Soundwave is the name of a fictitious character that appears in various Transformer continuity in the Transformers superhero robot franchise. Its most famous transformation is the microcassette recorder. Throughout his incarnation, he was a faithful loyal lieutenant of the Decepticon Megatron leader. He is Megatron's eyes and ears and, in some interpretations, speaks only when mocking the Autobots.
Video Soundwave (Transformers)
Transformer: Generasi 1
Soundwave is one of the most recognizable characters of the original Transformers line, because of its alternate mode - the microcassette recorder - and its distinctive, computerized monotonic sound.
Soundwave is capable of detecting and transmitting across the entire energy spectrum, a talent that makes it suitable for its position as Decepticon Communication Officer. In addition, he has a photographic memory thanks to the large data storage capacity of the magnetic disks in his chest compartment, and he is armed with laser cannons mounted on his shoulders and a concussion. Soundwave is physically stronger than most Transformers. The alternative form - which involves a clear mass loss - is that of a deck world deck. In the recording compartment, which became his chest in robot mode, he kept a variety of Decepticon spies, all of which took the alternative form of microcassette. These spy characters include Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Ratbat, Rumble, Frenzy, Slugfest, and Overkill, all under the command of Soundwave in the original television series. Squawktalk and Beastbox are additional cassette characters under Soundwave control in the US toyline, which is never featured in cartoons.
Soundwave tapes are quick to serve and defend Soundwave in a crisis, and generally relate to it as a servant or even a pet. However, when Ratbat's tape became the leader of the Decepticons in the Marvel Comics series, Soundwave completely shifted its trademark loyalty from Megatron to him. In the Dreamwave comic, Ratbat leads the Ultracons faction, while Soundwave remains with the Decepticons led by Shockwave, although in continuity these events occur before Ratbat takes the form of a cassette. In the IDW comic, in the pre-war era, Cybertron Soundwave served as a personal assistant to Ratbat, who was a Senator at the time, but Soundwave's true fidelity was at Megatron. When the time came for him and Starscream to slay the Senate, he enslaved Ratbat by granting him a smaller and weaker cassette body to him.
According to X-Entertainment Soundwave is the figure of the top 8 Transformers of all time.
animated series
In the cartoons of Transformer - his most prominent role in fictional Transformers - Soundwave is Megatron's right-hand robot, often sent on important surveillance missions with his tapes, and often plays a key role in many schemes against the Autobots. At Cybertron, he uses his ability to transform into roadside fixtures to spy on the Autobot Iacon city, studying the Autobots plan to seek energy in another world. Joining in Megatron's attack on the Autobots (known as Ark in the Marvel Comics series at the time), Soundwave falls to the same fate as the rest of the ship's inhabitants as the plane crashes in the prehistoric Earth, luring everyone inside the stasis. Soon after the Transformers were awakened on Earth in 1984, Soundwave played an important role in the formation of the energy cube and the formation of plans for the new spacecraft to restore the Decepticons to Cybertron.
Later, he uses his mind reading talent to obtain an antimatter formula for the Decepticons of Chip Chase's brain. He and his cassette minions often perform spy missions against the Autobots.
One of Soundwave's most famous mischiefs came in 1985, when, operating a plan conceived by Starscream, he brainwashed humans with ultrasonic vibrations, leading to confrontations with his Autobot Communications Officer, Blaster, and for a lasting rivalry between the two.
Soundwave rarely displays a lot of emotion, rarely showing any traits that can be considered in accordance with the technological specifications. However, he showed distress when one of his tapes was wounded in battle, and he always appeared as being very loyal to Megatron, even going so far as to recover his body after being beaten near death by Optimus Prime at the Autobot City battle in 2005. But while Soundwave is loyal, he is far from outspoken, and remain silent when Megatron's body is subsequently expelled into space, and although he suggests himself as the successor leader ("Soundwave: superior Constructicons: inferior."), Soundwave again faithfully serves Megatron when he was reformatted as Galvatron.
In 2006, despite operating in a less prominent capacity for most of the time, Soundwave played an important role in Galvatron's attempt to learn the secrets of sonic weapons on the planet Eurythma, where sound and music are a way of life, leaving Waves of sound mesmerized by the perfect melody of the planet. Recording every piece of harmony that makes up a devastating sonic effect, Soundwave was defeated when Eurythmans replied to harmony with white noise, and was once again drawn into a confrontation with Blaster, which erased the recording.
Soundwave is performed by Frank Welker, whose voice is highly modulated by the vocoder to achieve the sound monotone typical of Soundwave. However, Welker's voice was left unmodulated at certain points during the episodes "Roll for It" and "Webworld" due to production errors.
Although Soundwave appears only as a background character in the American cartoon series, the three parts of The Rebirth, it returns to the forefront of the new Japanese-exclusive series, Transformers: The Headmasters, was created to replace The Rebirth . Reincarnated as Soundblaster ( Soundwave New in English and Vizar in Italian) Incarnation of new toys Soundwave is, like the series, only available in Japan.
