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History of Pennsylvania - YouTube

The History of Pennsylvania began in 1681 when William Penn received the royal charter from King Charles II of England, though human activity in the region preceded that date. The area is home to Lenape, Susquehannock, Iroquois, Erie, Shawnee, Arandiqiouia, and other American Indian tribes. Most of these tribes were expelled or reduced to remnants as a result of the disease that struck long before the invaders remained, such as smallpox. Pennsylvania was first colonized by Swedish and Dutch in the 17th century, before the British colonized colonies in 1667. In 1681, William Penn founded a colony based on religious tolerance; it was completed by many Quakers along with its main city Philadelphia, which was also the first planned city. By the mid-eighteenth century, the colonies attracted many German and Scottish-Irish immigrants

Pennsylvania played a central role in the American Revolution, and Philadelphia served as the nation's capital for most of the 18th century. It is the second most populous country in the country from the 18th century to the 20th century, and Philadelphia is the second most populous city in the country. Pennsylvania also expanded its borders to northwest, northeast and southwest Pennsylvania, and Pittsburgh grew to become one of the largest and most famous cities in America. The state played an important role in the Union's victory in the American Civil War. After the war, Pennsylvania grew into a Republican fort and a major manufacturing and transportation center. After the Great Depression and World War II, Pennsylvania moved into the service industry and became a swing state.

Video History of Pennsylvania

Pre-Columbian era

The history of Pennsylvania's human habitation extends to thousands of years before the founding of the Pennsylvania Province. Archaeologists generally believe that the first settlement in America occurred at least 15,000 years ago during the last glacial period, although it is not clear when humans first entered the area known as Pennsylvania. There is an open debate in the archaeological community about when ancestors of Native Americans flourished on two continents to the end of South America, with possibilities ranging between 30,000 and 10,500 years ago. The Meadowcroft Rockshelter contains early signs of human activity in Pennsylvania, and possibly all of North America, as it contains remnants of civilization that existed more than 10,000 years ago and may have existed long ago in Clovis culture. With 1000 C.E., Unlike their nomadic hunter-gatherer ancestors, the natives of Pennsylvania have developed farming techniques and mixed food economics.

The best information we have detailing the prehistory of Pennsylvania comes from a mixture of oral & amp; archeology, which encourages records that are known to return another 500 years, or more. Before Iroquois was pushed out of the St. Lawrence, PA seems to have been populated mainly by Algonquians & amp; Siouans. We know from archeology that Monongahela has a much larger area at that time & amp; The Iroquois Book of Rites shows that there is a Siouan along the southern shore of Lake Erie as well. Iroquois collectively called them Alligewi (Adegowe written better), or Mound Builders. It is said that this is where the term Allegheny comes from (Adegoweni). Two migration groups of Iroquoians move through Iroquois-related groups that spread westward along the Great Lakes & amp; a Tuscarora-related group that follows the beach straight south. The Eries is the next one to break away from Iroquois & amp; may have once held a northwestern PA. A branch of them across Ohio & amp; fight back the ancient Monongahela, but later merged with Susquahannocks to form an expanded single territory. (The Europeans then say they use the term White Minqua & Black Minqua to distinguish their ancestors from each other.) All other Iroquoian tribes, Petun, are believed to be Huron related and enter the area after, sandwiched between Eries & amp; Iroquois.

At the time of European colonization in America began, some indigenous tribes of America inhabited the area. Lenape speaks in Algonquian, and inhabits an area known as Lenapehoking, which is composed largely of New Jersey state, but incorporates many surrounding areas, including eastern Pennsylvania. Their territory ends somewhere between Delaware & amp; Susquehanna River, within the country boundary. Susquehannock speaks Iroquoian and runs an area stretching from New York to West Virginia, which goes from the area around the Susquehanna River to Allegheny & amp; Monongahela Rivers (roughly parallel to modern Pittsburgh). They were both affected by European disease and constant warfare with some European neighbors and groups, then began to go far beyond finances such as Hurons & Iroquois blocked them from continuing to Ohio during the Beaver War. When they lose numbers and land, they leave much of their western area and move closer to the Susquehanna River & Iroquois & amp; Mohawk to the north. The northwestern part of the Allegheny River is Petun Iroquoian, which is known primarily for their vast tobacco plantations, although this is believed to be a complete fabrication. They split into three groups during the Beaver War - New York Empire, Wyandot of Ohio & amp; Tiontatecaga from the Kanawha River in southern Western Virginia. (Their size is much larger than previous estimates proved by Kentatentonga used on the map of Jean Louis Baptiste Franquelin, a name known to Petun, showing them with PA boundary with 19 villages destroyed & amp; use of Tiontatecaga, mimicking the real name of Petun , Tionontati) South Alleghany River, allegedly, a nation known as Calicua (probably Kah-dee-kwuh), or Cali. They may be the same as Monongahela Culture & amp; very little is known about them, except that they are probably the Siouan culture. Archaeological sites of this period in this region are scarce and very few historical sources even mention it - most of these sources only come from people who meet with Calicua merchants further east in Allegheny.

