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Terminology traps: LGBTI, LGBT, or perhaps just LGB? | 76 CRIMES

The term used to describe homosexuality has undergone many changes since the emergence of the first term in the mid-19th century. In English, some widely used terms are sodomy, Sapphic, Uranian, homophile, lesbian, gay, two spirits, and same-sex. Some of these words are specific to women, some for men, and some words can be used. Gay people can also be identified under the umbrella of the terms queer and LGBT.

Homosexual was created in 1868. Academics continue to be in contact with coin terms, including androphilia and gynephilia that designate only attraction objects, thus divorcing the term from orientation fully sexual.

Many slang terms exist for homosexuality or homosexuality. Some communities have cants, rich jargon used among subgroups almost like secret languages, such as Polari in the UK, and others.

Video Terminology of homosexuality

The specified usage

The term homosexual can be used as an adjective to describe the sexual attraction and behavior of people interested in the same gender. The author and gay pioneer Quentin Crisp said that the term should be "homosexual," adding that no one says "I am a sexual." Some gay people argue that the use of homosexuals as a noun is offensive, arguing that they are the first people and their homosexuality is merely their human attribute. Even if they do not consider the term offensive, some people in same-sex relationships may object to being described as homosexual because they identify themselves as bisexual, pansexual, or other orientations.

Some style guides suggest that the terms homosexual and homosexuality be avoided altogether, lest their use lead to confusion or controversy. In particular, individual descriptions as homosexuals may be offensive, partly because of the negative clinical association of words derived from their use in describing same-sex attraction as a pathological state before homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders of the American Psychiatric Association in 1973. The Associated Press and New-style guides The York Times limits the use of the terms.

People who are oriented to the same sex rarely apply such terms to themselves, and public officials and agencies often avoid them. For example, the Safe School Coalition of Washington Glossary for School Employees suggests that gay is "the preferred synonym for homosexuals," and further suggests avoiding the term homosexual because it is "clinical, distance, and ancient ".

However, the terms homosexuality and homosexuality are sometimes considered appropriate in reference to behavior (although same-sex is the preferred adjective). Using homosexuality or homosexuality to refer to behavior may be inaccurate but does not contain the same offensive connotations that use homosexuals to describe a person. When referring to people, homosexuals are considered insulting and the term gay and lesbian is preferred. Some argue that homosexuals emphasize sexuality over humanity, and should be avoided when describing a person. Gay men or lesbians are the preferred noun to refer to people, who emphasize cultural and social issues over sex.

The New Oxford American Dictionary , says that "gay" is the preferred term.

People with same-gender sexual orientation generally prefer gay, lesbian, or bisexual terms. The most common terms are gay (male and female) and lesbian (female only). Other terms include same-sex love and same-sex oriented .

Among some gay sub-cultural sectors, same-sex sexual behavior is sometimes seen only for physical pleasure, not romanticism. Under-low men (or DLs) can engage in secret sexual activity with other men while pursuing sexual and romantic relationships with women.

Maps Terminology of homosexuality


The choice of terms about sexual orientation may imply certain political views, and different terms are preferred at different times and in different places.

Initial history

Historian and philosopher Michel Foucault argues that homosexual and heterosexual identities did not appear until the 19th century. Prior to that time, the terms described practice and not identity. Foucault cites Karl Westphal's famous article 1870 Contrary Sexual Feelings as the "date of birth" of the categorization of sexual orientation.

In his book Symposium , the ancient Greek philosopher Plato explains (through the character of proud comedian Aristophanes) three sexual orientations, and gives an explanation for their existence using the created myth of creation. Fables Aristophanes is just one of many perspectives on love in the Symposium, and should not be considered identical to Plato's own ideas. Most of the speech Symposium is meant to be flawed in different ways, with the wise Socrates finally going to fix their mistakes.


Although this term refers to the specific sex act between women today, in the past it was commonly used to describe the sexual love of women in general, and women who have sex with women are called Tribads or Tribades. As the author Rictor Norton explains:

The tribas, lesbians, from the Greek tribein, for rubbing (ie rubbing pudenda together, or clitoris on the pubic bone, etc.), appear in Greek and Latin satyrs from the end the first century. The Tribade is the most common (vulgar) lesbian in European texts for centuries. The 'Tribade' took place in English texts from at least from 1601 until at least in the late nineteenth century before finally becoming self-conscious - it is used today for nearly three centuries.

Fricatrice , a synonym for tribade which also refers to rubbing but has Latin instead of Greek roots, appeared in English since 1605 (in Ben Jonson's Volpone >). Its use indicates that it is more colloquial and more demeaning than tribade . Variants include Latin confricatrice and English rubster .