In 2011, the Soundwave and Blaster rivalries have increased dramatically. In the opening and pushing of the Headmaster Soundwave and Blaster were involved in their last clash in the Arctic Circle when the Autobots and Decepticons were in the process of searching for the missing Missile Leadership Matrix. Both opponents inflicted fatal damage to each other, and Soundwave's body exploded even when Blaster collapsed. Soundwave fragments found by the tapes. Using the reconstructive technology of the Master planet, the leader of the Decepticon Headmasters, Zarak managed to rebuild and awaken Soundwave and renamed it Soundblaster - essentially identical to him before, except for his dominant black color scheme. As a Soundblaster, he serves the same role as he as Soundwave under the leadership of Galvatron and then Scorponok, often initiating spy missions with Ratbat.
He also has a father-son relationship with tapes, hence it is hinted at his resurrection as 'Soundblaster'.
A flashback in episode 5 of Beast Machines, "Forbidden Fruit", shows Soundwave's (1) Soundwave (or close resemblance) shot dead while helping Maximal Nightscream escape the Vehicon drone tank. His appearance in the series is somewhat obscure because the Autobots and the Decepticons were replaced by Maximals and Predacons, 300 years after The Great War.
Soundwave appears in the following books:
- The 1984 sticker book and Return to Cybertron were written by Suzanne Weyn and published by Marvel Books. Strangely, he was mistakenly described as an Autobot.
- The 1985 Find your Fate Junior book named Dinobots Strike Back by Casey Todd.
- The 1985 Find your Fate Junior book titled Battle Drive by Barbara Siegel and Scott Siegel.
- The 1985 Transformers audio books Thunder Attack , Megatron's Fight For Power , Autobots Fight Back , Laserbeak's Fury > and Satellite of Doom , as well as Galvatron's Air Attack from the 1986 series.
- The 1985 audio story Sun Raid .
- 1986 story and The Lost Treasure of Cybertron by Marvel Books.
3H Enterprises
He also appeared in Furman written Achieving Omega Point , as one of the Transformers legends (along with Optimus Prime, Megatron and Grimlock) who came to help the Optimus Primal troop against Predacon/Unicron hybrid Shokaract, for Primus to face a fatal blow.
Devil Satan Publishing
In Devil's Due running G.I. Joe vs Transformers comic book miniseries, Soundwave is one of the Transformers captured by the cruel terrorist Cobra Organization, when they discovered the Ark. Installed by Destro, Soundwave is meant to be a battlefield communications station, but when he and the other Decepticons are finally out of control, he is damaged in battle with the Autobots and his parts are captured by the US Government for study. From the data bank, Android SerpentO.R. download information about the history of Cybertron, use it to advance the goal of the Decepticon conquest. This shows that his pre-Earth shape is similar to his Dream With War Within form.
Dreamwave Productions
In Dreamwave imagination in the 21st century on the continuity of Generation 1, Soundwave was recruited into Decepticons 9 million years ago through Megatron underground gladiator game, and became head of communications. When the new Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, was chosen, Soundwave was sent along with Insecticons and Ravage, to try to kill him and restore the Matrix Autobot of Leadership to Megatron, but they failed, forcing Megatron to face Optimus personally.
Even in the face of such a failure, and then Megatron's disappearance in the initial space bridge experiment, Soundwave's loyalty to the Decepticon causes never waver, as he remains loyal to the faction under the leadership of Shockwave.
As in most other continuities, the story continues in a traditional way, with Soundwave being a member of the Nemesis crew attacking Ark and sent to stasis when the plane crashed on Earth, waking back in 1984 After years of fighting on Earth, eventually the combined forces of the Autobots and their human allies were able to defeat and capture the Decepticons. The goal is for the Autobots to take their enemies back to Cybertron on a new ship named Ark II , but just as the ship clears the atmosphere, it explodes, a victim of intrigue by Shockwave, who does not want Prime and Megatron back to Cybertron.
Soundwave's body fell back to Earth in the Arctic, where it was inactive for several years, until rogue military scientist Adam Rook, calling himself "Lazarus," restored and reactivated him, placing him under his control with a program he had developed while studying Transformers before their explosive departure. Some Autobots and Decepticons fall into the same fate, and must be sold on the black market - Soundwave itself is on display by being sent to attack Smitco Oil Refinery with some other Transformers - but when Megatron frees himself, Soundwave is immediately freed by his leader and takes a position by his side.
When Shockwave arranged the capture and extradition of Prime and Megatron forces as war criminals, Soundwave was among the captives, but when Starscream dumped Megatron into space on the way back to Cybertron, Soundwave made the best of a lot of bad and teamed up with Starscream to return to Earth and conquer it, reunite with Ratbat in the process. Heading back to Earth on a kidnapped Sky Lynx and with Combaticons now being added to their ranks, the Decepticons attack Ark in hopes of getting a part to make Nemesis amazing again, however Soundwave, Skywarp and Thundercracker was defeated and thrown at brig Ark '. When Combaticons, combined as Bruticus, were put into the ship, they were released.
Not long after that Megatron is still alive in contact with Soundwave from space, and Soundwave is too willing to return to his service, preparing Starscream to fall before Megatron when he returns. And again, Megatron did - but the bankruptcy and closure of the Dreamwave left countless untold stories.