Initially, a tribe known as Trokwae is said to have settled among the most western Susquehannock, along the Ohio River. They may be the same as Tockwogh, the small Iroquoian tribe of the Delmarva Peninsula (In many Iroquoian languages ​​that survive, 'r' silent.). They are, however, not survivors of Beaver Wars. During that time, the powerful Mohawks broke away from Iroquois Confederacy & amp; four other tribes - Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga & amp; Oneida - starts attacking into Ohio, destroying the Petun & amp; other tribes, then Erie. Then, after their war with Susquehannock ended in the 1670s, they pushed straight south from New York and began attacking other Virginia tribes. In the end, the French pushed Iroquois back to the Ohio-PA border, where they were finally convinced to sign a peace treaty in 1701. They sold much of their remaining land and extended it to England, but kept a large section along the Susquahanna River for themselves, which they allow refugees from other tribes to settle in cities, such as Shamokin - like Lenape, Tutelo, Saponi, Piscataway & amp; Nanticoke, just a few names. Around the beginning of the French-Indian War, the British Ambassador to Iroquois, William Johnson, was able to improve the relationship between Iroquois & Mohawk & amp; the nation reunited. In the 1750s, refugee tribes were relocated to New York, where they were roughly rearranged along cultural lines into three new Tutelo, Delaware & amp; The Nanticoke tribe of the Iroquois Confederation. In the 1680s, due to conflict with the sons of William Penn resulted in Purchases of Walking & amp; after the British conquered the New Dutch colony, the majority of Lenape was moved to northeastern Ohio, shortly before the territory was conquered by France.

Other tribes will pass through, like the first Shawnee, after they broke away from the Algonquian Virginian tribe along the east coast. They soon joined other tribes in Ohio, Kentucky & amp; West Virginia to form a large confederation that ruled much of the eastern Ohio River Valley until the War of Shawnee in 1811-1813. Like other Native Americans, Native Americans in Pennsylvania suffered heavy losses in disease-induced populations after the beginning of the Colombian Exchange in 1492. Monongahela culture in southwestern Pennsylvania suffered heavy losses that were almost extinct by the time Europeans arrived in the region in the century -17.

Maps History of Pennsylvania

Initial colonization

Long-term European exploration in America began after the 1492 expedition of Christopher Columbus, and the 1497 expedition of John Cabot is credited with discovering the continent of North America to Europeans. European explorations in North America continued in the 16th century, and the area now known as Pennsylvania was mapped by the French and labeled L'Arcadia, or "wooded beaches", during Giovanni da Verrazzano's journey in 1524 Even before the large-scale European settlement, Native American tribes in Pennsylvania were involved in trade with Europeans, and feather trade was the main motivation for European colonization in North America. The feather trade also sparked wars among Native American tribes, including the Beaver War, which saw Iroquois Confederacy rise in power. In the 17th century, the Netherlands, Sweden, and England all competed for southeastern Pennsylvania, while France expanded to western Pennsylvania.

In 1638, the Swedish Empire, which later became one of the great powers in Europe, established the New Sweden colony in the territory of the current Mid-Atlantic countries. The colony was founded by Peter Minuit, a former governor of New Netherland, who founded a feather trade colony over Dutch objections. New Sweden extends to modern Pennsylvania, and is centered on the Delaware River with the capital at Fort Christina (near Wilmington, Delaware). In 1643, New Swedish Governor Johan BjÃÆ'¶rnsson Printz founded Fort Nya Gothenburg, the first European settlement in Pennsylvania, on the island of Tinicum. Printz also built his own home, The Printzhof, on the island.

In 1609, the Dutch Republic, in the midst of the Dutch Golden Age, commissioned Henry Hudson to explore North America. Shortly thereafter, the Dutch established a New Dutch colony to benefit from North American feather trade. In 1655, during the Second Northern War, the Dutch under Peter Stuyvesant seized New Sweden. Although Sweden never again controlled the land in the area, some Swedish and Finnish colonies remained, and with their influence came the first wooden cabin in America.

