Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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Serfdom in Russia - Wikipedia

The term serf, in the sense of an impermanent peasant of the Russian Empire, is a plain translation of krepostnoi krestyanin (> ??????????????????? ). The origins of serfdom in Russia are traced to Kievan Rus' in the 11th century. Legal documents of the time, such as Russkaya Pravda , distinguish some degree of feudal dependence on the peasants.

Slavery became the dominant form of relationship between peasants and nobles in the 17th century. Serfdom is most common in the central and southern regions of the Russian Empire. Slavery in the Ural and Siberia is largely invisible until, during the reign of Catherine the Great, businesses began to send slaves to these areas in an attempt to harvest huge amounts of uncharted natural resources.

Tsar Alexander I want to reform the system but it is hindered. The new law allows all classes (except slaves) to own land, privileges previously restricted to the nobility. The rise of Russia was finally abolished in the 1861 emancipation reform by Tsar Alexander II. Experts have proposed several overlapping reasons to explain the abolition, including fears of large-scale rebellion by slaves, the government's financial needs, growing cultural sensitivity, and military needs for the army.

Video Serfdom in Russia


muzhik , or moujik (Russian: ?????? , IPA: Ã, [m? 's] ) means "Russian farmer" if used in English. This word was borrowed from Russian to Western through the translations of Russian literature of the nineteenth century, describing the rural life of Russia at the time, and where the word muzhik was used to mean the most common rural inhabitants - a peasant - But this is only a narrow contextual meaning.

Maps Serfdom in Russia



Origin of serfdom in Russia ( ?????????????? , krepostnichestvo ) can be traced to the 11th century; however, the most complete form of feudal exploitation covers only certain categories of rural populations. In the 12th century, an exploitation called zakups in fertile land ( ???????? (????????) ??? roleyniye (pashenniye) zakupy ) and corvee smerds (Russian) terms for corvee is ??????? , barschina ) is closest to what is now known as slavery. According to Russkaya Pravda , a princely nobleman has limited property and privacy. His escheat was given to the prince and his life was equated with kholop, meaning his murder could be punished by a fine of five grivnas.

The thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries

In the 13th to 15th centuries, feudal dependence was applied to a large number of peasants, but serfdom as we know it is still not a widespread phenomenon. By the mid-fifteenth century, the right of certain peasant categories in some votchinas to leave their masters was limited to the period of one week before and after what was called Yuri Day (26 November). Sudebnik 1497 officially confirmed this time limit as universal for everyone and also specifies the amount of "liberation" fee called pozhiloye (> ??????? ). Ivan III's law code of Russia, Sudebnik (1497), strengthens the dependence of peasants, statewide, and limits their mobility. Russia is constantly battling the successor states of the Golden Horde, especially the Khanate of Crimea. Every year Russian residents on the border suffer from the Tatar invasion and tens of thousands of nobles protect the southern border (a heavy burden for the state), which slows down social and economic development and extends the taxation of the peasants.

Transition to full serfdom

Sudebnik 1550 increases the number of pozhiloye and introduces additional taxes called za povoz ( ?????? , or transport costs), should a farmer refuse to bring the harvest from the field to his master. While ( ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? to leave their master introduced by ukase 1597 under the reign of Boris Godunov, who took the right of the peasantry to move freely around Yuri Day, which binds the vast majority of the Russian peasantry in full bondage, it also defines so-called year fixed ( ???????????????????????? -Latn "title =" subtitle language Russia "> urochniye leta ), or a period of 5 years to search for the runaway farmers.In 1607, a new ukase defines sanctions to hide and save the escape: a fine must be paid to the state and pozhiloye - to previous farmers owners.

Sobornoye Ulozhenie ( ??? from 1649 giving serfs to the plantation, and in 1658, the flight became a crime. The owner of Russian soil eventually gained virtually unlimited ownership of Russian slaves. The landowner may transfer the landless slave to another landlord while maintaining the personal property and the slave's family; However, landowners have no right to kill the slave. About four-fifths of Russian farmers are slaves according to the 1678 and 1719 censuses; Free farmers ( black ) are only left in the North and North-East countries.

Most dvoryane (royals) are satisfied with the long time frame of searching for the runaway farmers. However, the main landowners in the country, along with dvoryane in the south, are attracted to the short-term persecution due to the fact that many runners will usually flee to southern Russia. During the first half of the 17th century, dvoryane sent their collective petitions (> ?????????? , chelobitniye ) to the authorities, requesting extension "year fixed". In 1642, the Russian government set a limit of 10 years to look for escape and a limit of 15 years to find farmers taken by their new owners.