Soundwave also appeared on Dreamwave Transformers/G.I. Joe series as one of the Decepticons discovered by Cobra at the beginning of World War II. Turned into a radio, it is disabled in series' close by Grimlock. Although Dreamwave's collapse precluded the completion of the second series, released art and information revealed that Soundwave would be involved in the conclusion of the series.
Fun Publications
Based on the Transformers Classics toy line, the 2007 Timelines story is set 15 years after the end of the Marvel Comics story (ignoring all Marvel UK and Generation 2 comic events). Megatron survived the Ark's collision on Earth, reformatting itself into a new form and now leading Astrotrain, Laserbeak, Ramjet, Ravage, Skywarp, Soundwave, Starscream, and Constructicons. Optimus Prime also returns to Earth to rule Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Grimlock, Jetfire, Mirage and Rodimus (formerly Hot Rod). When Cybertronians Skyfall and Landquake arrive on Earth Megatron suddenly tries to destroy them, but Optimus Prime and his Autobots are able to repel Megatron.
Soundwave was among the Megatron troops when Megatron defeated Deathsaurus in battle for the Decepticons leadership and when Megatron invaded Iacon with his new weapon, Devastator.
IDW Publishing
Soundwave's first chronological appearance in the publishing world of IDW Publishing Generation One is in the prequel miniseries, The Transformers: Megatron Origin . In the story, Soundwave works for Senator Ratbat, who is interested in the rising gladiator, Megatron. Ratbat sent Soundwave to offer arms to Megatron and his followers. Soundwave also helped Megatron with the interrogation of the Autobot soldiers, Bumper. Soundwave was then jailed along with Megatron and others when the Prime Sentinel forces captured them, but were released by Ratbat. When Megatron's plan sprang up, Soundwave assists the massacre of the Autobot Senate Starscream. He then faces Ratbat and forcibly extracts his Spark for implantation in one of his Cassette bodies. Alternate Soundwave mode appears to be a communications vehicle with a tank footprint.
Sometime later, Soundwave was part of a conference called Thunderwing scientist at The Transformers: Stormbringer, where he refused to accept the Thunderwing findings that Cybertron was dying. Around the same time period he has captured a Beachcomber and implanted it with a cerebro-shell, having a traitor who would not release his Blaster opponent number into space (in Spotlight Blaster) to demoralize the Autobots before the Decepticon offensively.
The Soundwave story then resumed in his own one-shot Spotlight, where he was a self-serving and ridiculous self-serving Decepticon affair agent. Soundwave was sent by Megatron to oversee the Bludgeon investigation in the Shockwave lab. However, he is silent about Bludgeon's obsession with the Regenesis project, thinking he can turn it into his advantage. Following him to Earth in 1984, Soundwave monitored Bludgeon's attempt to harvest Ultra Energon and confront him after he got it. Horrified to learn that they did not plan to use it in power games but to revive Thunderwing (which previously destroyed Cybertron), Soundwave attempted to stop them but was stuck in stasis-lock in cassette player mode. It was revealed in the epilogue that two young people were considered buying him at a pawn shop in 2007.
In Transformers: Escalation # 1, Optimus says there is evidence that Soundwave has been present in Earth history. Nevertheless, it does not reappear until it releases # 4 from The Transformers: Devastation , where, still trapped in cassette player mode, it interferes with Skywatch controls on Laserbeak and Ravage.
Soundwave also emerged as one of the Decepticon forces, serving under Starscream beyond the Transformers: Evolutions tale "Hearts of Steel". He appears as one of Starscream's lieutenants. He may be devastated when John Henry and Bumblebee divert the Decepticon train convoy into the abyss.
Marvel Comics
Like most Decepticons original players in 1984, Soundwave played a much smaller role in the Marvel book series than he did in cartoons. He quietly and efficiently served faithfully, first under Megatron (even sending Ravage and Insecticons to thwart the talks between the Autobots and Ronald Reagan at one point in 1985 Transformers UK yearly), then under Shockwave, attacking aerospace construction plant whose amenities used to build Constructicons, which then built a large radio antenna that Soundwave used to send messages back to Cybertron.
Continuing to operate under Shockwave, Soundwave then moved to serve Ratbat, and headed the Buenos Aires defense against the Empower-Defense Starscream with Fortress Maximus, only to end up disabled by criminals.
Unlike many others disabled by Starscream, Soundwave will appear again, under the Scorponok command. Throughout the US comics, Soundwave is purple instead of the more distinctive blue, and is also often drawn with a visible mouth.
Meanwhile, across the Atlantic Ocean in England, a sister degree from the American series is also produced. It reprinted American stories, but because it was released in a weekly schedule (as opposed to monthly), it soon began to run out of material for reprint. He chose to create his own original stories at the time, who deftly wove in and out of the ongoing American storyline. Under the author of Simon Furman, Soundwave - blue is a sizable player, depicted in a way much more consistent with his profile - that a manipulator and blackmailer, reading other people's thoughts and using their secrets for his own purposes, is always working towards his own goal.
