission of Don Peyote.

The 2004 title of The Getaway: Black Monday by SCEE uses the word several times during the game.

In the title 2008 Grand Theft Auto IV (developed by Rockstar North and distributed by Take Two Interactive), said, among many other curses, it was used by James Pegorino who, upon learning that his bodyguard had changed the circumstances, exclaimed, "The world is a vagina!" while aiming the rifle to the player.

Other uses

The popular singer, Rihanna, has been outspoken about the use of the word "vagina". She was photographed in 2011 wearing a necklace that spelled the word. He then explains why he used it in an interview with the British Vogue . The Barbados-born singer said she "never knew" that the word was offensive until she moved to the United States.

Smol Green Cunt by DancisoftheFilth on DeviantArt

Variants and linguistic derivatives

Various euphemisms, chopped forms and jokes are in-used to imply a word without actually saying it, thus escaping from clear criticism and censorship.


Comes from a dirty joke: "What's the difference between a circus and a strip club?" - "Circus has a lot of cunning action...." The phrase cunning acrobat has been used in popular music. The first documented appearance was by the British band Caravan, who released the album Cunning Stunts in July 1975; the title was later used by Metallica for a CD/Video compilation, and in 1992 the Cows released an album of the same title. In the 1980s of his BBC television program, Kenny Everett played a young star, Cupid Stunt .


There are many informal acronyms, including apocryphal stories about academic institutions, such as the Cambridge University National Trust Society.

There are many variants of the closing phrase "See you next Tuesday". The creative work with that phrase as the title includes a game by Ronald Harwood, the second album by hip hop group FannyPack, an independent movie 2013 by Drew Tobia, a song by the deathcore band The Acacia Strain on their 2006 album The Dead Walk a song by Kesha from EP 2010 Cannibal , and an experimental deathcore band.

The newer acronym is "Can not Use New Technology" which is supposedly coming from IT staff.


The name "Mike Hunt" is very often in my vagina ; has been used in a scene from the movie Porky's , and for characters in the BBC Radioactive radio comedy Active Radio in the 1980s. "Did anyone see Mike Hunt?" are words written on the "pink fluorescent sculpture" representing the letter C, in a 2004 alphabet exhibition at the British Library in collaboration with the International Typography Design Society.

As well as clear references, there are also figures of speech. In I'm Sorry I Do not Know , Stephen Fry once defined rural as an act of "killing Piers Morgan".

Even Parliament is not immune from the use of punishment; as remembered by former Australian premier Gough Whitlam:

Never at home I use the word that comes to mind. The closest I came to doing it was when Sir Winton Turnbull, a member of cavalleria rusticana, raved and babbled about the delay and shouted: "I am a member of the country". I interrupted "I remember". He could not understand why, for the first time in years he spoke at the House, there was a quick applause from both sides.

and Mark Lamarr used the same joke variations on BBC TV Never Mind the Buzzcocks . "Stuart Adamson is a member of the Big Country... and we remember".

Slang slang

Some celebrities have used their names as euphemisms, including soccer player Roger Hunt, actor Gareth Hunt, singer James Blunt, politician Jeremy Hunt, and 1970s motor racer James Hunt, whose name was once used to introduce the British radio show I'm sorry, I do not have a clue as "the show is for what game panel James Hunt planned."

An old canting form is berk , short for "Berkeley Hunt" or "Berkshire Hunt", and in the Monty Python sketch, an idioglossiac man replaces the initial "c" with "b", resulting in "silly idiot ". Scottish comedian Chic Murray claims to have worked for a company called "Lunt, Hunt & Cunningham".


The word "vagina" is part of some technical terms used in seafarers and other industries.

  • In maritime use, a vaginal splice is a kind of string connection used to combine two lines in the ship's rigging. Its name has been bowdlerised since at least 1861, and in some times more commonly referred to as "cut splice".
  • The The Glossary of Terms of Sea , found in the maritime outline of the Fund of 1841 Seaman Friend , defines the word cuntline as "the space between bilges of two barrels, stored side by side.Where a barrel is placed on a cuntline between two others, they are stored in the hull and cuntline. "The" hull of a ship "of a barrel or barrel is the widest point, so when it is stored together two tong will produce a curved V-shaped gap. Glossary of The Ashley Book of Knots by Clifford W. Ashley, first published in 1944, defines cuntlines as "the surface layer between strands of string." Although it refers to an object different from the Fund's definition, it equally describes the creases formed by two adjacent cylinders.
  • In US military usage personnel, you personally refer to a common uniform item, a flat and soft cover (hat) with a fold on top of which resembles invagination, as a vaginal cap . The right name for the item is a garrison cap or a foreign cap, depending on the organization in which it is worn.
  • Cunt hair (sometimes as red cunt hair) has been used since the late 1950s to mark a very small distance.
  • Mottled has been used to refer to someone with narrow narrow eyes.

The War For Cersei's Cunt - YouTube

See also

  • Profanity
  • Scunthorpe Issues
  • Seven dirty words
  • Sexual slang

The story behind “Coin Cunts,” Philly's most vaginal art show ...



Further reading

  • Lady Love Your Cunt , 1969 article by Germaine Greer (see References above)
  • Vaginal Aesthetics , reinventing representations, riches and sweetness, "vagina/vagina", article by Joanna Frueh Source: Hypatia , Vol. 18, No. 4, Women, Art, and Aesthetics (Fall-Winter 2003), p. 137-158
  • Siebert, Eve. "Coward Chaaster". Skeptical Humanities . Retrieved February 28, 2014 .

Source of the article : Wikipedia
