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Roméo Dallaire Quote: “Those who are mastering more and more the ...

Lieutenant General Anton Anton Dallaire, (born June 25, 1946) is a Canadian, author and retired senator and general. Dallaire served as UNAMIR Force Commander, an ill-fated UN peacekeeping force for Rwanda between 1993 and 1994, and sought to stop the genocide being launched by Hutu extremists against the Tutsi and moderate Hutus. Dallaire is the founder of The RomÃÆ'Â © o Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative, a Senior Member at the Montreal Genocide and Human Rights Research Institute (MIGS) and Deputy Director of the Will to Intervene Project who released the policy recommendation report "Mobilizing Will to Intervene: Leadership and Action to Prevent Mass Cruelty. "

Video Roméo Dallaire

Early life and education

Dallaire was born in Denekamp, ​​Netherlands, to Staff Sergeant RomÃÆ'Â © o Louis Dallaire, a non-commissioner officer in the Canadian Army, and Catherine Vermaessen, a Dutch nurse. Dallaire came to Canada with her mother as a six month old baby in Empire Brent, landed in Halifax on December 13, 1946. She spent her childhood in Montreal.

He was enrolled in the Canadian Army in 1963, as a cadet at Le CollÃÆ'¨ge militaire royal de Saint-Jean . In 1970 he graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada with a Bachelor of Science degree and was assigned to The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery.

In 1971, Dallaire applied for a Canadian passport to travel abroad with his troops and was surprised to learn that his birth in Holland as the son of a Canadian soldier did not automatically make him a Canadian citizen. He later became a Canadian citizen.

Dallaire also attended the Canadian Army Staff and Command School, the US Marine Corps Command and Staff College at Quantico, Virginia, and the British High Command and Staff Course.

He ordered 5 e RÃÆ' Â © giment d'artillerie lÃÆ' Â © gÃÆ'¨re du Canada. On 3 July 1989, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. He then ordered 5 Canadian Mechanical Brigade Groups. He was also the commander of the CollÃÆ'¨ge militaire royal de Saint-Jean from 1989 to 1991.

Maps Roméo Dallaire


Original mission

In late 1993, Dallaire received his commission as Major General UNAMIR, United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda. The purpose of UNAMIR is to assist in the implementation of the Arusha Treaty, a peace treaty intended to end the Rwandan Civil War. The United Nations sought to negotiate with Hutus in the Rwandan army and with JuvÃÆ' Â © nal Habyarimana, a Hutu who was President at the time, and with a Tutsi represented by rebel commander Paul Kagame, who was President of Rwanda in September 2017 When Dallaire arrived in Rwanda, its mandate is to oversee the implementation of the agreement during the transitional period in which the Tutsi should be given a position of power within the Hutu government.

There were early signs that something was wrong when, on January 22, 1994, a French DC-8 plane landed in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, filled with ammunition and weapons for the Rwandan Army (FAR). (FAR is Hutu's army under Habyarimana's control.) Despite his telegram to the United Nations, Dallaire was not allowed to seize weapons, as this was considered an act outside his mandate at the United Nations. In addition to weapons shipments, troops from the Rwandan government began to examine identification cards identifying individuals as Hutu or Tutsi.


After the torture and murder of the ten members of the 2nd Command Battalion, Belgian troops, considered by Dallaire to be the most trained and well equipped, were withdrawn. Dallaire consolidates its contingent with Pakistani, Canadian, Ghana, Tunisia and Bangladesh soldiers in urban areas and focuses on providing "safe control" areas in and around Kigali. Much of Dallaire's efforts were to defend a particular area where he knew the Tutsi had to hide. Dallaire staff - including unarmed U.N. - often relying on US credentials to rescue the Tutsis, heading into Interahamwe's attack despite losing numbers and losing weapons. Dallaire's actions are credited with saving 32,000 lives directly.

Dallaire contributed greatly to the different contributors to their work. In his book, he gave the Tunisian and Ghanaian contingents high praise for their courageous and competent work. Ghana lost three peacekeeping troops.