When Megatron and Shockwave both believed the deceased, he took over the leadership of Decepticons during the Optimus Prime Crisis of Command and then the story arc, to manipulate events to weaken the Autobot leadership and cause maximum victims. When the two commanders returned and competed for the Decepticons leadership, he turned the situation into his own advantage by working on both sides of the field. He also enjoyed a rare victory in this period when he, Dirge and Kickback took over the NASA complex in an attempt to contact Cybertron with deep space radio equipment. Autobots arrived, but a series of miscommunications between Prowl and Jetfire resulted in transmissions being sent, allowing Decepticons to claim victory.
Towards the end of the British series, the storyline begins apart from the ongoing continual American continuity, which includes the exploitation of the proactive Autobot Earthforce . In these stories, Soundwave sells Decepticon secrets to both Decepticons Autobots and Shockwave groups. Wildrider was blamed for this intelligence leak, and Soundwave secretly let him be killed rather than be found. After Starscream successfully removed Megatron and Shockwave from power, he and Soundwave entered into leadership alongside the Decepticons.
The # 279 edition of the Marvel UK Transformers comic shows a story titled "Divide and Conquor!" where Soundwave leads most of the Decepticon forces on Earth against the Earthforce Autobot headquarters while Starscream attack oil tankers. Sent to battle by Prowl, Dinobots directed the main Decepticon forces while Springer led the Autobot Survivors, Broadside, Inferno, Skids, and Carnivac to defeat Starscream.
Soundwave achieved Decepticons leadership in the future world of 2008, following the death of Shockwave (who had seized power when Galvatron traveled back in time). Soundwave led its Decepticons era back to 1989 to participate in the War of Time when the structure of reality began to collapse, but when the conflict came to their heads back to their own time. Because it was then established that the damage occurring at a time flow might have resulted in their future being erased from the timeline, the ultimate fate of the future Soundwave is unknown.
Soundwave returns to the United States Transformer comic book page for the relaunch of this series as Transformer: Generation 2 . He participated in Decepticon attacks on Earth, and oversaw damaged Darkwing reconstruction into a new, stronger form.
Like many of the other 1st Generation Decepticons, Soundwave seems to be returning to command positions on Megatron's return (killing Bludgeon in the process).
Soundwave made an appearance in the Decepticon style under Megatron's command in the # 7 edition of the Marvel Generic 2 series of comics, in a story called "New Dawn." Megatron led his Decepticons against the second generation Cybertronian Jhiaxus near the moon Tykos. The Decepticons were defeated and Megatron left the wound, allegedly killed, but vowed to take revenge.
He was on top of Warworld when Jhiaxus's troops attacked, but managed to flee. His fate in the Generation 2 comic series beyond this point is unknown.
Soundwave will also play a brief but important role in the text novel, Alignment , author Simon Furman takes what happens after the Transformers: Generation 2 comic series ends. He was the one who restored Megatron's broken body after a duel with Galvatron. Furthermore, he is the culprit of the conspirators (along with Ravage, Ramjet and Direwolf) who gave some of their spark energy to raise Megatron in a stronger body, allowing him to defeat the power of Liege Maximo. After Megatron executed the Decepticon High Council storing the Shrapnel, Soundwave once again acted as the second Megatron commander and coordinated a strike against Maximo with Ultra Magnus. His fate outside is unknown, except for a brief cameo in Beast Machines.
Sound waves as depicted in the Marvel Universe tend to be the most intellectual and philosophical of the Decepticons. He was shocked by the outrage of Megatron and Shockwave who fought in hand to hand the battle for the leadership of the Decepticons, especially as the whole spectacle was being broadcast on live television for human entertainment by Robo-Master. When the Autobots and the future Decepticons join and repel the Cybertron alien invasion he begins proposing an enduring ceasefire to Ultra Magnus but stops himself, observing that too much has happened between the 2 factions and their differences can not be reconciled.
Comics TFcon
Soundwave appeared on voice actor TFcon 2009 playing Be Bee for, Bee now .
Other appearances
A parody of Transformers Generation 1 aired in the December 23, 2008 episode of Frank TV , called "Frank the Halls". In the story, Optimus Prime and his Autobots (Bumblebee, Jazz and Wheeljack) against Megatron and his Decepticons (Soundwave and Starscream) when Optimus runs out of gasoline. Optimus gets angry with gas prices, steals fuel from the annoying Autobot Prius Maximus hybrid, and joins the Decepticons in destroying the city.
Soundwave appeared in the episode of Toy Meets Girl's "Toy Meets Girl" episode voiced by Seth Green. He is portrayed as having retired from the Decepticon forces and getting an honest job as portable portable toilets. Frank Welker repeated his role of Soundwave (as well as Megatron but not Rumble) when he reappeared in another episode of Robot Chicken Werewolf vs. Unicorn where in recent years it was revealed that because of the audio tapes and the cassette player cassettes have long been obsolete and therefore no longer widely used, that his spy tactics are now not working (those who found him in the drama were laughing at his mixtape that Rumble killed by their puling tape). He was later discovered by Megatron and Shockwave would be sold on eBay with the option to bid for $ 500 or "Buy now" for 1000 dollars, where Shockwave exclaimed " Ask for permission to buy now! " The Commemorative Soundwave figure used in "Werewolf vs. Unicorn."