The British Empire established the Virginia Colonies in 1607 and the adjacent Maryland Colonies in 1632. Britain also claimed the Delaware River watershed based on the explorations of John Cabot, John Smith, and Francis Drake. The British named the Delaware River for Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr, Governor of Virginia from 1610 to 1618. During the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1667), England controlled the Netherlands (and Sweden) ownership in North America. At the end of the Third Dutch-British War, the 1674 Treaty of Westminster permanently asserted British control over the territory.

After the journey of Giovanni da Verrazzano and Jacques Cartier, the French established a permanent colony in New France in the 17th century to exploit North American feather trade. During the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, France expanded New France in present-day Eastern Canada to the Great Lakes region, and colonized the area around the Mississippi River as well. The new France expanded into western Pennsylvania in the 18th century, when the French built Fort Duquesne to defend the Ohio River valley. With the end of the Swedish and Dutch colonies, France became the last rival for Britain to dominate the territory that would become Pennsylvania. France is often allied with Spain, the only remaining European power with ownership in the continent of North America. Beginning in 1688 with King William War (part of the Nine-Year War), France and Britain were involved in a series of wars for domination over North America. The war continued until the end of the French and Indian Wars in 1763, when France lost New France.

History of Pennsylvania - Wikipedia

Colonial Period

On March 4, 1681, Charles II of England gave the Pennsylvania Province to William Penn to complete  £ 16,000 (approximately  £ 2,100,000 in 2008, adjusting for retail inflation) to the king's debt to Penn's father. Penn established an exclusive colony that provided a place of religious freedom for the Quakers. Charles named the colony Pennsylvania ("Penn forest" in Latin), after the elder Penn, whom Penn deemed a shameful young man, because he feared people would think he had named the colony itself. Penn landed in North America in 1682, and established the colonial capital, Philadelphia, in the same year.

In addition to British Quakers, Pennsylvania attracted several other ethnic and religious groups, many of whom escaped persecution and religious wars. Welsh Quaker completed extensive land in north and west Philadelphia, where it is now called Montgomery, Chester, and Delaware County. This area is known as the "Welsh Tract", and many towns and cities are named for a point in Wales. The reputation of religious freedom and religious tolerance also attracts significant populations of German, Scottish-Scottish, Scottish, and French thinkers. Many settlers adored the Christian brand that their country's government did not like; Huguenot, Puritan, Catholic, and Calvinist all migrated to Pennsylvania. Other groups, including Anglicans and Jews, migrated to Pennsylvania, while Pennsylvania also had a significant African-American population in 1730. In addition, some Native Americans live in the area under their own jurisdiction. Swedish and Dutch colony settlers taken over by the British continue to live in the region.

To grant the new provinces access to the oceans, Penn has leased the ownership rights of King Charles II's brother James to the Duke of York to the "three lower districts" (now the state of Delaware) on the Delaware River. In Penn's Frame of Government of 1682, Penn establishes a joint assembly by providing equal membership from each region and requires legislation to obtain the consent of the Lower and Upstream States. The meeting place for the service flies between Philadelphia and New Castle. In 1704, following a dispute between the upper and lower districts, the lower districts began to meet in separate assemblies. Pennsylvania and Delaware continued to share the same royal governor until the American Revolutionary War, when Pennsylvania and Delaware became states.

Penn died in 1718, and succeeded as the owner of the colony by his son. While Penn has won the respect of Lenape for his honest dealings, Penn's son and agent are less sensitive to the concerns of Native Americans. Purchase Walking 1737 expands the colony, but causes a decline in relations with Lenape. Pennsylvania continued to expand and settle in areas to the West until the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which banned all settlers from settling on the western side of the Appalachian Mountains. Meanwhile, Philadelphia became an important port and trade center. The University of Pennsylvania was established during this period, and Benjamin Franklin founded various other organizations such as the American Philosophical Society, the Union Fire Company, and the Pennsylvania Abolition Society. At the beginning of the American Revolution, Philadelphia was the largest city in the United Kingdom of North America.

The western part of Pennsylvania lies between the disputed territory between the British and French colonies during the French and Indian Wars (the North American component of the Seven Years' War). France has established many enriched sites in Pennsylvania, including Fort Le Boeuf, Fort Presque Isle, Fort Machault, and Fort Duquesne, which is very important, located near the current Pittsburgh location. Many Indian tribes are allied with France because of their long trade history and their opposition to the expansion of the British colonies. The conflict began near the location of Uniontown, Pennsylvania when a Virginia militia company under George Washington command ambushed French troops at the Battle of Jumonville Glen in 1754. Washington withdrew to Fort Necessity and surrendered to the larger French troops in the Battle of Fort Necessity. In 1755, the British sent Braddock Expedition to capture Fort Duquesne, but the expedition ended in failure after England lost the Battle of Monongahela near Braddock, Pennsylvania. In 1758, the British sent the Forbes Expedition to capture Fort Duquesne. France won the Battle of Fort Duquesne, but after the battle, the losing French forces destroyed Fort Duquesne and withdrew from the area. The battle in North America largely ended in 1760, but the war continued until the signing of the Paris Treaty in 1763. The British victory in the war helped secure the Pennsylvania border, as Ohio State was under British formal control. Although the New France is no more, the French will face their British enemies as a major blow in the American Revolution by helping cause the rebels.

