Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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Famous Examples of the Consequences and Penalties of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is "wrong appropriation" and "stealing and publication" "the language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions of other authors" and their representation as a person's original work.

Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and violation of journalistic ethics. It is subject to sanctions such as penalties, suspensions, and even evictions. More recently, the case of "extreme plagiarism" has been identified in the academic world. The concept of modern plagiarism as immoral and originality as an ideal emerged in Europe in the 18th century, especially with the Romantic movement.

Plagiarism itself is not a crime, but it can be a violation of copyright. In academia and industry, this is a serious ethical offense. Plagiarism and copyright infringement overlap to some extent, but they are not an equivalent concept, and many types of plagiarism are not copyright infringement, defined by copyright laws and may be decided by the courts. Plagiarism is not defined or punished by law, but by institutions (including professional associations, educational institutions, and commercial entities, such as publishing companies).

Video Plagiarism


In the 1st century, the use of the Latin word plagiarius (literally "kidnapper") to show the stealing of others' works was spearheaded by the Roman poet Martial, who complained that other poets had "kidnapped his verses". The Plagiary, a derivative of Plagiarus, was introduced to English in 1601 by playwright Ben Jonson during the Jacobean Era to describe a person guilty of literary theft.

The plagiarism derivative form was introduced into English around 1620. Latin plagi? Rius , "kidnappers", and plagium , "kidnappings", have root plaga ("snare", "net"), based on Indo-European roots < (plekein , Bulgarian "??? >, and Latin plectere , all means "weave").

Maps Plagiarism

Legal aspects

Although plagiarism in some contexts is considered theft or stealing, the concept does not exist in the legal sense, although the use of others' works to obtain academic credits can satisfy several definitions of fraud law. "Plagiarism" is not specifically mentioned in the current law, whether criminal or civil. Some cases may be treated as unhealthy competition or a violation of the doctrine of moral rights. Increased availability of copyrighted material due to the development of information technology has deepened the debate, whether copyright infringement is a criminal. In short, people are asked to use the guidelines, "if you do not write it yourself, you have to give credit".

Plagiarism is not the same as copyright infringement. Although these two terms may apply to certain actions, they are different concepts, and false claims about authorship are generally plagiarism regardless of whether the material is protected by copyright. Copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of the copyright holder, when material whose use is restricted by copyright is used without permission. Plagiarism, on the other hand, is concerned about the unexamined increase to copy the author's reputation, or obtain academic credits, achieved through false authors' claims. Thus, plagiarism is considered a moral offense against a plagiarist listener (eg, reader, listener, or teacher).

Plagiarism is also considered a moral offense against anyone who has provided a plagiarist with benefits in exchange for what is specifically supposed to be original content (eg, publisher, employer, or plagiarist teacher). In such cases, the act of plagiarism can sometimes also be part of a claim for violation of the plagiarist contract, or, if committed intentionally, by a civil error.

Symptoms of Plagiarism | Library Grits

In academia and journalism

In academy, plagiarism by students, professors, or researchers is considered academic dishonesty or academic fraud, and violators are subject to academic reproaches, up to and including expulsion. Some institutions use plagiarism detection software to uncover the potential for plagiarism and to prevent students from plagiarism. Some universities address the issue of academic integrity by providing students with a thorough orientation, required writing courses, and a clearly articulated code of honor. Indeed, there is a near-uniform understanding among students that plagiarism is wrong. Nevertheless, every year students are brought before their disciplinary institutions on the charge that they have misused the source in their school. "However, the practice of plagiarism using sufficient word substitution to avoid detection software, known as rogeting, has grown tremendously as unethical students and academics strive to stay ahead of detection software.

The extreme form of plagiarism, known as cheating contracts involves students paying for others, like an essay factory, to do their work for them.

In journalism, plagiarism is considered a violation of journalistic ethics, and journalists caught tracing usually face disciplinary actions ranging from suspension to termination of employment. Some people who were caught tracing in academic or journalistic contexts claimed that they copied by accident, by excluding quotations or giving appropriate quotes. While plagiarism in scholarship and journalism has a history of many centuries, the development of the Internet, where articles appear as electronic text, has made the physical act of copying someone else's work much easier.

Predicted at the expected level of learning/understanding achieved, all relevant academic accreditations become severely damaged if plagiarism is allowed to become the norm in academic submission.