End genocide

As the massacre continued and press reports of genocide flourished, the UN Security Council withdrew in its position and chose to establish UNAMIR II, with the force of 5,500 people in response to France's plan to occupy parts of the country. (The so-called Operation Turquoise, the presence of French troops, was initially opposed by Dallaire because France had a history of supporting Hutus and the Rwandan Armed Forces, and thus their presence would be opposed by Kagame and the RPF rebels.) It was not until early July, when RPF troops were under Kagame swept into Kigali, that the genocide ended. In August, the French had handed some of their country to the RPF, giving Kagame effective control of all Rwandans.

As expressed through testimony in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the genocide was brutally efficient, lasting for 100 days and leading to the killing of 800,000 Tutsi, moderate Hutus and Twa. More than two million people are internally displaced or in neighboring countries. The genocide ended when the Rwandan Patriotic Front took control of Rwanda on July 18, 1994, although criminal prosecution, retaliation and prosecution continued to this day.

Life after Rwanda

Upon returning to Canada from UNOMUR and UNAMIR, Dallaire was lifted into two commands simultaneously in September 1994: Army Commander of the Army Command (LFC) at Saint-Hubert, Quebec and Canada's 1st Commander. In October 1995, Dallaire took command of the Quebec Area Army command.

In 1996, Dallaire was promoted to the Chief of Staff and to the Assistant Assistant Group (Personnel) Group at NDHQ. In 1998, he was assigned to Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Military) and in 1999 was appointed Special Advisor to the Chief of Defense Staff on the Personnel Professional Development.

Dallaire suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and in 2000, attempted suicide by combining alcohol with his anti-depressant drug, a fatal combination that made him comatose. Dallaire is a vocal supporter raising awareness for the mental health of veterans.

In January 2004, Dallaire appeared in the International Criminal Court for Rwanda to testify against Colonel ThÃÆ' Â © oneste Bagosora. (Testimony is critical to the outcome of the trial and in December 2008 Bagosora was found guilty of genocide and for command responsibility for the murder of 10 Belgian Peacekeeping Forces The courtroom stated that: "it is clear that the killing of peacekeepers is part of a widespread and systematic attack "while at the same time stating that:" evidence indicates that this murder is not always part of a very coordinated plan. ") He then worked as Special Adviser to the Government of Canada on the War of Influential Children and the Prohibition on the Distribution of Small Weapons, as well as with international agencies with the same focus, including child labor. He was a major proponent of Institutionalism concept, and, in 2004-2005, he served as a fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at John F. Kennedy University Harvard University School.

Appointment to Canada Senate

On March 24, 2005, Dallaire was appointed to the Canadian Senate by Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson on the advice of Prime Minister Paul Martin. He represented the province of Quebec and sat as Liberal until January 29, 2014, when he along with all his Liberal Senator colleagues had been expelled from a caucus party by party leader Justin Trudeau, after which he was officially seated as an Independent Liberal. Dallaire noted that his family had supported the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Quebec since 1958. He supported Michael Ignatieff's failed attempt in 2006 for the leadership of the federal Liberal Party.

In 2007, Dallaire called for the reopening of the CollÃÆ'¨ge militaire royal de Saint-Jean, saying "The possibility of starting a new program in college - a military college that would allow all cadet officers spend two years in Saint-Jean before going to Kingston, instead of studying only in Kingston - is being considered. In the spirit of progress, is it possible to support basic principles such as the freedom of francophones in the Canadian Armed Forces by building a bilingual style Canciphone sissy college.

Concordia University announced on September 8, 2006, that Dallaire will be a Senior Member at the Montreal Genocide and Human Rights Research Institute (MIGS), a research center based at the university & amp; Science. Later that month, on September 29, 2006, he issued a statement urging the international community to prepare to defend the Bahás in Iran from the possibility of atrocities.

Dallaire has worked to bring understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder to the general public. Her 2016 Book, Waiting for the First Light: A Sustainable Battle with PTSD, details its own struggle with this stressful operational injury. He has been a visiting lecturer at several Canadian and American universities. He is a Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He pursues research on conflict resolution and the use of child soldiers. He published the book, They Fight Like the Army, They're Dead Like Kids: A Global Search to Combat the Use of Child Soldiers in 2010. He has written several articles and chapters in publications on conflict resolution, humanitarian aid and human rights.