During the French and Indian Wars, Pennsylvania settlers experienced attacks from Indian allies from France. The settlers' requests for military aid were blocked by a power struggle in Philadelphia between Governor Robert Morris and the Pennsylvania Assembly. Morris wants to send military troops to the border, but the Assembly, whose leadership includes Benjamin Franklin, refuses to provide funds unless Morris approves the collection of property taxes, a large channel still owned by the Penn family and others. The dispute was finally settled, and military aid was sent, when the owners of his property sent 5,000 pounds to the colonial government, provided that it was considered a free gift and not a down payment on tax.

Shortly after the end of the French and Indian Wars, Indians sought to expel Britain from the Ohio state in the Pontiac Uprising. The war, which began in 1763, sees a fierce battle in western Pennsylvania. The indigenous troops were defeated in the Battle of Bushy Run. The war lasted until 1766, when Britain was at peace. During the war, the king passed the Proclamation Law. The action bans Americans from every settlement west of the Appalachians, and reserves the territory for Native Americans. The battle between Native Americans and Americans in Pennsylvania currently continues in the War of Lord Dunmore and the Revolutionary War. Native Americans ceased to pose a military threat to European settlers in Pennsylvania after the end of the Northwest Indian War in 1795.

By the middle of the 18th century, Pennsylvania was essentially a middle-class colony with limited respect for the small upper classes. A writer in the Pennsylvania Journal in 1756 concluded:

People from this Province are generally of the medium Sort, and are currently pretty much on the Level. They are the most industrious farmers, Artificers or Men in Trade; they enjoy in the likes of Freedom, and the most evil of them thinks he has the right to Courtesy of the greatest. - Image

The American Revolution and the early administration

The Pennsylvania population generally supported public protests for all 13 colonies after the Proclamation of 1763 and the Stamp Act was passed, and Pennsylvania sent a delegation to the Stamp Act Congress in 1765 Philadelphia held its first and second Continental Congress, the latter of which resulted in the adoption of the Declaration of Independence at Independence Hall in 1776. Pennsylvania was the site of several battles and military activities during the American Revolution, including the George Washington crossing of the Delaware River, the Battle of Brandywine, and the Battle of Germantown. During the Philadelphia campaign, George Washington's rebel forces spent the winter of 1777-78 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. In 1781, the Confederate Budget was written and adopted in Philadelphia, and Philadelphia continued to function as the capital of a young state until the redemption of Pennsylvania in 1783. The predominant Pennsylvanians who supported the Revolution included Benjamin Franklin, John Dickinson, Robert Morris, Anthony Wayne, James Wilson, and Thomas Mifflin. However, Pennsylvania is also home to many Loyalists, including Joseph Galloway, William Allen, and Doan Outlaws.

Following the general election in May 1776 returning the old guard to the office, the Second Continental Congress encouraged Pennsylvania to summon the delegates together to discuss a new form of government. The delegation met in June in Philadelphia, where events (signing the Declaration of Independence) immediately took over the efforts of the council members to control the delegates and the outcome of their discussions. On July 8, participants voted for delegates to write the state constitution. A committee was formed with Benjamin Franklin as chairman and George Bryan and James Cannon as prominent members. The Convention announced a new constitution on 28 September 1776 and called for a new election.

The 1776 elections changed the old councilors out of power. But the new constitution has no governor or upper house legislature to provide an examination of popular movements. It also requires a test oath, which makes the opposition not take over the office. The Constitution calls for unicameral councils or parliaments. The executive authority rests at the Highest Executive Board whose members are appointed by the assembly. In the 1776 elections, the radicals controlled the Assembly. In early 1777, they voted for the executive council, and Thomas Wharton, Jr. was named the President of the Council. This Constitution was never officially adopted, so the government was ad-hoc until a new constitution could be written fourteen years later.

In 1780, Pennsylvania passed a law governing the gradual abolition of slavery, making Pennsylvania the first state to pass an act to abolish slavery (although Vermont had previously abolished slavery). Children born after that date to slave mothers are considered legally free, but they are bound in indentured slavery to their master's mothers until the age of 28. The last slaves were recorded in the state in 1847.

