Minggu, 10 Juni 2018

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Human Tongue. Taste Receptors Of The Tongue Are Present In ...
src: previews.123rf.com

Taste , gustatory perception , or gustation is one of the five traditional senses included in the gustatory system .

Pain is the sensation that is produced when a substance in the mouth reacts chemically with taste receptor cells located on the taste buds in the oral cavity, mostly on the tongue. Taste, along with odor (smell) and trigeminal nerve stimulation (registering texture, pain, and temperature), determine the taste of food or other substances. Humans have taste receptors on the taste (gustatory calyculi) and other areas including the upper surface of the tongue and epiglottis. The gustatory cortex is responsible for taste perception.

His tongue is covered with thousands of small protuberances called papillae, which are visible to the naked eye. In each papilla there are hundreds of tastes. The exception to this is a filiform papilla that does not contain the taste buds. There are between 2000 and 5000 tasters located on the back and front of the tongue. Others are located on the roof, sides and back of the mouth, and in the throat. Each taster contains 50 to 100 taste receptor cells.

Taste sensation includes five basic tastes: sweetness, sour, salty taste, bitterness, and savory taste. Scientific experiments have proved that these five tastes exist and differ from one another. Taste flavor is able to distinguish between different flavors through detecting interactions with different molecules or ions. Sweet, savory, and bitter taste is triggered by the binding of molecules to the G protein receptors in pairs on the cell membrane. Salty and sour taste is felt when alkali or hydrogen metal ions enter the taste buds, respectively.

The basic flavor only contributes in part to the sensation and taste of food in the mouth - other factors including odor, detected by the olfactory epithelium from the nose; texture, detected through various mechanoreceptors, muscle nerves, etc.; temperature, detected by thermoreceptors; and "coolness" (such as menthol) and "hotness" (sharpness), through chemesthesis.

Because tastes feel dangerous and useful things, all basic tastes are classed as hostility or curiosity, depending on the influence of the things they feel about our bodies. Sweet helps identify energy-rich foods, while bitterness serves as a warning sign of poison.

Among humans, perceptions of taste begin to fade about 50 years due to loss of tongue papillae and decreased saliva production in general. Humans can also experience distortions of taste through dysgeusia. Not all mammals have the same sense of taste: some rodents can taste starch (which no human can), cats can not taste sweet, and some other carnivores including hyenas, dolphins, and sea lions, have lost the ability to feel up to four of their ancestors five sense senses.

Video Taste

Basic tastes

The sense in the stirring system allows humans to distinguish between safe and harmful foods, and to measure the nutritional value of food. Digestive enzymes in saliva begin to dissolve food into basic chemicals that are washed over the papillae and detected as taste by the taste bud. His tongue is covered with thousands of small protuberances called papillae, which are visible to the naked eye. In each papilla there are hundreds of tastes. The exception to this is a filiform papilla that does not contain the taste buds. There are between 2000 and 5000 tasters located on the back and front of the tongue. Others are located on the roof, sides and back of the mouth, and in the throat. Each taster contains 50 to 100 taste receptor cells.

Bitter food is generally found to be uncomfortable, while sour, salty, sweet and savory foods generally provide a pleasant sensation. The five special flavors received by flavor receptors are salty, sweet, bitter, sour, and delicious taste, often known by the Japanese term umami translated as 'delicious'. In the early twentieth century, Western physiologists and psychologists believed there were four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, and bitterness. At the time, delicacy was not identified, but now a large number of authorities recognize it as the fifth taste.

One study found that both the acid and salt flavor mechanisms detect, in different ways, the presence of sodium chloride (salt) in the mouth; however, the acid is also detected and perceived as acid. Salt detection is important for many organisms, but especially mammals, because it plays an important role in ionic and water homeostasis in the body. This is particularly necessary in the mammalian kidney as an osmotic active compound that facilitates the taking of passive water into the blood. Therefore, salt raises good taste in most humans.

The taste of acid and salt can be pleasant in small quantities, but in larger quantities it becomes even more uncomfortable to taste. To taste sour, this may be because the sour taste may indicate less cooked fruits, rotten meat, and other rotten foods, which can be harmful to the body because of the bacteria that grow in the medium. In addition, acidic acid, which can cause serious tissue damage.