Soundwave made a cameo appearance in "The Courtship of Stewie's Father" episode of The Courtship of Stewie's Father as Peter's new superintendent. In it, Soundwave released a framed photograph of the cassette deck cavity, himself and a human woman named Denise, whom Soundwave preached was his wife, whom he met in a Christian chat room. Soundwave also appeared on episode Sealab 2021 "Hail, Squishface" as a toy on an Asian girl's cart, which sells Capt. Murphy Gloop, from The Herculoids show.
A music video featuring Soundwave and robots similar to Rumble and Frenzy named Lazer (though pure white) breakdance has appeared all over the Internet since 2000. This video contains audio clips from both animated series and The Transformers: The Movie with music.
A character named Soundwave - but has nothing to do with the original character - was released as part of the Beast Wars Mutant sub-line in 2000. As a Mutant, Soundwave is transformed from bat to crocodile, without humanoid mode. Because of his homemade radar in bat mode, and destroys his jaw in crocodile fashion, he excels in missions. However, because of the situation, Soundwave is a dark and bitter character. It has an ultra-sensitive internal radar in bat mode, and in crocodile mode, its tail can transmit seismic shock waves through the ground.
IDW Publishing
This Soundwave version also appears in the Animals War of IDW Publishing: The Gathering miniseries. Activated on Earth by Magmatron and a group of Predacons from the future, Soundwaves and mutants emerge from their stasis pods and take up residence in the swamps that they quickly make themselves. When the newly activated Predacon group led by Transquito roam through a swamp on a mission, they are attacked by Mutants. Poison Bite attacks the Retrax, Soundwave attacks Powerpinch and Icebird attacks Transquito. Deciding the swamp was not worth their life, Scourge and Insecticon fled. However, in "The Ascending" it was revealed that Powerpinch, Transquito and Retrax survived.
IDW's Beast Wars Sourcebook series identifies the mutant Soundwave as a former fighter who may have become a veteran of the Great War, although details are unclear. Sourcebook # 4 states that Soundwave became an actor/entertainer after the ratification of Pax Cybertronia, developing "dramatic talent in everything from motion to paternal speech".
Company 3H
In Transformers: Universe - The Wreckers Mutants go to Cybertron and look for Oracle computer guidance, look for a cure for their condition. What they do not know is that Oracle is under the influence of Quintessons. Mutants are sent to the outer Orion Cluster. Once there they are captured by Quintessons, found in contempt by a five-faced alien, and destroyed in attack by a bunch of Sharkticons.
- Beast Wars Deluxe Mutant Soundwave (2000)
- Although the toy line of Beast Wars ended in 1998, this sub-line was released in Beast Machines era. Although these numbers do not have robot modes, they all feature vestigial robot components - such as the Soundwave robot head, hidden inside the mouth of a bat. A re-deco of a figure known as Leatherneck is meant to be released in Transformers: Universe , but to no avail.
- This figure is based on an image by Hasbro Tim Bradley's designer. Transformer: Cybertron Transformer: Cybertron
- Cybertron Voyager Soundwave (2005)
- First genuine respect for the original Soundwave in modern times, Cybertron toys did not turn into a tape deck, but a slick alien alien warrior. Beyond this, however, the nod to many original characters, from the design of his head, the multi-barreled shoulder shoulder to his open chest door, activated by his Cyber ​​Key. Soundwave comes with a new incarnation of Laserbeak, which turns into a battery bomb that can be stored in the Soundwave chest compartment. This toy has changed color to Universe Blaster. The toy is based on the F-117 Nighthawk.
- Galaxy Strength Voyager Soundblaster
- Black painting Soundwave, allegedly named Soundblaster, was released exclusively in Japan through Takara's "Toy's Dream Project" series. But this Soundblaster is a separate character from Soundwave.
- Cybertron Legends Soundwave (2006)
- A Soundwave micro class is released in the third wave of the Legends of Cybertron toy line. It came without Laserbeak. In 2007, an exclusive target store value package of four Cybertron Voyager class toys was released. These include Jetfire, Megatron, Optimus Prime, and Soundwave. All identical to their original release.
- Animated Soundwave Deluxe with Laserbeak (2008)
- Deluxe-sized figures are transformed into Scion xB-like vehicles. Bio Soundwave describes its alternate mode as an SUV, although Scion xB is actually a station wagon that resembles a small minivan. The most notable feature is that one of his "servants", Laserbeak, comes in the form of a Flying V-style electric guitar that turns into a bird. It can also be attached to the top of the vehicle mode or held like a guitar in robot mode. The upper body has the look of an old cassette player door, shaped as a nod to its G1 toy.
- Animated Deluxe Electrostatic Sound with Ratbat (2009)
- A gray redeco from Soundwave, which resembles G1 Soundblaster. Ratbat comes with this figure and turns into a keytar. Soundwave animation animator (2009)
- A Scout-sized figure with almost instant transformation just by pressing a button.