The Sobornoye Ulozhenie introduced an open search for those who fled, meaning that all peasants who fled from their masters after the 1626 or 1646-1647 census had to be returned. The government will continue to introduce new time frames and reasons for seeking escape after 1649, applied to farmers who fled to remote districts of the country, such as areas along the border called zasechniye linii ( ????????????

Serfdom is almost inefficient; slaves and nobles have little incentive to repair the land. However, it is politically effective. Nobles rarely challenge the tsar for fear of provoking a peasant uprising. Slaves have lifetime tenants in their plot so they tend to be conservative as well. The slaves took little part in the rebellion; the Cossacks and the rebellious nomads. Revolutions of 1905 and 1917 occurred after the release of serfdom.


There were many rebellions against this enslavement, most often in relation to the Cossack uprising, such as the rebellion of Ivan Bolotnikov (1606-07), Stenka Razin (1667-71), Kondraty Bulavin (1707-09) and Yemelyan Pugachev (1773-75). While the Cossack uprising benefited from the disturbance among the peasants, and they in turn received encouragement from the Cossacks rebellion, not a single Cossack movement was directed against the institution of bondage itself. In contrast, farmers in Cossack-dominated areas became Cossacks, thus fleeing the peasants rather than directly organizing peasants against the institution. Between the end of the Pugachev and the early 19th century revolts, there were hundreds of plagues throughout Russia, and there was never a time when the peasants were completely silent.

Russian invasion troops

The Polish historian, Jerzy Czajewski, writes that Russian peasants fled Russia to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in significant numbers to be a major concern for the Russian Government and enough to play a role in its decision to partition the Commonwealth. Increasingly in the 18th century until the partition solved this problem, the Russian army raided the Commonwealth territory, officially to restore the escape, but actually kidnapped many locals.

Slaves and slaves

Overall, slavery comes and lives in Russia much slower than in other European countries. Slavery was still a lawfully recognized institution in Russia until 1723, when Peter the Great turned the housewife into a slave home. The Russian agricultural slave was officially converted into a previous slave in 1679.

Formal conversion to slave status and banning the sale of landless serfs does not stop the domestic slave trade; this trade just changed its name. The private owners of the slaves regard the law as a mere formality. Instead of "a farmer's sale", the letters would advertise "waiters for hire" or similar.

In fact, the trade of servile soldiers considered to be the shackles grew up with the abolition of total slavery in 1861, though the loose framework of the Russian legal system and the lack of law enforcement meant that slave trade in some remote eastern parts of the Russian Province lasted some time later.

The official estimate is that 10.5 million Russians are privately owned, 9.5 million are in state ownership and 900,000 other slaves are under the protection of the Czar (Russian language text udelnye krestiane ) before the Great Emancipation of 1861.

One source of anger in Europe is the Colossians published in London, England (1857-65) and Geneva (1865-67). It collects many cases of physical, emotional and sexual violence that horrend the slaves by the landowners.

Eighteen and the nineteenth century

Peter III created two measures in 1762 that influenced the abolition of slavery. He ended the army for nobles with the compulsory abolition of the state service. This provides a reason for ending serfdom. Secondly, it is the secularization of church lands, which moves peasants and land to state jurisdiction. In 1775 action was taken by Catherine II to prosecute plantation owners for the cruel treatment of slaves. These measures were reinforced in 1817 and the late 1820s. There are even laws that require plantation owners to help slaves during hunger, including wheat that should be kept as a reserve. These policies failed to aid hunger in the early nineteenth century due to property owner negligence.

Tsar Alexander I and his advisers quietly discussed the options at length. Obstacles include failure of abolition in Austria and political reactions to the French Revolution. Cautiously, he extended the right to own land for most classes of subjects, including state-owned peasants, in 1801 and created a new social category of "free farming", for peasants who were voluntarily freed by their master, in 1803. Most of the slaves were unaffected.

The Russian state also continues to support slavery because of conscription. The conscripted slaves dramatically increased the size of the Russian military. With the larger Russian military achieving victory in the Napoleonic and Russian-Persian Wars; this does not change the disparity between Russia and Western Europe, which undergoes agricultural and industrial revolutions. Compared to Western Europe, it is clear that Russia is at a disadvantage. European philosophers during the Age of Enlightenment criticized serfdom and compared it to medieval labor practices that were virtually absent throughout the continent. Most of the Russian nobles were not interested in the change of western labor practices proposed by Cathrine the Great. Instead they prefer to pawn serfs for profit. In 1820, 20% of all slaves were mortgaged to state credit institutions by their owners. This increased to 66% in 1859.