The bitter taste is almost universally unpleasant to humans. This is because many nitrogen organic molecules that have pharmacological effects on humans are bitter. These include caffeine, nicotine, and strychnine, each of which composes stimulants in coffee, addictive substances in cigarettes, and active compounds in many pesticides. It seems that some psychological processes allow humans to overcome their innate aversion to bitterness, since caffeinated beverages are widely consumed and enjoyed throughout the world. It is also interesting to note that many common medicines have a bitter taste when chewed; heating systems seem to interpret these compounds as toxins. In this way, the unpleasant reaction to bitter taste is the last line warning system before the compound is digested and can be destructive.

Sweet taste signifies the presence of carbohydrates in solution. Because carbohydrates have a very high number of calories (saccharides have many bonds, therefore a lot of energy), they are desirable for the human body, which evolves to find the highest caloric food intake. They are used as direct energy (sugar) and energy storage (glycogen). However, there are many non-carbohydrate molecules that trigger a sweet response, leading to the development of many artificial sweeteners, including saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame. It remains unclear how these substances activate the sweet receptors and what their adaptation significance is.

The savory taste (known in Japanese as "umami") is identified by the Japanese chemist Kikunae Ikeda of the Imperial University of Tokyo, which denotes the presence of L-glutamic amino acid, triggering a pleasant response and thus encouraging the intake of peptides and proteins. Amino acids in proteins are used in the body to build muscles and organs, transporting molecules (hemoglobin), antibodies, and organic catalysts known as enzymes. These are all important molecules, and therefore it is important to have a stable supply of amino acids, then a pleasant response to their presence in the mouth.

In Asian countries within the sphere of Chinese and Indian cultural influence, panic (busyness or freshness) is traditionally regarded as the sixth sense base. In 2015, researchers suggest a new basic flavor of fatty acids called fatty flavors, although oleogustus and pinguis have both been proposed as alternative terms.


Sweetness, usually regarded as a pleasant sensation, is produced by the presence of sugar and some other substances. Sweet taste is often associated with aldehydes and ketones, which contain carbonyl groups. Sweet flavor is detected by multiple G protein receptors paired together to the Gustducin protein found in the taste bud. At least two different variants of "sweet receptors" should be activated for the brain to register sweetness. Sensory brain compounds as sweet are compounds that can bind with varying bond strengths for two different sweet receptors. These receptors are T1R2 3 (heterodimer) and T1R3 (homodimer), which explains all the sweet sensing in humans and animals. The flavor detection limit for sweet matter is assessed relative to sucrose, which has an index 1. The average human detection threshold for sucrose is 10 millimeters per liter. For lactose it is 30 millimoles per liter, with a sweet index of 0.3, and 5-Nitro-2-propoxyaniline 0.002 millimoles per liter. "Natural" sweeteners such as saccharides activate GPCR, which releases gustducin. The gustducin then activates the adenylyl cyclase molecule, which catalyzes the production of cAMP molecules, or the 3 ', 5'-cyclic monophosphate adenosine. This molecule closes the potassium ion channel, which causes the release of depolarization and neurotransmitters. Synthetic sweeteners such as saccharin activate different GPCRs and induce depolarization of taste receptor cells with alternative pathways.


Acid is a taste that detects acidity. The acid of the substance is assessed relative to the dilute hydrochloric acid, which has an acid index of 1. By comparison, tartaric acid has an acid index of 0.7, citric acid index of 0.46, and a carbonate acid index of 0.06.

Acid flavor is detected by a small portion of the cells distributed across all tastes on the tongue. Acidity cells can be identified with PKD2L1 protein expression, although this gene is not required for acid response. There is evidence that protons in abundance in acidic substances can directly enter the acid-tasting cells through the apically located ion channels. The transfer of a positive charge into the cell itself can trigger an electrical response. It has also been suggested that weak acids such as acetic acid, which do not fully dissociate at physiological pH values, can penetrate the taste cells and thus generate an electrical response. According to this mechanism, intracellular hydrogen ions inhibit the potassium channel, which usually functions for cell hyperpolarization. By combining direct intake of hydrogen ions (which automatically depolarize cells) and inhibition of hyperpolarizing channels, acids cause taste cells to quell potential action and release neurotransmitters.