Six years after the adoption of the Confederate Budget, delegates from across the country met again at the Philadelphia Convention to form a new constitution. Pennsylvania ratified the US Constitution on December 12, 1787, and was the second country to do so after Delaware. The Constitution came into force after eleven countries ratified documents in 1788, and George Washington was inaugurated as the first President of the United States on March 4, 1789. After the passage of the Residence Law, Philadelphia again served as the nation's capital. from 1790-1800, before the capital was permanently moved to Washington, DC Pennsylvania ratified the new state constitution in 1790; the constitution replaces the executive council with bikameral governors and legislatures.

Grove City, PA History | Grove City Country Club - Golf Grove City, PA

Westward expansion and land speculation

The Pennsylvania border took the definitive form in decades before and after the Revolutionary War. The Mason-Dixon line sets the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland, and then expanded to serve as a border between Pennsylvania and Virginia (except for what is now the northern western part of Virginia). Although some settlers propose the formation of the Westsylvania state in the area that now contains Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania maintains control of the region. The first agreement of Fort Stanwix and the Fort McIntosh Agreement saw Native Americans unleash claims in southwestern Pennsylvania today. The Treaty of Paris (1783) granted the independence of the United States, and also saw Great Britain submit its land claims in adjacent Ohio State, although much of this region eventually became a new state under the provisions of the 1787 Northwest Ordinance. In both the Fort Stanwix, Pennsylvania Treaties Pennsylvania northwest of the Iroquois League. The New York-Pennsylvania border was founded in 1787. Pennsylvania bought the Erie Triangle from the federal government in 1792. In 1799, the Pennamite-Yankee War ended, as Pennsylvania kept control of the Wyoming Valley despite the presence of settlers from Connecticut.

After the United States government granted land to Revolutionary War soldiers for military service, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed a land law in general on April 3, 1792. The government allowed the sale and distribution of the remaining remaining land to the east and west of the Allegheny River. in the hope of sparking a vast expanse of territory. The process is an uneven affair, prompting much speculation but little settlement. Most of the veteran soldiers sell their stocks that do not look below market value, and many investors are finally destroyed. The East Allegheny District consists of lands in Potter, McKean, Cameron, Elk, and Jefferson County, at a time when the tracts are worthless. The district of West Allegheny consists of land in the territory of Erie, Crawford, Warren, and Venango, a relatively good investment at the time.

Three large land companies participated in the subsequent land speculation. Holland Land Company and its agent, Theophilus Cazenove, acquired 1,000,000 acres (4,000 km 2 ) from Allegheny East district land and 500,000 acres (2,000 km 2 ) from West Allegheny land from Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice James Wilson. The Pennsylvania Population Company and its President, Pennsylvania State Comptroller General John Nicholson, control 500,000 acres (2,000 km 2 ) land, mostly in Erie County and Beaver Valley. The North American Land Company and its patron Robert Morris own land in Pennsylvania but most are in New York, the former Iroquois region.

The Whiskey Rebellion, based in Western Pennsylvania, was one of the first major challenges for the new federal government under the United States Constitution. From 1791-1794, peasants rebelled against excise taxes on distilled spirits, and prevented federal officials from collecting taxes. In 1794, President George Washington led a military force of 15,000 troops to West Pennsylvania to stop the insurgency, and most of the rebels returned before major militia troops arrived.

Historical Maps of Pennsylvania

Beginning of the 19th century

Pennsylvania, one of the largest countries in the country, has always had the second largest vote of voters from 1796 to 1960. From 1789 to 1880, the state chose only two defeated presidential candidates: Thomas Jefferson (1796) and Andrew Jackson (in the 1824 general election unusual). The Democratic-Republican Party dominated the country for most of the First Party System, as the Federalists experienced little success in the country after the 1800 election. Pennsylvania generally supported Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party in the Second Party System (1828-54), although Whig won several elections in the 1840s. and 1850s. The Anti-Masonic party was probably the most successful third party in Pennsylvania, as he chose the only third party Pennsylvania governor (Joseph Ritner) and several congressmen in the 1830s.

Some Pennsylvanians fought in the War of 1812, including Jacob Brown, John Barry, and Stephen Decatur. Decatur, who served in both Barbary Wars and Quasi-War, was one of the first post-American war heroes of war. Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry earned the title of "Lake Erie Hero" after building a fleet in Erie, Pennsylvania and defeating England at the Battle of Lake Erie. Pennsylvanians like David Conner fought in the Mexican-American War, and Pennsylvania raised two regiments for war. Pennsylvania Congressman David Wilmot earned a national reputation for Wilmot Proviso, which would prohibit slavery in territories obtained from Mexico.