Bourgeois was allowed to have his own slaves 1721-62 and 1798-1816, this was to encourage industrialization. In 1804, 48% of Russian factory workers were slaves, 52% in 1825. Slaves without land rose from 4.14% in 1835 to 6.79% in 1858. They did not receive land in emancipation. Landlords deliberately increase the number of domestic slaves as they anticipate the death of the serfdom. In 1798, Ukrainian landlords were banned from selling serfs apart from the ground. In 1841, landless nobles were also forbidden.


In 1816, 1817, and 1819 the slavery was removed in Estland, Courland, and Livonia respectively. But all the land remained in the hands of the nobility and the hire of labor lasted until 1868. Replaced with landless labor and profit sharing ( halbkörner ). Workers who do not have land must ask for permission to leave the plantation.

The nobles were too weak to oppose the emancipation of the slaves. In 1820, one-fifth of the slaves were mortgaged, half in 1842. In 1859, a third of the noble estates and two-thirds of their slaves were mortgaged to noble banks or nations. The nobles were also weakened by the scattering of their plantations, the lack of eldest sons, and the high turnover and mobility of plantations to plantations.

Aunt Tsar, Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna played a powerful role backstage in 1855 to 1861. Using her close relationship with her nephew Alexander II, she supported and guided her desire for emancipation, and helped mobilize the support of key advisers.

In 1861 Alexander II freed all slaves in major agrarian reforms, partly motivated by his view that "it is better to free peasants from above" than to wait until they win their freedom by "from below".

The Serfdom was abolished in 1861, but its elimination was achieved on terms that were not always favorable to the peasants and functioned to increase revolutionary pressure. Between 1864 and 1871 the slavery was abolished in Georgia. In the Kalmykian serfdom was just abolished in 1892.

Slaves must work for the landlord as usual for two years. The nobles save almost all the meadows and forests, their debts are paid by the state while the former slaves pay 34% above the market price for the plots they are tightening. This figure is 90% in the northern region, 20% in the black earth region but zero in the Polish province. In 1857, 6.79% of slaves were domestic servants, without land that remained landless after 1861. Only Polish and Romanian domestic workers received land. 90% of serfs who get a bigger plot are in Congress Poland where the Tsar wants to weaken Polish text szlachta . The rest are in the barren north and in Astrakhan. Across the Empire, farmland declined 4.1%, 13.3% outside the former Poland zone and 23.3% in 16 black earth provinces. This redemption payment was not removed until January 1, 1907.


A study of 2018 at the American Economic Review found "a substantial increase in agricultural productivity, industrial production, and nutrition of farmers in the Russian Empire as a result of the abolition of slavery in 1861."

ABOLITION OF SERFDOM : Tsar Alexander II orders emancipation of ...

Class society

Labor and obligations

In Russian, the term barshchina (? ) or boyarshchina ( ???????? ), refers to the obligatory work that the slaves do to the landowner in his part of the land (other parts of the land, usually of a worse quality, the farmers can use it for themselves). Sometimes the term is translated loosely with the term corvÃÆ' Â © e . Although there is no official government regulation which is limited to barshchina there, 1797 ukase by Paul I from Russia describes barshchina from three days a week as normal and sufficient for the needs of the land owner.

In the black earth region, 70% to 77% of slaves do barshchina ; the rest are paid a levy ( obstructions ).

Marriage and family life

Just as in all aspects of the life of nineteenth-century Russian slaves, slaves were not free to marry whomever they wished. Slave mobility is highly restricted, which leaves little choice in choosing a partner. To make things more difficult, there are three major obstacles to a slave marriage. The entire empire must follow the rules imposed by the Tsar and the Church, the landowners impose restrictions on their plantations, and finally families and communities establish certain guidelines and influences.

The Russian Orthodox Church has many rules concerning marriages that are actually observed by the inhabitants. For example, marriage is not allowed to take place during a period of fast, night or holiday, during Easter week, or for two weeks after Christmas. Prior to the abolition of slavery in 1861, marriage was strictly prohibited on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Because of these strict rules, most marriages occur in January, February, October, and November. After emancipation, the most popular mating months are July, October, and November.

The law of the empire is very special with the age in which slaves can marry. Minimum age for marriage is 13 years for women, and 15 for men. After 1830, the ages of women and men were raised to 16 and 18 respectively. To marry over the age of 60, slaves must receive permission, but marriage over the age of 80 is prohibited. The church also does not approve marriages with large age differences.