The most common food groups that contain natural acidic foods are fruits, such as lemons, grapes, oranges, acids, and sometimes melons. Grapes also usually have a sour taste to the taste, and if not stored properly, milk can damage and develop a sour taste. Children in the US and Britain show greater acid pleasure than adults, and popular acidic candies in North America include Cry Babies, warheads, lemon drops, Shock Tarts and an acid version of Skittles and Starburst. Many of these candies contain citric acid or malic acid.

Salt taste

The simplest receptors found in the mouth are sodium chloride receptors (salts). Salty taste is a flavor generated mainly by the presence of sodium ions. The other ions of the alkali metal group also taste salty, but further away from the less salty sodium is the sensation. The sodium channel in the cell wall of the flavor allows the sodium cations to enter the cell. This in itself depolarizes the cell, and opens a calcium-dependent channel, flooding the cell with a positive calcium ion and causing the release of the neurotransmitter. This sodium channel is known as the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and consists of three subunits. An ENaC can be blocked by amiloride drugs in many mammals, especially mice. The sensitivity of salt flavor to amiloride in humans, however, is much less clear, leading to the assumption that there may be additional receptor protein than ENaC to be found.

The size of lithium and potassium ions are very similar to sodium, and thus the saltiness is most similar. In contrast, rubidium and cesium ions are much larger, so the saltiness is different. The moisture of the substance is assessed relative to sodium chloride (NaCl), which has an index of 1. Potassium, as potassium chloride (KCl), is the main ingredient of salt substitute and has a saltiness index of 0.6.

Other monovalent cations, eg. ammonium (NH 4 ), and divalent cations of the alkali metal group of soils from the periodic table, eg calcium (Ca 2 ), ions generally cause bitter than saltiness even though they, too, can pass directly through the ion channels on the tongue, producing an action potential. But calcium chloride is more salty and less bitter than potassium chloride, and is commonly used in pickled pickled water instead of KCl.


Bitterness is the most sensitive of taste, and many consider it unpleasant, sharp, or unpleasant, but sometimes desirable and intentionally added through various bitter agents. Common bitter foods and beverages include coffee, unsweetened chocolate, South American couple, bitter gourd, olive, orange peel, many plants in the Brassicaceae family, dandelion vegetables, chicory, and escarole. Ethanol in alcoholic beverages tastes bitter, as does the additional bitter ingredients found in some alcoholic beverages including hops in beer and oranges in the bitter. Quinine is also known for its bitter taste and is found in tonic water.

Bitterness appeals to those who study evolution, as well as various health researchers because a large number of naturally occurring bitter compounds are known to be toxic. The ability to detect bitter, toxic compounds at low thresholds is considered to provide an important protective function. Plant leaves often contain toxic compounds, but even among leaf-fed primates, there is a tendency to choose immature leaves, which tend to be higher in protein and lower in fiber and toxins than in adults. Among humans, various food processing techniques are used around the world to detoxify foods that can not be eaten and make them tasty. Furthermore, the use of fire, changes in diet, and avoidance of toxins have led to a neutral evolution in the bitter sensitivity of humans. This has enabled some loss of function mutations that have reduced sensory capacity to bitterness in humans when compared with other species.

Threshold for bitter taste stimulation by quinine average concentration 8? M (8 micromolar). The taste threshold of other bitter substances is assessed relative to quinine, which is thus given a reference index of 1. For example, Brucine has an index of 11, which is considered to be much more bitter than quinine, and is detected at a much lower rate. threshold solution. The most bitter substance known is the synthetic chemical denatonium, which has an index of 1,000. It is used as an aversive (bitter) agent that is added to a toxic substance to prevent accidental ingestion. It was discovered in 1958 during a study of lignocaine, local anesthesia, by MacFarlan Smith of Gorgie, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Research has shown that TAS2R (taste receptors, type 2, also known as T2Rs) such as TAS2R38 coupled with Gustducin G protein are responsible for the human ability to taste bitter substances. They are identified not only by their ability to taste certain "bitter" ligands, but also by the morphology of the receptor itself (surface bound, monomer). The TAS2R family in humans is estimated to consist of about 25 different taste receptors, some of which can recognize a variety of compounds that taste bitter. More than 670 bitter taste compounds have been identified, at bitter databases, where more than 200 have been assigned to one or more specific receptors. It has recently been speculated that the selective constraints on TAS2R families have been weakened due to relatively high rates of mutation and pseudogenization. The researchers used two synthetic substances, phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) and 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) to study bitter perceptual genetics. Both of these substances tasted bitter for some people, but almost no taste for others. Among the tasters, there are so-called "supertasters" to whom PTC and PROP are very bitter. The sensitivity variation is determined by two common alleles in the TAS2R38 locus. Genetic variation in the ability to taste this substance has been a source of great concern for those who study genetics.