Philadelphia continues to be one of the most populous cities in the country, and it is the second largest city after New York for most of the 19th century. In 1854, the Act of Consolidation consolidated Philadelphia's city and district. The Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences and the Franklin Institute were established during this period. Philadelphia serves as the home of the Bank of North America and its successors, First and Second Banks of the United States, all of which serve as the central bank of the United States. Philadelphia is also home to the first stock exchanges, museums, insurance companies, and medical schools in the new country.

Settlers continue to cross the Allegheny Mountains. Pennsylvanians build many new roads, and the National Road cuts Southwest Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania also saw the construction of thousands of rail miles, and the Pennsylvania Railroad became one of the largest railway lines in the world. Pittsburgh grew to become an important city in Western Alleghenies, although the Great Fire of Pittsburgh destroyed the city in the 1840s. In 1834, Pennsylvania completed construction on the Main Line of Public Works, a railway and canal system that stretches across southern Pennsylvania, connecting Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. In 1812, Harrisburg was named the state capital, providing a more central location than Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania had established itself as the country's largest food producer in the 1720s, and Pennsylvania farming had a "golden age" from 1790 to 1840. In 1820, agriculture provided 90 percent of jobs in Pennsylvania. Agricultural equipment manufacturers are popping up all over the state because inventors around the world are pioneering new tools and techniques, and Pennsylvanians like Frederick Watts are part of a scientific approach to farming. Farmers in Pennsylvania lost some of their political power when other industries emerged in the state, but even in the 2000s agriculture remained one of Pennsylvania's major industries.

In 1834, Governor George Wolf signed the Free School Act, which created a state regulated school system. The State created the Ministry of Education to oversee these schools. In 1857, the Normal School Law laid the groundwork for the establishment of normal schools to train teachers.

Some Pennsylvania politicians get a national reputation. Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania serves as the country's first House of Representatives. Albert Gallatin served as Minister of Finance from 1801-14. Democrat James Buchanan, the first and only US President of Pennsylvania, served in 1857 and served until 1861.

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Civil War

Before and during the Civil War, Pennsylvania was a divided state. Although Pennsylvania has banned slavery, many Pennsylvanians conservitarians believe that the federal government should not interfere with the institution of slavery. One such person is Democrat James Buchanan, the last pre-Civil War president. Buchanan's party generally won the presidential election and the gubernatorial election in Pennsylvania. However, the first New Republic Republican convention took place in Philadelphia, and the 1860 election saw Republicans win the presidential election of state and governor's office. After the failure of Crittenden Compromise, Southern separation, and the Battle of Fort Sumter, the Civil War began with Pennsylvania as a key member of the Union. Despite Republican election victory of 1860, Democrats remained strong in the country, and several "copperheads" called for peace during the war. The Democrats again regained the state's legislative power in the 1862 election, but the ruling Republican Governor Andrew Curtin retained the governor's control in 1863. In the election of 1864, President Lincoln narrowly defeated the native Pennsylvania, George B. McClellan for state elections.

Pennsylvania is the target of several attacks by the State Confederate Army. J.E.B. Stuart made cavalry attacks in 1862 and 1863; John Imboden was invaded in 1863 and John McCausland in 1864, when his troops burned down the town of Chambersburg. However, easily the most famous and important military involvement in Pennsylvania is the Battle of Gettysburg, which is considered by many historians as the major turning point of the American Civil War. The battle, called "the high water mark of the Confederacy," was a great union victory in the Eastern theater of war, and the Confederacy was generally defensive after the battle. Dying from this battle at Gettysburg National Cemetery, was established at the Location of the Gettysburg Abraham Lincoln. A number of smaller engagements also occurred in the state during the Gettysburg Campaign, including the battles of Hanover, Carlisle, Hunterstown, and Fairfield.

Pennsylvania's Thaddeus Stevens and William D. Kelley emerged as prominent members of the Radical Republican Party, a group of Republicans who advocated winning the war, abolishing slavery, and protecting African-American civil rights during the Reconstruction. The Pennsylvania generals who served in the war included George G. Meade, Winfield Scott Hancock, John Hartranft, and John F. Reynolds. Governor Andrew Curtin strongly supported the war and urged his fellow governors to do the same, while former Pennsylvania Senator Simon Cameron served as War Secretary before his dismissal.

Pennsylvania Dutch Family History, Genealogy, Culture and Life ...

