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Scylla - Wikipedia

In Greek mythology, Scylla ( SIL -? ; span lang = "grc" title = "Old Greek Text"> ?????? , pronounced [ ská½? la] , Skylla ) is a monster that lives on one side of a narrow aqueduct, as opposed to its Charybdis counterpart. Both sides of the strait are within reach of each other's arrows - so close that sailors are trying to avoid Charybdis going past Scylla and vice versa.

Scylla made her first appearance in Homer Odyssey, where Odysseus and her crew met her and Charybdis on their way. Then the myth gives him the origin story as a beautiful nymph that turns into a monster.

The Strait of Scylla's residence is associated with the Messina Strait between Italy and Sicily, for example, as in Book Three Virgil Aeneid . The idiom "between Scylla and Charybdis" has meant being forced to choose between two equally dangerous situations.

Video Scylla


The Scylla family varies according to the author. Homer, Ovid, Apollodorus, Servius, and scholar at Plato, all Crataeis names as Scylla's mother. Neither Homer nor Ovid mentions a father, but Apollodorus says that the father was Trienus (Triton?) Or Phorcus (Phorkys variant), as well as Plato scholiast, possibly following Apollodorus, giving father as Tyrrhenus or Phorcus, while Eustathius to Homer, Odyssey 12,85, giving the father Triton.

Other writers have Hecate as Scylla's mother. The Hesiodic Megalai Ehoiai gave Hecate and Phorbas Scylla's parents, while Acusilaus said that Scylla's parents were Hecate and Phorkys (as well as schol. Odyssey 12.85).

Perhaps trying to reconcile this conflicting account, Apollonius of Rhodes says that Crataeis is another name for Hecate, and that he and Phorcys are Scylla's parents. Likewise, Semos of Delos ( FGrHist 396 F 22) says that Crataeis is the daughter of Hecate and Triton, and Scylla's mother by Deimos. Stesichorus (myself) calls Lamia the mother of Scylla, probably Lamia who is Poseidon's daughter, while according to Hyginus, Scylla is a descendant of Typhon and Echidna.

Maps Scylla


According to John Tzetzes and Servius's commentary on Aeneid , Scylla is a beautiful naiad claimed by Poseidon, but the jealous Amphitrite turns him into a monster by poisoning the spring water in which Scylla will bathe..

A similar story is found in Hyginus, according to whom Scylla is loved by Glaucus, but Glaucus himself is also loved by the witch Circe goddess. While Scylla was bathing in the sea, a jealous Circe poured a very bad concoction into the sea water that caused Scylla to turn into a frightening monster with four eyes and six long winding necks equipped with a horrible head, each containing three sharp shark lines tooth. His body is made up of 12 feet like tentacles and a cat's tail, while six dog heads surround his waist. In this form, he attacked ships passing through the sailors, grabbing one of the crew with each head.

In Greek myth, recorded in Eustathius's commentary on Homer and John Tzetzes, Heracles met Scylla during a trip to Sicily and killed him. His father, the Phorcys sea god, then applied the torch to his body and returned it to life.

Homer Odyssey

In Homer Odyssey XII, Odysseus was advised by Circe to sail closer to Scylla, as Charybdis could drown his entire ship: "Ghost of Hug Scylla - sailing past him - top speed! Better so far to lose six and keep your ship from losing your entire crew. "He also told Odysseus to ask Scylla's mother, Crashe River Craphis, to prevent Scylla from pouncing more than once. Odysseus managed to navigate the strait, but when he and his crew were interrupted for a moment by Charybdis, Scylla grabbed six sailors off the deck and gobbled them alive.

"... they wriggle panting as Scylla swung them onto the cliff and there in his mouth, he locked it raw -
screaming, throwing their hands at me,
lost in that mortal struggle. "

Ovid's Metamorphosis

According to Ovid, the god of a fisherman who turns into a sea, Glaucus fell in love with the beautiful Scylla, but he was repulsed by a siren form and fled to a cape where he could not keep up. When Glaucus went to Circe to ask for a love potion that would win Scylla's affection, the enchantress himself became captivated by it. Met without success, Circe becomes very jealous of his rival and therefore prepares a bottle of poison and pours it into a pool of water where Scylla regularly takes a bath, turning it into terror even for himself.

"Vain he volunteered to run

And dragged about him what he was trying to avoid. "

The story was later adapted into a five-act tragic opera, Scylla et Glaucus (1746), by French composer Jean-Marie Leclair.