Gustducin is made of three subunits. When activated by GPCR, its subunit ruptures and activates phosphodiesterase, an adjacent enzyme, which in turn converts the precursor in the cell into a secondary messenger, which closes the potassium ion channel. Also, these secondary messengers may stimulate the endoplasmic reticulum to release Ca2 which contributes to depolarization. This causes the buildup of potassium ions in cells, depolarization, and the release of neurotransmitters. There are also some bitter flavors to interact directly with the G protein, due to structural similarity with the relevant GPCR.


Savoryness, or savouriness is a taste of taste and is sometimes described by Japanese names, umami or fat. Can be tasted in cheese and soy sauce, and is also found in many fermented and aged foods. This flavor is also present in tomatoes, seeds, and nuts.

Japanese loan word meaning "good taste" or "good taste", umami ( ?? ) is considered important for many eastern dishes; and other cuisines have long been operating under principles that seek to combine food to produce savory flavors, such as in the emphasis on veal by Auguste Escoffier, the pre-eminent chef of French cuisine of the nineteenth century, and discharged by fermented Roman usage fish sauce. However, it has recently been recognized in modern science as a basic flavor; well after other basic tastes have been recognized by scientists, partly because of their correspondence with the four tastes of ancient Greek philosophy. Umami, or "delicacy", was first studied with the scientific method and identified by Kikunae Ikeda, who began analyzing kombu in 1907, trying to isolate his dashi flavor. He isolated the substance he called ajinomoto , Japanese for "at the origin of taste". Later identified as monosodium glutamate chemistry (MSG), and increasingly used independently as food additives, it is a sodium salt that produces strong savory flavors, especially in combination with nucleotide-rich foods such as meat, fish, nuts, and mushrooms.

Some savory buds respond specifically to glutamate in the same way as "sweet" responds to sugar. Glutamate binds to the glutamate G protein receptor variant combined. It is thought that the L-glutamic amino acid bond for the type of GPCR is known as the metabotropic glutamate prescription (mGluR4). This causes the G-protein complex to activate secondary receptors, leading to the release of neurotransmitters. The intermediate steps are unknown. (See page TAS1R1 and TAS1R3 for further explanation of amino acid receptors).

Maps Taste

Measure the relative taste

Measuring the extent to which a substance presents a basic flavor can be achieved in a subjective way by comparing the taste with the reference substance.

Sweet is measured subjectively by comparing the threshold value, or the rate at which the presence of the aqueous substance can be detected by the human taste, a different sweet substance. Substances are usually measured relative to sucrose, which is usually given a random index of 1 or 100. Fructose is about 1.4 times sweeter than sucrose; glucose, sugar found in honey and vegetables, about three quarters of sweet; and lactose, milk sugar, half sweet.

The acid of a substance can be assessed by comparing it with a very dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl).

The relative softness can be assessed by comparison to aqueous saline solution.

Quinine, a bitter drug found in tonic water, can be used to subjectively assess the bitterness of a substance. The aqueous quinine hydrochloride unit (1 g in 2000 mL water) can be used to measure the concentration bitness threshold, the rate at which the presence of bitter bitter substances can be detected by human taste, from other compounds. More formal chemical analysis, while possible, is difficult.

Taste map of the tongue with its four taste areas - bitter, sour ...
src: c8.alamy.com

Functional structure

In the human body, the stimulus refers to the form of energy that gives rise to physiological or psychological actions or responses. The sensory receptors are structures in the body that change the stimulus from one form of energy to another. This may mean changing the presence of chemistry, sound waves, heat sources, or touching of the skin into electrical action potentials that can be understood by the brain, the body's control center. The sensory receptors are modified sensory nerve endings; modified to handle this type of special stimulus, so there are many types of sensory receptors in the body. Neurons are a major component of the nervous system, which transmits messages from sensory receptors throughout the body.