Post Civil War to Roaring Twenties

After the Civil War, Republicans exercised strong control over politics in the country, as Republicans won almost every election during the Third Party System (1854-1894) and the Fourth Party System (1896-1930). Pennsylvania remained one of the most densely populated states in the Union, and the country's large electoral elections helped Republicans dominate the presidential elections from 1860 to 1928. Only once during that period did Pennsylvania elect a non-Republican presidential candidate (the only one the exception was former President of the Republic Theodore Roosevelt in 1912). Republicans were almost as dominant in the election of the governor, as Robert E. Pattison was the only non-Republican to win the election as governor between 1860 and 1930. In the 1870s, Pennsylvanians embraced the constitutional reform movement that swept across states, and Pennsylvania ratified the new constitution in 1874. The state created the lieutenant governor's office and made the office of state auditor and state treasurer an elective office. The governor of Pennsylvania extended to four years, but the governor was banned from serving two terms in a row.

The Republican Party of Pennsylvania is led by a series of bosses, including founder Simon Cameron, his son J. Donald Cameron, Matthew Quay, and Boies Penrose. Quay in particular was one of the dominant political figures of his era, when he served as chairman of the Republican National Committee and helped put Theodore Roosevelt on 1900 Republican tickets. Following Penrose's death in the 1920s, no boss dominated the state party, but the Pennsylvania Republican Party continued significantly stronger than the Democrats until the 1950s. Although party bosses dominate politics, Republicans also have a reform movement that challenges the power of the bosses. Many Pennsylvanians support the Progressive movement, including Philander C. Knox, Gifford Pinchot, and John Tener. Several new state institutions were established during this time, including the Department of Welfare and the Ministry of Labor and Industry. Pennsylvanians twice dismisses state constitutional amendments that will grant women the right to vote, but the state is one of the first to ratify the Nineteen Amendment, which gives women the right to vote nationally.

The era after the Civil War, known as the Gilded Age, saw the continued growth of industry in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is home to some of the largest steel companies in the world, when Andrew Carnegie founded Carnegie Steel Company and Charles M. Schwab founded Bethlehem Steel Company. Other industry giants, such as John D. Rockefeller and Jay Gould, also operate in the state. In the second half of the 19th century, the US oil industry was born in western Pennsylvania, which supplied most of the kerosene for many years thereafter. As Pennsylvanian's oil fever develops, oil boom cities, like Titusville, rise and fall. Coal mining is also a major industry in the state. In 1903, Milton S. Hershey began construction at a chocolate factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania; The Hershey Company will be the largest chocolate producer in North America. The Heinz Company was also established during this period. These large corporations have had a profound influence on Pennsylvania politics; as Henry Demarest Lloyd, oil baron John D. Rockefeller "has done everything with the Pennsylvania legislature except fix it." Pennsylvania created the Highway Department and was involved in a major road building program, while the railroads continued to see heavy usage.

Industrial growth ultimately provides middle-income income to working-class households, after union development helps them earn living wages. However, the rise of trade unions led to the emergence of trade unions, with some private police forces emerging. Pennsylvania was the site of the first documented attack in North America, and Pennsylvania underwent the 1877 Railway Attack of 1877 and the Coal Attack of 1902. Finally, eight hours a day was adopted, and "coal and iron police" were banned.

During this period, the United States was the destination of millions of immigrants. Earlier immigration was mostly from western and northern Europe, but during this period Pennsylvania experienced heavy immigration from southern and eastern Europe. As many new immigrants are Catholic and Jewish, they change the demographics of big cities and industrial estates. Pennsylvania and New York received many new immigrants, who entered through New York and Philadelphia and worked in emerging industries. Many of these poor immigrants take up jobs in factories, steel mills, and coal mines across the state, where they are not limited due to lack of English. The availability of work and the public education system help integrate millions of immigrants and their families, who also maintain an ethnic culture. Pennsylvania also experienced the Great Migration, where millions of African Americans migrated from the southern United States to other locations in the United States. In 1940, African-Americans accounted for nearly five percent of the state's population.

Even before the Civil War, Pennsylvania has emerged as a center of scientific discovery, and the country, led by its two main urban centers, continues to be a major innovation spot. The state continues to innovate, as Pennsylvanians invented the first iron and steel t-rail, iron bridge, air brake, signal switching, and retractable metal cable. Pennsylvanians also contribute to advances in the production of aluminum, radio, television, aircraft, and agricultural machinery. During this period, Pittsburgh emerged as an important center of industry and technological innovation, and George Westinghouse became one of the leading inventors in the United States. Philadelphia is one of the leading medical centers in the country, although it no longer rivals New York City as a financial capital. Frederick Winslow Taylor pioneered the field of scientific management, becoming the first "efficiency engineer" in America. In 1910, Chicago had passed Philadelphia as the second most populous city in the United States, while Pittsburgh rose to eighth place after annexing Allegheny.