Keats' Endymion

In the loose junk of John Keats's Ovid version of the Scylla and Glaucus myths in Book 3 of Endymion (1818), the evil Circe does not turn Scylla into a monster but just kills a beautiful nymph. Glaucus then took his corpse to the crystal palace at the bottom of the ocean where the lie of all the lovers who had died in the sea lay. After a thousand years, he was resurrected by Endymion and reunited with Glaucus.

File:Peter Paul Rubens - Scylla et Glaucus.JPG - Wikimedia Commons


At the Carolingian Corvey in Westphalia, a unique ninth-century fresco illustrates, inter alia, the Odysseus battle with Scylla, an illustration not mentioned elsewhere in medieval art.

In the Renaissance and beyond, the story of Glaucus and Scylla captured the imaginations of painters across Europe. In Agescino Carracci's 1597 fresco cycle of The Loves of the Gods at Farnese Gallery, both are shown embracing, a conjunction not approved by myth. A more orthodox version shows the girl moving away from the loving arm of the god, as in the oil on copper paintings of Fillipo Lauri and the oil on canvas by Salvator Rosa at the Musà © e des Beaux-Arts de Caen.

Other painters describe them divided by their own soil and water elements, as in the Flemish BartholomÃÆ'¤us Spranger (1587), now in the Museum Kunsthistorisches, Vienna. Some add detail from Cupid aimed at the god of the sea with his bow, as in the paintings of Laurent de la Hyre (1640/4) at J. Paul Getty Museum and Jacques Dumont le Romain (1726) in Musa © e des beaux-arts de Troyes. Two cupids can also be seen fluttering around Scylla who escaped in the final painting scene by J. M. W. Turner (1841), now at the Kimbell Art Museum.

Peter Paul Rubens points to a time when the first scared Scylla began to change, under Glaucus's gaze (circa 1636), while the painting by Eglon van der Neer 1695 in the Rijksmuseum showed Circe poisoning water when Scylla prepared to bathe. There are also two Pre-Raphaelite treatments from the last scene by John Melhuish Strudwick (1886) and John William Waterhouse ( Circe Invidiosa , 1892).

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File:Peter Paul Rubens - Scylla et Glaucus.JPG - Wikimedia Commons


  • Apollodorus, Apollodorus, The Library, with English translation by Sir James George Frazer, F.B.A., F.R.S. in 2 Volume. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1921. Online version at Perseus Digital Library.
  • Apollonius of Rhodes, Apollonius Rhodius: Argonautica, translated by Robert Cooper Seaton, W. Heinemann, 1912. Internet Archive
  • Campbell, David A., Greek Lyrics III: Stesichorus, Ibycus, Simonides, and Others , Harvard University Press, 1991. ISBNÃ, 978-0674995253.
  • Fowler, R. L., First Greek Myth: Volume 2: Comments , Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0198147411.
  • Gantz, Timothy, First Greek Myth: A Guide to Literary and Artistic Sources , Johns Hopkins Press University, 1996, Two volumes: ISBN 978-0-8018-5360-9 (Vol 1) , ISBN 978-0-8018-5362-3 (Vol 2).
  • Hanfmann, George MA, "Scylla of Corvey and Her Ancestors" Dumbarton Oaks Papers "Study of Art and Archeology in Honor of Ernst Kitzinger in the Seventy- Birthday Fifth "(1987), pp.Ã, 249-260. Hanfman collects literary and visual testimonies of Classical and Christian Scylla, from Mesopotamian origins to real subjects, ninth-century wall paintings at Corvey Abbey.
  • Hyginus, Gaius Julius, Hyginus Myth . Edited and translated by Mary A. Grant, Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1960.
  • Mostly, G.W. (2007), Hesiod: The Shield, Catalog, Other Fragments , Loeb's Classical Library, no. 503, Cambridge, MA, ISBNÃ, 978-0-674-99623-6 . English translation by confronting the Greek text; consider many scholarships recently.
  • Ogden, Daniel (2013). Drakon: Dragon Myth and Serpent Cult in the Greek and Roman Worlds . Oxford University Press. ISBNÃ, 9780199557325
  • Stesichorus, in Greek Lyrics, Volume III: Stesichorus, Ibycus, Simonides, and Others . Edited and translated by David A. Campbell. Loeb Classical Library 476. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991.
  • Virgil, Aeneid . Translated by Frederick Ahl: Oxford University Press, 2007.

A Classic a Day: Glaucus and Scylla

External links

  • Theoi Project, Skylla - a reference in classical literature and ancient art.
  • Scylla Image on Classic artifact
  • Ã, Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Scylla and Charybdis". EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica . 24 (issue 11). Cambridge University Press. p.Ã, 519

Source of the article : Wikipedia