Landowners are interested in keeping all their slaves and not losing workers for weddings on other estates. Before 1812 slaves were not allowed to marry slaves from other estates. After 1812 the rules were a bit loose, but in order for a family to give their daughter to a husband on another estate they had to file and present information to their previous landowners. If a slave wants to marry a widow, then emancipation and death certificates must be submitted and investigated for authenticity by the owner before marriage can occur.

Before and after the abolition of slavery, the Russian peasant family was patriarchal. Marriage is important for families economically and socially. Parents are responsible for finding a suitable partner for their children to help the family, and are not interested in true love when there is a mouth to feed and a field to care for. Parents of the bride are concerned with the social and material benefits they will derive from the fellowship between the two families. Some also consider the future life quality of their daughter and how much work will be needed for her. Parents of the groom will be concerned about economic factors such as the size of the dowry as well as the bride's courtesy, courtesy, obedience, ability to do the job, and family background. After marriage, the bride comes to live with her new husband and her family, so she must be ready to assimilate and work hard.

Slaves strongly look at early marriage due to increased parental control. At a younger age, there is little chance of individuals falling in love with anyone other than their parents choose. There is also an increased guarantee of purity, which is more important for women than men. The average age of marriage for women is about 19 years.

During slavery, when the head of the house was disobedient by their children, they could ask the master or landlord to enter. After the emancipation of slaves in 1861, the patriarch of the family lost some of its power, and could no longer accept the aid of the landowner.. The younger generation now have the freedom to work on their plantations; some even work in the factory. These young farmers have access to newspapers and books, which introduce them to more radical ways of thinking. Ability to work out of the home gives younger peasants the freedom and wages they have to do with what they want. Agricultural and domestic work is group effort, so wages go to the family. Children who work in the industry provide income to their families as well, but some use it as a way to get their own marital voices. In this case some families allow their sons to marry whom they choose as long as the family is in the same economic position as their own family. No matter what, parental consent is needed to make the marriage legal.

Distribution of properties and tasks between pairs

According to a study completed in the late 1890s, by ethnographer Semyonova, noted that husbands and wives were assigned to different tasks in the household. In case of ownership, the husband assumes the property plus any additional funds necessary to make an addition to the property. Additions include fences, barns, and carts. While the main purchasing power is the property of the husband, the wife is expected to buy certain goods. He is also expected to purchase household items such as bowls, plates, pans, vats and various utensils. Wives are also required to buy cloth and make clothes for families by turning and using dudel. Footwear is the responsibility of the husband and he creates cow leather shoes and boots for the family. As for the plant, it is expected for men to sow and women to harvest. Common plants harvested by slaves in the Black Earth Region are Jute. Most of the animals, such as pigs and horses, are owned by husbands. The cow belongs to the husband, but usually belongs to the wife. Chickens are considered to be the property of wives, while sheep are the common property of the family. The exception is when the wife has sheep through dowries ( sobinki ).

From serfdom to freedom: The long and winding road - Russia Beyond

The level of bondage in Russia

In the mid-19th century, farmers composed the majority of the population, and according to the 1857 census the number of private slaves was 23.1 million out of 62.5 million Russians, 37.7% of the population.

The exact figure, according to official data, is: the entire population is 60,909,309; peasants of all classes 49,486,665; state farmers 23,138,191; farmer in land owner 23,022,390; farmers from appanages and other departments 3,326,084. Farmers of the state are regarded freely in private, but their freedom of movement is limited.

Ã,% serf owners with below 100 serfs

The power of Russia depends entirely on the traditional and extensive technology of the peasantry. Yields remained low and stationary throughout most of the 19th century. Every increase in income derived from agriculture is largely through increasing land and cultivation of large grains by means of exploitation of agricultural laborers, ie by burdening farm households even further.

Serfs is owned by European landlords of Europe

% of farmers are included in each province, 1860

55%: Kaluga Kiev Kostroma Kutais Minsk Mogilev Nizhny Novgorod Podolia Ryazan Smolensk Tula Vitebsk Vladimir Volhynia Yaroslavl

36-55%: Chernigov Grodno Kovno Kursk Moskow Novgorod Oryol Penza Poltava Pskov Saratov Simbirsk Tambov Tver Vilna

16-35%: Don Ekaterinoslav Kharkov Kherson Kuban Perm Tiflis Vologda Voronezh

Source of the article : Wikipedia