Taste is a form of chemoreception that occurs in the special taste receptors in the mouth. To date, there are five different types of taste receptors known: salt, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami. Each receptor has a different way of sensing transduction: it detects the presence of certain compounds and initiates potential actions that alert the brain. It is a matter of debate whether each taste cell is tuned to one particular type or several; Smith and Margolskee claim that "gustatory neurons typically respond to more than one type of stimulus, [a] although each neuron responds most strongly to one flavor". The researchers believe that the brain interprets the complex tastes by examining patterns of a large number of neuronal responses. This allows the body to make a "save or spit" decision when there is more than one presentation present. "There is no single type of neuron capable of distinguishing between different stimuli or qualities, because the given cells can respond in the same way to different stimuli." In addition, serotonin is thought to act as an intermediate hormone that communicates with taste cells in the taste bud, mediating signals sent to the brain. Receptor molecules are found at the top of the microvilli of taste cells.


Sweet taste is produced by the presence of sugar, some proteins, and some other substances. It is often associated with aldehydes and ketones, which contain carbonyl groups. Sweet flavor is detected by a variety of G-paired protein receptors paired with G proteins that act as intermediates in communication between taste and brain, gustducin. These receptors are T1R2 3 (heterodimer) and T1R3 (homodimer), which describes sweet sensing in humans and other animals.


Salty taste is the best produced flavor in the presence of cations (like Na , K
or Li ) and is directly detected by the cation of entry into the glial as a cell through a leakage channel causes cellular depolarization.

Other monovalent cations, for example, ammonium, NH 4 , and divalent cations of the alkaline earth group of soils from the periodic table, for example, calcium, Ca 2 ,, ion, common, raises saltiness rather than saltiness even though they, too, can pass directly through ion channels on the tongue.


Acid is acidity, and, like salt, it is a perceived taste using ion channels. The undifferentiated acid diffuses across the presinaptic cell plasma membrane, where it dissociates according to the Le Chatelier principle. The released proton then blocks the potassium channel, which breaks down the cells and causes the entry of calcium. In addition, the PKD2L1 taste receptor has been found to be involved in acid flavor.


Research has shown that TAS2Rs (taste receptors, type 2, also known as T2Rs) such as TAS2R38 are responsible for the human ability to sense bitter substances. They are identified not only by their ability to taste certain bitter ligands, but also by the morphology of the receptor itself (surface bound, monomer).


Glutamic acid amino acids are responsible for fresh flavor, but some nucleotides (inosinic acid and guanylic acid) can act as a complement, enhancing flavor.

Glutamic acid binds to a protein-coupled G protein receptor, producing a tasty flavor.

Swollen taste buds: Causes, diagnosis, and treatment
src: cdn1.medicalnewstoday.com

Further sensation and transmission

The tongue can also feel other sensations that are generally not included in basic tastes. This is mostly detected by the somatosensory system. In humans, the sense of taste is conveyed through three of the twelve cranial nerves. The facial nerve (VII) carries a taste sensation of the anterior two thirds of the tongue, the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) carries a taste sensation of the posterior third of the tongue while the vagus nerve (X) brings a taste sensation from the back of the oral cavity.

The trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) provides information about the general texture of food as well as the spicy or spicy spicy taste sensation (from spices).

Pungency (also spicy or hot)

Substances such as ethanol and capsaicin cause a burning sensation by inducing a trigeminal nerve reaction along with normal taste acceptance. The heat sensation is caused by nerves activating foods that express receptor TRPV1 and TRPA1. Some compounds derived from plants that provide this sensation are capsaicin from chili, piperine from black pepper, gingerol from ginger root and allyl isothiocyanate from radishes. The shock sensations ("hot" or "spicy") provided by these foods and spices play an important role in a variety of cuisines around the world - especially in equatorial and sub-tropical climates such as Ethiopia, Peru, Hungary, India, Korea, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Mexico, New Mexico, Singapore, Southwest China (including Szechuan cuisine), Vietnam and Thai cuisine.