Although sodomy has been used to refer to various "homosexual and heterosexual" homosexual acts, the term sodomy usually refers to homosexual men. This term is derived from the biblical accounts of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Christian churches have referred to the crimen sodomitae (crimes of the Sodomites) for centuries. Modern relationships with homosexuality can be found as early as 96 AD in the writings of Josephus Jewish historians. At the beginning of the fifth century, Jerome, a priest, historian, and theologian used the forms of Sodoman, in Sodomis, Sodomorum, SodomÃÆ'Â|, SodomitÃÆ'Â|. The modern German word Sodomie and Norwegian sodomy refers to bestiality. Sodomy in historical biblical references may not be related to the act of homosexuality, but the act of animalistic and castration of women and men for the purpose of sexual slavery.


Lesbian writer Emma Donoghue finds that the term lesbian (with its modern meaning) has been used in English from at least the 17th century. The epic poem of 1732 by William King, The Toast, uses "lesbian loves" and "tribadism" interchangeably: "he loves Woman in the same way as Men love them, he is a Tribad".


Named after the Greek poet Sappho who lived on Lesbos Island and wrote a love poem for women, this term has been used since at least the 18th century, with a lesbian connotation. In 1773, a London magazine described sex between women as "Sapphic Lust". The adjective form Sapphic is no longer commonly used in English, but has begun once again gaining traction in the millennium LGBT community.


Today, pederasti refers to male interest in boys, or cultural institutions that support such relationships, as in ancient Greece. However, in the 18th and 19th centuries, this term usually refers to male homosexuality in general. A pederast is also an active partner in anal sex, either with a male or female partner.


The word homosexual is translated literally as "of the same sex", being a hybrid of the Greek prefix homo - meaning "equal" (as distinguished from the Latin root homo means human ) and Latin root sex meaning "sex".

The first known appearance of the homosexual term in print is found in the German pamphlet of 1869. The German pamphlet in 1869 deservesetzbuchs und seine Aufrechterhaltung als 152 des Entwurfs eines Strafgesetzbuchs fÃÆ'¼r den Norddeutschen Bund ("Paragraph 143 of the Prussian Criminal Code and its Maintenance as Paragraph 152 of the Draft Criminal Code for the North German Confederation "). The pamphlet was written by Karl-Maria Kertbeny, but was published anonymously. It advocates the lifting of the Prussian sodomy law. Kertbeny previously used the word in a personal letter written in 1868 to Karl Heinrich Ulrichs. Kertbeny uses HomosexualitÃÆ'¤t (in English, "homosexuality") replaces Ulrichs' Urningtum ; Homosexualist (instead of Urninge , and Homosexualistinnen ("homosexual women") instead of Urninden .

The first known use of homosexuality in English was the translation of Charles Gilbert Chaddock in 1892 on Richard von Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis, a study of sexual practices. The term was popularized by the 1906 Harden-Eulenburg Affair.

The word homosexual itself has a different connotation 100 years ago than today.

Although some early authors used the adjective homosexual to refer to the context of one gender (such as a girls-only school), the term currently contains the sexual aspect. The term homosocial is now used to describe the context of one sex that is neither romantic nor sexual.

Homo abbreviation for homosexual language is a coin of the interbellum period, first recorded as a noun in 1929, and as an adjective in 1933.

Today, it is often regarded as an insulting nickname and mainstream media restrict its use.

The late-twentieth and other early-end sexology terms

  • Sexual instinct of antipathy: deviant sexual behavior outlined in Richard von Krafft-Ebing Pychopathia Sexualis
  • Sexual Inversion
  • psychosexual hermaphroditism: bisexuality. Believed gay men want women's bodies and lesbians want a male body. Bisexual wants to be intersex.
  • Middle sex: similar to sexual inversion, Edward Carpenter believes gay men have a male body and a female temperament and vice versa for lesbians
  • Similisexualism or similsexualism: homosexuality
  • Intersexualitas


Popular in the 1950s and 1960s (and still occasionally used today, especially in writings by Anglican priests), the term homophile is an attempt to avoid the clinical implications of sexual pathology found with the word homosexual, emphasizing love (-phile) instead.

In Norway, the term is still widely used.

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Latest academic term

Not all terms have been used to describe same-sex sexuality is a synonym for modern-day homosexuality. Anna RÃÆ'¼ling, one of the first women to openly defend gay rights, considers gay people as the third sex, different from men and women. Terms such as gynephilia and androphilia have tried to simplify the language of sexual orientation by not making claims about individual gender identity itself. However, they are not commonly used.

Faggot (slang) - Wikipedia

Jargon and slang


There are slang languages ​​(sometimes known as cants) such as Polari in England, Swardspeak in the Philippines, Binan Language in Indonesia, and KaliardÃÆ'¡ (????????) in Greece.


The various terms of the LGBT slang have been used historically and contemporary within the LGBT community.

In addition to the stigma surrounding homosexuality, the term has been influenced by taboos around sex in general, resulting in a number of euphemisms. Gay people can be described as "like that", "kinda funny", "on the bus", "hitting for another team", "Dorothy's friend", or "wearing comfortable shoes" (for women), though such euphemisms become less common because homosexuality becomes more visible.

Harry Hay often states that in the 1930s the 1940s gays called themselves temperamental .


Source of the article : Wikipedia