In 2013, Senator Dallaire voiced his concerns over the 2014 budget closure of nine veterans' offices and the dismissal of 900 VA staff and $ 226 million from fund-cuts from the program. Early in his Dallaire military career, he was commissioned by the Department of National Defense (DND), to create a program that would support the rehabilitation needs of former military personnel.

Dallaire resigned from the Senate on June 17, 2014, seven years before reaching his mandatory pension. He decided to leave the Senate to spend more time speaking publicly, to conduct research and because of his own struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, out of frustration with the ongoing Canadian Senate cost scandal, and to devote a majority of the time on the issue of the eradication of child soldiers through the Romany Inallative Initiative of the Young Child Army.

Dallaire is a Supporter of the Campaign for the Establishment of the UN Parliamentary Assembly, an organization advocating for the democratic reform of the United Nations.

Dallaire and his wife, Elizabeth, have three children: Willem, Catherine and Guy.

On December 3, 2013, Dallaire had a car accident in Parliament Hill, Ottawa. His car, a black BMW, hit a lamp post before it was stopped. Dallaire admits to falling asleep at the wheel due to stress. The air bag of his vehicle was deployed and there were no casualties.

McNeil Jennifer, Training Coordinator of Roméo Dallaire Child ...


Dallaire has written three books. Shaking Hands with the Devil: Humanitarian Failure in Rwanda , written with Major Brent Beardsley and published in 2003, recounts his journey as Commander of the UNAMIR Force in 1993-1994, where he witnessed the Rwandan Genocide. It won the 2003 Shaughnessy Cohen Award for Political Writing, and the 2004 Governor General Award for nonfiction. It was later adapted for two films, documentary films and feature films.

They Fight Like Soldiers, They're Dead Like Kids: The Global Quest to Eradicate the Use of Child Army (written with Jessica Dee Humphreys) was published in 2010. It discusses the phenomenon of child soldiers, and proposes a solution to eradicate it. This is one of Globe and Mail's best books of 2010.

Waiting for the First Light: My Continuing Battle with PTSD (also with Jessica Dee Humphreys) is Dallaire's account of her struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder after her time in Rwanda. It was chosen as one of the National Post's top books in 2016, and was nominated for RBC Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction.

Dallaire has donated chapters or preface to some other works.

Books on RomÃÆ'Â © o Dallaire

Lion, Fox, and Eagle: the story of generals and justice in Rwanda and Yugoslavia by Carol Off.

Problems from Hell: America and Genocide Age by Samantha Power. In a 2004 opinion article published by The New York Times, Dallaire summoned NATO to intervene militarily alongside African Union forces to overturn genocide in Darfur. He concluded that, "after mentioning what happened in the genocide in Darfur and vowing to stop it, it is time for the West to defend his words as well."

Roméo Dallaire Quote: “Those who are mastering more and more the ...

Documentaries and movies

In October 2002, The Last Just Man documentary was released, which recounted the Rwandan genocide and featured interviews with Dallaire, Brent Beardsley, and others involved in events that took place in Rwanda. It was directed by Steven Silver.

A documentary, titled Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of RomÃÆ' Â © o Dallaire , inspired by the book and showing the return of Gen Dallaire to Rwanda after ten years, produced by CBC, SRC and White Pine Pictures, and was released in 2004. The film was nominated for two Sundance Film Festival Awards, winning the 2008 Sundance Film Audience Award for World Cinema - Documentary and nomination for the Grand Jury Prize for World Cinema - Documentary. The film premiered on the CBC on January 31, 2005.

In 2004, PBS Frontline featured a documentary named The Ghosts of Rwanda . In an interview held for documentary filming and recorded for four days in October 2003, Dallaire said: "Rwanda will never leave me, it's in the pores of my body. My soul is in the hills, my spirit is with the spirit of all those who were slaughtered and killed whom I know, and many I do not know.... "

A dramatic feature film of Canada Shake Hands with the Devil was adapted from RomÃÆ' Â © o Dallaire 2003 and starring Roy Dupuis as Lieutenant General Dallaire, started production in mid-June 2006, and was released on September 28 , 2007. Dallaire participated in a press conference about a film held on June 2, 2006 in Montreal, a movie being consulted. The film won 12 Genie Award nominations and won one in the Best Achievement in Music - Original Song category for the song "Kaya" by Valanga Khoza and David Hirschfelder. In September 2007, Shake Hands With The Devil won an Emmy award for an Extraordinary Documentary Film with The Documentary Channel, which presented it on their channel.