This particular sensation, called chemesthesis, is not appetizing in technical sense, because the sensation does not arise from the taste bud, and different nerve fibers take it to the brain. Foods such as chilies activate nerve fibers directly; sensation is defined as the "hot" result of somatosensory (pain/temperature) sodium stimulation on the tongue. Many parts of the body with open membranes but no taste sensors (such as nasal cavities, under the nail, eye surface or wound) produce the same heat sensation when exposed to heat agents. Asian countries in the scope, especially, the cultural influences of China, India, and Japan, often write spiciness as the fifth or sixth flavor.


Some substances activate cold trigeminal receptors even when not at low temperatures. This "fresh" or "mint" sensation can be sampled in peppermint, spearmint, menthol, ethanol, and camphor. Due to the same activation mechanisms that signal cold, TRPM8 ion channels on nerve cells, unlike the actual temperature changes described for sugar substitutes, this coolness is only a perceived phenomenon.


Chinese Cuisine and Batak Toba including ideas? ( mÃÆ'¡ or numb ), a tingling caused by spices such as Sichuan pepper. Sichuan province cuisine in China and the province of Indonesia North Sumatra often combine this with chili to produce ?? mÃÆ'¡lÃÆ' , a sense of "numbness and heat", or "numbness". These sensations, though not falling into the Chemesthesis category.


Some foods, such as immature fruits, contain tannins or calcium oxalate that cause an astingent or wrinkle sensation in the mucous membranes of the mouth. Examples include tea, red wine, rhubarb, some fruits of the genus Syzygium , and immature persimmons and bananas.

Less precise terms for astringent sensations are "dry", "rough", "rough" (especially for wine), "tart" (usually refers to acid), "chewy", "hard" or "styptic".

When referring to wine, dry is the opposite of sweet, and does not refer to astringens. Wine-containing tannins and so on cause astringent sensations should not be classified as "dry", and "dried" grapes are not always substances.

In the Ayurvedic tradition of India, one of six tastes is astringency ( pleasure ). In Sinhala and Sri Lanka, this is termed sad . In Tamil this is called thuvarppu.


The taste of metal can be caused by food and drink, certain medications or amalgam dental fillings. This is generally regarded as an off flavor when present in food and drink. The taste of metal can be caused by a galvanic reaction in the mouth. In cases where it is caused by dental work, different metals used can produce measurable currents. Some artificial sweeteners are considered to have a metal taste, which is detected by the TRPV1 receptor. Many people think blood has a metallic taste. Metallic taste in the mouth is also a symptom of various medical conditions, in which case it can be classified under the symptoms of dysgeusia or parageusia, referring to the distortion of taste, and can be caused by various types of drugs, including saquinavir. and zonisamide, and occupational hazards, such as working with pesticides.


Typical chalk flavor has been identified as a calcium component of the substance. In 2008, geneticists found calcium CaSR recipes on tongue mice. CaSR receptors are commonly found in the digestive tract, kidneys, and brain. Along with the "sweet" T1R3 receptor, CaSR receptors can detect calcium as a flavor. Whether genes are intimately linked to mice and humans means the phenomenon that exists in humans is also unknown.

Fat taste

Recent research reveals potential taste receptors called CD36 receptors. CD36 is targeted as a taste lipid receptor probably because it binds fat molecules (more specifically, long chain fatty acids), and has been localized to flavor buds (in particular, papillae circumvallate and foliate). There is a debate as to whether we can really feel the fat, and our supporters of the ability to taste free fatty acids (FFAs) have based their arguments on several key points: there is an evolutionary advantage for oral fat detection; a potential fat receptor has been found in the taste buds; fatty acids generate specific responses that activate gustatory neurons, similar to other currently accepted tastes; and, there is a physiological response to the presence of oral fats. Although CD36 has been studied primarily in mice, studies that tested the ability of human subjects to taste fat found that those with high CD36 expression rates were more sensitive to fat than those with low levels of CD36 expression; This study shows a clear relationship between the number of CD36 receptors and the ability to taste fat.

Other fatty taste receptors may have been identified. G protein receptor GPR120 and GPR40 have been associated with fatty taste, since their absence results in reduced preference for two types of fatty acids (linoleic and oleic acid), and decreased neuronal response to oral fatty acids.