Education continued to be a major problem in the state, and the state constitution of 1874 guaranteed an annual appropriation for education. The presence of the school became mandatory in 1895, and in 1903, the school district was asked to have their own high school or pay for their residents to attend other secondary schools. The two largest public schools in Pennsylvania were founded in the mid to late 19th century. The Pennsylvania State University was founded in 1855, and in 1863 the school became a Pennsylvania land grant university under the terms of the Grant-Grant Morrill Act. Temple University in Philadelphia was founded in 1884 by Russell Conwell, originally as a night school for working-class citizens. Other schools, such as Bucknell University, Carnegie Mellon University, Drexel University, Duquesne University, La Salle University, Lafayette University, Lehigh University, Saint Francis University, Saint Joseph University, and Villanova University were also established in the early 20th and early 20th centuries. The Western University of Pennsylvania has been in operation since 1787, but the school changed its name to the University of Pittsburgh in 1908. In addition, Carlisle Indian Industrial School was founded in 1879 as a flagship Indian boarding school.

Thousands of Pennsylvanians volunteered during the Spanish-American War, and many Pennsylvanians fought in a successful campaign against Spain in the Philippine Islands. Pennsylvania was an important industrial center in World War I, and the state provided more than 300,000 troops to the army. Pennsylvanians Tasker H. Bliss, Peyton C. March, and William S. Sims all held important command during the war. After the war, the country suffered the effects of Spanish Flu.

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The Great Depression and World War II

Like many other countries, the Democrat Party is far more successful in Pennsylvania during the Fifth Party System than in the previous two-party system. The Great Depression finally broke the key to Republican rule in the state, when Democrat Franklin Roosevelt won the Pennsylvania election vote in all three of his election campaigns. Roosevelt was the first Democrat to win the state voters vote since James Buchanan in 1856. In 1934, Pennsylvania chose Joseph F. Guffey to the Senate and George Earle III as governor; the two individuals were the first Democrats elected in office in the 20th century. Earle, with the help of the Democratic legislature, passed a "Little New Deal" in Pennsylvania, which included several reforms based on New Deal and loosening Pennsylvania's strict Blue law. However, Republicans regained power in the state in the 1938 election, and the Democrats would not win another election governor until George M. Leader's candidacy succeeded in 1954.

Earle signed the State Authority Act of Pennsylvania in 1936, which would purchase land from the state and added improvements to the land by using state loans and grants. The State expects to receive federal grants and loans to fund projects under the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal. The Pennsylvania High Court, in Kelly v Earle, found that the law violates the state constitution. This prevents the state from receiving federal funds for Job Progress Administration projects and makes it difficult to bring down very high unemployment rates. Pennsylvania, with a large industrial workforce, suffered greatly during the Great Depression.

Pennsylvania produced 6.6 percent of the total US military arsenal produced during World War II, ranked sixth among 48 states. The Philadelphia Naval Yard serves as an important naval base, and Pennsylvania produces important military leaders such as George C. Marshall, Hap Arnold, Jacob Devers, and Carl Spaatz. During the war, over one million Pennsylvanians served in the armed forces, and more Medals of Honor were given to Pennsylvanians than to individuals from other countries.

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Post-war to present

Republican keys in Pennsylvania were permanently damaged in the post-World War II era, and Pennsylvania became a somewhat less powerful country in terms of voter elections and the number of seats in the House. Pennsylvania adopted the fifth and current constitution in 1968; the new constitution establishes an integrated judicial system and allows elected governors and elected officials throughout the state to serve two consecutive periods. Between 1954 and 2012, each side consistently won two direct gubernatorial elections before handing over control to the other party. In the presidential election, the Republican Party won Pennsylvania in seven of eleven elections between 1948 and 1988, but the Democrats have won the state in every presidential election from 1992 to 2012. When Democratic presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey won the Pennsylvania election vote in 1968, the first non-Republican since 1824 to win the Pennsylvania vote without winning the presidential election. After the second largest voter vote since the 18th century, Pennsylvania was defeated by voting votes by California in 1964. Texas and Florida also now have more voting votes, while New York also has more voting votes and Illinois has the same number of voters. (and a slightly larger population). In 2014, Pennsylvania is generally regarded as an important swing state in presidential and congressional elections, and Pennsylvania has Cook PVI of D 1. Since the 1990s, Republicans typically controlled both legislative assemblies, while candidates from both parties have been elected in offices governor, lieutenant governor, public prosecutor, treasurer, and general auditor. Democrats generally win cities and Republicans winning rural areas, with suburbs opting for both sides and often acting as the main swing area.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