Roméo Dallaire Quote: “Those who are mastering more and more the ...

Awards and acknowledgments

In 1996, Dallaire was appointed Legion of Merit Officer from the United States, the highest military decor available to be given to foreigners, for his service in Rwanda. Dallaire was also awarded the inaugural Aegis Trust Award in 2002, and on October 10 of the same year, he was sworn in as Officer of the Order of Canada.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation The Greatest Canadian program saw Dallaire vote, at the 16th position, as the highest-ranking military figure. A few months after the broadcast, on 9 March 2005, Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson handed Dallaire to the 25th Pearson Peace Medal. On October 11, 2006, Center for Unconventional Security Affairs at the University of California, Irvine gave Dallaire with the 2006 Human Security Award.

Dallaire has received honorary doctorates from a large number of Canadian and American universities. He received a Doctor of Law degree from the University of Guelph, University of Saskatchewan, St. University University of Western Ontario, Concordia University, and Simon Fraser University, Doctorate of Humanities from the University of Lethbridge and an honorary degree from the University of Northern British Columbia, University of Alberta, University of Calgary, University of Newfoundland Memorial, University of Athabasca, Trent University, and University of York. On June 1, 2006, Romeo Dallaire was awarded a Doctorate of Humane Letters degree by Queens College of the City University of New York (CUNY) in recognition of his efforts in Rwanda and later speaking against the genocide. He received the applause from the crowd for his comment that "no man is more humane than the other". Senator Dallaire was named Fellow at Ryerson Polytechnic University, and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

In 2002, Dallaire was awarded the Canadian World Peace Award, in recognition of the peace-keeping experience and study of children in conflict, by the World Federalist Movement-Canada.

His book Shake Hands with the Devil: Humanitarian Failure in Rwanda , was awarded the Governor-General's Literature Award for Non-Fiction in 2004.

Dallaire received the Loyola Medal from Concordia University in 2006.

General Dallaire planted trees at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center, Accra, Ghana in 2007 at the invitation of the Commander, Major General John Attipoe.

Senator Dallaire was appointed Canadian Order Officer in 2002, the Great Official of the National Order of Quebec in 2005. He was awarded the first Aegis Award for Genocide Prevention from the Aegis Trust (UK).

Dallaire is the recipient of the Vimy Award.

As part of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Pugwash Peace, in 2007 General Dallaire received the Nobel Peace Prize from Sir Joseph Rotblat.

There is an elementary school named after Dallaire in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Ajax, Ontario, and an elementary French-immersion school in Maple, Ontario. There is also a French high school in Barrie, Ontario. called for Dallaire. Also, the street is named after him in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Calgary, Alberta.

Dallaire is one of eight Olympic Flag bearers at the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics, in Vancouver.

Roméo Dallaire Quote: “Those who are mastering more and more the ...

Awards and Decorations

Dallaire has received the following orders and decorations during his military career:

  • Dallaire has received the Canadian Parachute Badge Badge.

Canadian military to get guidelines on dealing with child soldiers ...

See also

  • The role of the international community in the Rwandan genocide

Roméo Dallaire Quote: “Those who are mastering more and more the ...


Seemings and Justification: New Essays on Dogmatism and Phenomenal ...

External links

  • Official site (in English) (in French)
  • RomÃÆ' Â © o Dallaire - Biography of the Canadian Parliament
  • The Liberal Senate Forum
  • CBC Digital Archive - Watching Crime: RomÃÆ'Â © o Dallaire and Rwanda
  • Transcript of LGen Dallaire's interview in Rwanda Ghost documentary on PBS Frontline .
  • [1]
  • RomÃÆ'Â © o Dallaire's petition to bring Omar Khadr back to Canada

Source of the article : Wikipedia