The TRPM5 monovalent cation channel has been involved in fatty taste as well, but is considered to be involved primarily in downstream processing of flavors rather than primary acceptance, as is the case with other flavors such as bitter, sweet, and savory.

Proposed alternative names for fatty flavor include oleogustus and pinguis, although these terms are not widely accepted. The main form of commonly digested fat is triglycerides, which consist of three fatty acids bonded together. In these circumstances, triglycerides are able to provide a unique texture of fatty foods that are often described as creams. But this texture is not the real taste. It is only during swallowing that the fatty acids that form triglycerides are hydrolyzed into fatty acids via lipase. It's generally associated with other flavors, more negative, like bitter and sour because of how uncomfortable it feels to humans. Richard Mattes, one of the authors of this study, explains that low concentrations of these fatty acids can create better overall flavors in food, such as how the small utility of bitterness can make certain foods more rounded. However, the concentration of high fatty acids in certain foods is generally considered inedible. To show that individuals can differentiate fatty taste from other tastes, the researchers split the volunteers into groups and asked them to try samples that also contain other basic tastes. Volunteers were able to separate the fatty acid flavors into their own categories, with some overlapping with tasty samples, which the researchers hypothesized was due to poor familiarity with both. The researchers note that the "viscosity and viscosity we commonly associate with fatty foods is largely caused by triglycerides", which are unrelated to taste; while the actual fatty acid taste is not fun. Mattes describes the taste as "more than a warning system" that certain foods should not be eaten.

There are some foods that are consumed regularly rich in fat flavors, due to the negative feelings that are generated in large quantities. Foods that taste their fat make little contributions including olive oil and fresh butter, along with various types of vegetable oils and nuts.

Heartiness ( kokumi )

Some Japanese researchers refer to cocoa food. This sensation has also been described as a bribe, and seems to be related to a number of ? - L-glutamyl peptide , which activates the calcium-sensing receptor which is also sensitive to glutathione.


Temperature can be an important element of taste experience. Food and drink that - in certain cultures - traditionally served hot is often considered unpleasant if it is cold, and vice versa. For example, alcoholic beverages, with some exceptions, are usually considered best when served at room temperature or cooled to varying degrees, but the soup - again, with the exception - is usually only consumed hot. Examples of culture are soft drinks. In North America it is almost always preferably cool, regardless of season.


A 2016 study showed that humans can sense starches (in particular, glucose oligomers) independently of other flavors such as sweetness. However, no specific chemical receptor has been found for this flavor.

Taste Map Of The Tongue With Its Four Taste Areas - Bitter, Sour ...
src: previews.123rf.com

Supply of nerves and nerve connections

The glossopharyngeal nerve entraps one-third of the tongue including the circular papillae. The facial nerve innervates two thirds of the tongue and cheeks through the chorda tympani.

Ganglia pterygopalatina is a ganglia (one on each side) of the soft palate. The larger petrosal, the smaller palatines and zigomatics all synapse here. The larger petrosal, bringing the soft palate sense of the signal to the facial nerve. Lower palines send signals to the nasal cavity; that's why spicy foods cause nasal drip. Zigomats send signals to the lacrimal nerves that activate the lacrimal gland; which is the reason that spicy foods can cause tears. Both the lower palate and the zygomatic are the maxillary nerves (of the trigeminal nerve).

Special visceral afferents of the vagus nerve carry the taste of the epiglottic region of the tongue.

The lingual nerve (trigeminal, not shown in the diagram) is strongly associated with chorda tympani as it provides all the other sensory info of 2/3 of the tongue. This info is processed separately (adjacent) in the lateral rostal subdivision core of the solitary channel (NST).

NST receives input from the amygdala (regulates the output of the oculomotor nucleus), sleeping nuclei from the stria terminal, the hypothalamus, and the prefrontal cortex. NST is a topographical map that processes gustatory and sensory info (temp, texture, etc.).

Reticular formation (including raphe nuclei responsible for serotonin production) is characterized to release serotonin during and after meals to suppress appetite. Similarly, salivary nuclei are signaled to reduce the secretion of saliva.

Hypoglossal and thalamic connections assist movements associated with the mouth.