- Animated TA-16 Deluxe Soundwave (Takara Tomy) (2010)
- The 2010 Japanese version released Soundwave Deluxe by Takara Tomy sporting a metallic dark blue color, as opposed to Hasbro's matte version. Also bundled with TA-03 Voyager Ironhide (Sekat)).
- Animation TA-25 Soundblaster Activation (Takara Tomy) (2010)
- Redeco gray from the Soundwave Activator. Only available in Japan.
- Animation Deluxe Electrostatic Sound (Takara Tomy) (2010)
- Japanese release version
Source of the article : Wikipedia
In Transformers: Cybertron , the soundwave sound is changed. He is the second Transformer of the mysterious Planet X. He transforms into Planet X Jet (has a resemblance to a stealth bomber) and partnered with a smaller robot called Laserbeak ( Killer Condor in Japan) . In the English powers of this series, he has a synthesized voice, though more humane than his G1 counterpart, balanced by his tendency to speak like a modern disk jockey - using terms like " He got served " and " Peace, bot " and call the battlefield, " Floor ", giving him more personality than his G1 counterpart.
The bio package for Soundwave mentions that Planet X itself may be a total fraud, and that's actually the term agents use to refer to their services to Unicron. Although he and Sideways are survivors of dead civilization, they actually serve Unicron throughout space and time as heralds in taking over the new world to replace the previous loss of form.
Soundwave is armed with two cannons, and can hide behind the hologram while working with Laserbeak.
Animated series
Soundwave first made an appearance on the episode of Titan, offering to lead Megatron and his minions to the Gigantion planet, but in a scene featuring Sideways and Starscream on Atlantis, the purple cassette player with the Decepticon symbol is on the playing board of music to reduce the tension between two evil robots. It is unclear whether this is Soundwave or not, but it is interesting that it appears on "Titan" just a few episodes later. In his first encounter with the Autobots, he fought Optimus Prime and Wing Saber in their Sonic Wing mode and was able to hold him alone in battle until Megatron was defeated by the Metroplex and the Decepticons retreated.
Shortly after they arrived at Gigantion and there Megatron was upgraded to Galvatron, Soundwave left the Decepticons, and joined his partner, Sideways. During a battle with the Cybertron Autobot Defense Team, he reveals his world history, and how they want the Cyber ​​Planet Key â € <â €
Later, he and Sideways attempted to intervene in an epic battle between Galvatron and Starscream to claim Planet Keys and Omega Lock, only to be sent to another universe by the distortion caused by the conflicting two fighters.
However, Soundwave will appear later, when Starscream reaches out to Galvatron across dimensions, apparently stuck along with him and Sideways. However, Starscream seems to have returned by the series' end, which means that the same possibilities exist for both Sideways and Soundwave.
Soundwave is the only major transformer in the series that never calls its Cyber ​​Key. In the toy version, Cyber ​​Key opens the chest compartment to store Laserbeak or one of its two cannon. In his first appearance on the Autobots, Soundwave demonstrated the ability to do this without the help of Cyber ​​Key.
G1 Soundwave made a cameo appearance in the animated series as a blue boom box that Sideways used to listen to music.
Fun Publications
The Soundwave incarnation is one of the characters that appears on comic strips published exclusively through the Transformers Collectors Club, arriving on the planet itself to observe Vector Prime, Sentinel Maximus and Omega Prime after their defeat of Unicron heralds , Nemesis Prime and Ramjet, and the capture of the Dead Matrix. Sending Laserbeak to recover the Dead Matrix from its place in storage, Soundwave throws the amulet into a black hole that has been created by Unicron's collapse, allowing Spark Chaos Bringer to escape and infiltrate the planet Yst, which he breaks down and transforms into his new body. Soundwave will be in touch with his master, and witness the massacre of the Mini-Con civil war. However, when Unicron chose that moment to attack, Soundwave was attacked by several Mini-Cons, including Scythe and Perceptor. Unable to press the smaller Mini-Cons, Soundwave escaped with Unicron when Primus woke up.
Maps Soundwave (Transformers)
Transformer Cinematic Universe
Nearly from the Transformers live action film announced in 2007, producer Don Murphy and his production team explained that they did not want to show large-size changes in the transformation (excluding Allspark), due to concerns over realism. With this process an integral part of the alternative modes of Soundwave tape, there is some discussion about whether or not to change it due to its obsolescence, or to include characters in the movie altogether. It was announced by Hasbro at SDCC 2004 that the Soundwave movie would be a helicopter. Early leaked film scripts proposed that alternate modes were helicopters, but the animism featured on Comic Con 2005 was less acceptable. This led to rethinking, with the helicopter character finally renamed as Vortex, then finally Blackout. The 2006 script review called Soundwave as a spy boombox at Air Force One, capable of turning into a small robot, but eventually, the character was changed to Frenzy, with Don Murphy stating that Soundwave will be reserved for future sequels, until they can " correct". When the film was released on DVD, the special on-line content from Best Buy showed Blackout's initial animated recording as a blue helicopter with a head resembling Soundwave.
In the online fan poll of USA Today, Soundwave is one of the 10 Transformers fans want in a sequel, winning with 20% of the vote.
Soundwave appears in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen . Soundwave is a satellite in the movie, and he is also a Triple changer because he has a Cybertronian jet form as well. Soundwave is not visible in the form of robots in the movie. Frank Welker took on the role of his patron, and used his Doctor Claw's voice from the Inspector Gadget , which, when run through the vocoder, gave Soundwave its unique sound from the original animated series. The lack of this vocoder in the 2009 movie leaves sounds sounding more like a Doctor Claw than the original Soundwave. He has his Ravage minion to do his offer in the movie.
Soundwave also appeared on Transformers: Dark of the Moon, this time changed to Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG and with Laserbeak to serve it. Soundwave is armed with sonic cannon.
His Hasbro Battle Bio states that it is 22 feet tall and that its main weapon is a sonic cannon that can only be used in the atmosphere, because sound waves will not run in a vacuum.
IDW Publishing
In the # 4 edition of Transformers: Defiance, it was revealed that the reason Soundwave had believed to have died was because he was on the Decepticons ship that The Fallen was ordered, and that all his crew was missing on when Megatron sees an emergency signal radiating from the ship as he chases the Allspark.
Soundwave first appeared in issue # 2 of the Transformers: Alliance where it arrived at the crash site of Nemesis on Mars. There he found the head of Dreadwing, as well as Frenzy's body, then called Starscream and told him to show his voice. Starscream was shocked to hear from Soundwave, as he had believed dead for years. Soundwave deployed a number of his troops on Earth, leaving the others on his ship.
In the Tales of the Fallen <5 Soundwave, still in orbit after the 2009 movie event, someone's notice has re-activated Ravage.
Soundwave appeared on Transformers: Nefarious, # 1, set the month after the 2009 movie event. Bumblebee, Breakaway, Jolt, Knock Out and Dune Runner were sent to investigate fragments of flowers detected in the Royal Petrochemicals. Arrive Breakaway was first warned by Soundwave to leave, but did not want to give up on the Autobot quickly defeated. Bumblebee and his team fired on Soundwave, which blurred. In "Nefarious" # 2, Soundwave sends Dirt Boss, Reverb, and Brakedown to Wendover, Utah to find the "Initiative" facility. Soundwave then contacts Ravage to discover how he was resurrected. Later, he went on to help Reverb, Dirt Boss, and Brakedown, in a fight with the Autobots. After the battle with Optimus Prime, Soundwave convinces the Autobot leader to join temporarily, to find the "Initiative".
Movie plot
In Revenge of the Fallen , Soundwave spends its time hovering over the Earth in orbit. He received a message from Wheelie about Mikaela Banes who had a shard of Allspark and ordered her to take it. Picking up the satellites and hacking them, Soundwave cuts the information at the location of Megatron's corpse and Allspark shards. He spread his Ravage waiters to take a shard and sent Constructicons to meet at Megatron's resting place. After the death of Optimus Prime, Soundwave performs Megatron's orders to prepare the Decepticons for the Earth invasion. When coordinating the attack, Soundwave placed Sam Witwicky's parents in Paris, France, and called Judy Witwicky on her cell phone. He asks her to tell her where Sam is, but Judy does not take it seriously, trusts her as an obscene caller, and hangs up. He then intercepted a call from the Egyptian government at Sam's location, and informed the other Decepticons. Soundwave did not take part in the final battle, even though Ravage did it and was killed by Bumblebee.
In Dark of the Moon Soundwave has been revealed on Earth since the 1970s. He found the Autobot spacecraft, Ark on the Moon, and recruited various human employees from the US space agency and Russia to prevent further exploration after the landing of the early Moon, while he ordered the Decepticons to steal most of the pillars in aboard and hiding beneath the surface of the moon. In modern times he appears on the Megatron base in Africa, where he and Laserbeak reported the Autobot recovery from Sentinel Prime and the remaining pillars of the Ark collision . Megatron praised the Soundwave initiative in its long-term plan and ordered Laserbeak to kill their human allies. The only human ally that they did not kill, Dylan Gould, had Soundwave that disguised himself as Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG's boyfriend Sam, Carly, to approach the Autobots. She reveals herself and catches Carly after two humans learn of Gould's alliance with the Decepticons, and threatens her to convince Sam to find the Autobot plan. During the battle in Chicago, Soundwave and Barricade led several Decepticons in capturing some Autobots. Gould convinces Soundwave not to take prisoners, and Soundwave orders the others to execute their "trophies". After Que died, Soundwave prepared to kill Bumblebee himself, but a Decepticon war cruiser hijacked by Wheelie and Brains dropped a fighter near Soundwave, distracting him and allowing the Autobots to fight back. Bumblebee attacked Soundwave who tried to shoot him, but was confused among the destroyers and shoots other Decepticons. He throws Bumblebee, but Bumblebee then kills Soundwave by attaching his cannon to Soundwave's chest and firing up. This causes Soundwave's head to split, killing him instantly.
Cyber ​​Mission â € <â € <
In Cyber ​​Mission # 1 , Soundwave manages to infiltrate the NEST command base (in satellite mode, oddly enough), guarded by Bumblebee. Soundwave transforms and destroys the screen that projects Optimus Prime and involves Autobot. Bumblebee fired, but Soundwave sent him back to Bumblebee as a sonic boom. Bumblebee then fired a few more rounds with Soundwave in a panic trying to absorb all the bullets, but was eventually blown back. In Cyber ​​Mission # 2 , Bumblebee trapped Soundwave in a vacuum-sealed electromagnetic bubble, making its ability useless.