Hypothalamic connections hormonally regulate hunger and digestive system.

Substantia innominata connects the thalamus, the temporal lobe, and the insula.

The Edinger-Westphal core reacts to the taste stimuli by widening and narrowing the pupil.

Ganglion spinal is involved in motion.

The frontal operculum speculates to be a memory hub and associate for flavor.

The insula cortex helps in swallowing and gastric motility.

10 Surprising Things That Affect Your Taste
src: www.nutritionnews.abbott

Other concepts

Pain as a philosophical concept

The taste can be objective in terms of the five tastes (sweet, salt, sour, bitter, and savory) but can also be subjective in terms of what we consider "good" and "bad." The taste is "subjective, objective, and qualitative". In the case of being a philosophical concept, the sense is difficult to define because it is essentially subjective when it pertains to individual personal preferences ie "de gustibus non est disputandum" (no disagreement) ". We can not tell someone that they do not think something feels good because we disagree, and vice versa. To evaluate the taste in this context, we must explore all the ways in which taste can be determined. According to Alan Weiss, the sense fulfills the purpose of the six functions: taste is the tool we use to define taste; it's also the taste and how we categorize the taste (sweet or salty); it is the preference, we as the creator of the taste, the place of special taste and our demand for that taste; it is whether we choose to like or dislike a certain flavor and therefore let it enter into our common society from an acceptable taste or alienate it; it is the value in which we place on a particular taste (one might believe one's taste in Bach or Rothko get one's capital); and lastly, with good judgment, good tastes arise and therefore, a person with excellent taste is expected to have a good judgment, just as those with bad tastes are expected to be in poor judgment.


A supertaster is a person whose sense appetite is significantly more sensitive than average. The cause of this high response may, at least in part, be due to an increase in the number of fungiform papillae. Research has shown that supertasters need less fat and sugar in their diet to get the same satisfying effect. However, contrary to what people think, these people actually tend to consume more salt than the average person. This is due to their rising bitterness, and the presence of salt drowns the bitterness. (This also explains why supertasters prefer cheddar cheese served over non-salty ones.)


Aftertastes appear after the food is swallowed. The taste of the aftertaste can be different from the food it follows. Drugs and tablets may also have a lingering taste, as they may contain certain artificial flavor compounds, such as aspartame (artificial sweetener).

Acquired taste

The sense of gratification often refers to an appreciation for food or drink that is unlikely to be enjoyed by someone who has no substantial exposure to it, usually due to some unfamiliar aspects of food or drink, including bitterness, strong or strange. smell, taste, or appearance.

Myth or Fact? #30 - Your tongue is mapped into different areas of ...
src: steemitimages.com

Clinical interests

Patients with Addison's disease, pituitary insufficiency, or cystic fibrosis sometimes have hyper-sensitivity to five major tastes.

Impaired taste

  • ageusia (completely lost)
  • hypogeusia (reduce taste)
  • dysgeusia (distortion in the sense of taste)
  • hypergeusia (an abnormal taste)

Bad taste in mouth: Symptoms, causes, and treatment
src: cdn1.medicalnewstoday.com


In the West, Aristotle postulates in c. 350 BC that the two most basic tastes are sweet and bitter. He was the first to develop a list of basic tastes.

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing science, has its own basic taste tradition, consisting of sweet, salty, sour, spicy, bitter & amp; astringent.

The Ancient Chinese consider the spicy as the basic flavor.

Bad taste in mouth: Symptoms, causes, and treatment
src: cdn1.medicalnewstoday.com


Receptors for bitter, sweet, and savory flavors have been identified. They are G protein-coupled receptors. Cells that detect acid have been identified as subpopulations expressing PKD2L1 protein. The response is mediated by the entry of protons into cells but the receptor for acid is still unknown. Receptors for amyloride-sensitive salty taste in mice have been shown as sodium channels. There is some evidence for the sixth taste of the fatty substance.

In 2010, researchers discovered bitter taste receptors in lung tissue, which caused the airways to relax when bitter substances were discovered. They believe that this mechanism is adaptively evolutionary because it helps clear lung infections, but can also be exploited to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Taste of Elk Grove | Rotary Club of Laguna Sunrise (Elk Grove)
src: clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net

See also

Source of the article : Wikipedia