Video game
Like the movie, Soundwave coordinates the mission to a playable Decepticon. His voice now is a similar Vocoder mode from his G1 counterpart.
In Dark of the Moon, Soundwave is a playable character. He was ordered by Megatron to destroy Sector 7's nest base containing information about Sentinel Prime. Soundwave is one of the Decepticons that welcomes Shockwave at the end of the game in South Africa. He shows Shockwave Chernobly 3D hologram and the artifacts he has to recover. He transformed into a modified white SUV similar to the Cadillac SRX
In the Nintendo DS game Revenge of the Fallen: Decepticons, Grindor, Sideways, Soundwave, and Starscream greet the new Decepticon protoform and send it to the mission. Soundwave directs new protoform to survive on Earth.
In the downloadable content package for Xbox 360 and PS3, Soundwave is confirmed as a playable character. He may be based on a Deluxe toy.
In Transformers: Dark of the Moon: Stealth Force Edition for Wii and 3DS Soundwave is a playable character, and (as with the PS3/360 version) turns into a heavily modified Cadillac SRX.
In Transformers: War for Cybertron , Soundwave is a playable character by taking the alternate form of a cybertronian truck. It can be played at levels 3, 4 and 5 of the decepticon campaign and is the boss that the player must fight at autobot level 2. Like all the characters in the game he can be played in escalation mode, and the player must have his deceptive leader. looks like he's in multi-player mode. In the game, the standard weapon is a neutron assault rifle, although it has a ray of energy improvements at level 5 of a fraudulent campaign.
Soundwave appears in Transformers Animated as a modular music-based Decepticon, which specializes in sonic disorders. While the robot mode still retains its original tapedeck incarnation element, more so in the form of its toys, its alt-mode is now Scion xB with loudspeaker. He also has two supporters: Laserbeak, which turned into an electric guitar he used for the sonic bomb attacks, and Ratbat, which became keytar for use in sonic hypnosis. His voice, now supplied by Jeff Bennett in the United States and Nobuo Tobita in Japan, again requires a vocoder to create the sound monotone of the Soundwave robot sound.
animated series
Soundwave was originally a simple robot toy that Sari got for his birthday, built by Megatron as part of a plan to capitalize on Sari's reckless and repetitive use of his Allspark key to continuously improve the toy to function as a suitable body for Megatron. to organize. However, excessive use of keys to improve Soundwave causes unexpected side effects: Developing Cybertronian sophistication at an ever increasing rate to the point of being self-conscious to the point where it refuses to take orders from Sari (or any other human) anymore. By observing the robots of the general workers in the city, he concludes that not only robots are superior to humans in every way, but it does not make sense that robots are forced to surrender to their human masters, and should be otherwise.. At that time, Megatron introduced himself to Soundwave via television at a nearby electronics store as the creator of "sorts" to impose upon him his plans to destroy the Autobots. At first, Soundwave declared it illogical to fight the robot-type until Megatron insisted that they were traitors who upheld the enslavement of the human race of all robot-types, convincing Soundwave to finally side with the Decepticons in order to overthrow all humans and eliminate the protective robots they. He uses his tech-manipulation speakers to call all the nearby worker robots to transform him into his new Transformer body while using his stereo-system to trigger a robot revolution against their "human oppressors". All forms of public transport automatically stop and robots city workers jump over the Autobots when they appear on the scene. After failing to convince Bulkhead to join him and kill Sari on behalf of all the robot-types, it appears that Bulkhead destroys Soundwave with a single blow from his arm that breaks the ball, destroying his body into hundreds of sections. However, unknown Autobot, essentially persist, in the form of a small media player that is barely visible.
Soundwave is regenerated at Christmas time as former Vice President of Sumdac Systems Porter C. Powell, who has secured the original Soundwave patent when he is in charge of the company, is distributing several Soundwave toys during the Christmas season. Soundwave successfully reprogrammed some toys, using one to drive Autobots oil oil. With the Autobots now drugged and out of commission, Soundwave went on to take them to the basement where he tried to brainwash them to take his ideology as Decepticons by placing them in virtual programs in human form. However, the plan was briefly stopped by Sari's intervention efforts as well as the Autobots to learn the truth of where they are. Soundwave has a backup plan, using Laserbeak to force Sari backwards, then using Ratbat in keytar mode to complete the Autobots reform. Soundwave manages to place the Autobots under his control, and uses many replicas of his toys to control humans in Detroit. However, because of its techno-organic sari, it is immune to thought-control waves. Soundwave was defeated when Sari recruited the help of Scrapper, Snarl and Wreck-Gar against the brainwashed Autobots, and was destroyed along with Ratbat by Optimus using the Laserbeak guitar mode as an emergency ax. Although the Soundwave core remains intact, it is finally turned off by Sari before being rescued by Laserbeak. It is not known what became Soundwave after that.