For professors and researchers, plagiarism is punished with sanctions ranging from suspension to stoppage, along with loss of perceived credibility and integrity. Plagiarism allegations against students and professors are usually heard by internal disciplinary committees, where students and professors agree to be bound. Plagiarism is a common reason for academic research papers to be recalled.


There is no universally adopted definition of academic plagiarism; However, this section provides several definitions to illustrate the most common characteristics of academic plagiarism.

According to Bela Gipp's academic plagiarism includes:

"The use of ideas, concepts, words, or structure
without acknowledging the source appropriately to benefit in settings where originality is expected. "

The definition by B. Gipp is a shortened version of Teddi Fishman's definition of plagiarism, which proposes five elements of plagiarism characteristics. According to T. Fishman, plagiarism occurs when a person:

  1. Use work words, ideas, or products
  2. Can be associated with identifiable people or other sources
  3. Without associating the work to the source from which it was obtained
  4. In situations where there is a legitimate expectation of genuine authorship
  5. To get some unnecessary benefits, credits, or benefits of money

Furthermore, plagiarism is defined differently between higher education institutions and universities: Stanford sees plagiarism as a "use, without providing reasonable and reasonable credits or acknowledging the author or source, the original work of others, whether the work consists of codes, formulas, ideas, languages, research, strategies, writing or any other form. "

  • Yale views plagiarism as "... the use of other works, words, or ideas without attribution," which include "... uses the source language without quoting, using information from sources without attribution, and paraphrasing the source in too close form with the original. "
  • Princeton considers plagiarism as a "deliberate" use of the original language, idea, or material (not common knowledge) of others without acknowledging its source. "
  • The Oxford College of Emory University characterizes plagiarism as the use of "the author's idea or phrase without reward."
  • Brown defines plagiarism as "... using the ideas or words of others (oral or written) without associating the word or idea with the original source."
  • The US Naval Academy defines plagiarism as "the use of words, information, insights, or other people's ideas without crediting the person through proper quotes."
  • The general form of student plagiarism

    According to the "Reality and Solutions of College Plagiarism" made by the Department of Health Informatics from the University of Illinois in Chicago there are 10 main forms of plagiarism by students:

    1. Submit someone's work as their own.
    2. Take part of their previous work without adding a quote.
    3. Rewrite someone's work without properly specifying the source.
    4. Use quotes, but do not specify the source.
    5. Build many resources together in work without quoting.
    6. Quotes a few, but not all the parts should be quoted.
    7. Brings up the quoted and cropped parts of the piece.
    8. Gives the right quotation, but fails to change the structure and words of the idea borrowed enough.
    9. Inaccurately cite the source.
    10. Too rely on someone else's work. Failed to bring original thoughts into the text.

    Sanctions for student plagiarism

    In the academic world, plagiarism by students is usually considered a very serious offense that can result in punishments such as the value of failing on a particular task, the entire course, or even being removed from the institution. In general, penalties increase when a person enters a higher learning institution. The seriousness of academic institutions to overcome student plagiarism can be generated by the recognition that students may not fully understand what plagiarism is. A 2015 study shows that students who are newly studying at the university do not have a good understanding of even the basic requirements of how to link resources in written academic work, but students are very confident that they understand what reference and plagiarism are. The same students also have a soft view of how plagiarism should be punished.

    For recurrent cases of plagiarism, or for cases where students have severe plagiarism (eg, Purchasing a duty), suspension or expulsion may occur. There are historical concerns about inconsistencies in the penalties imposed for student plagiarism, and plagiarism rates were made in 2008 for higher education institutions in the UK in an effort to encourage some standardization approaches.

    However, to impose sanctions, plagiarism needs to be detected. The strategies used by faculty members to detect plagiarism include a careful reading of student work and making notes of inconsistencies in student writing, citation errors and providing plagiarism prevention education to students. It has been found that most teachers (universities) do not use detection methods such as using text-matching software. Some others try to detect plagiarism by reading the term paper specifically for plagiarism, while the latter method may not be very effective at detecting plagiarism - especially when plagiarism from unknown sources needs to be detected.

    Criminal and negative behavior by manufacturer diploma

    There are allegations that some diploma mills take student money for the essay, then produce a low standard essay or close their website without providing the purchased essay. Students then have little time to give an essay before the deadline. Also the diploma factories have students who allegedly extorted more money than originally approved and threatened to reveal plagiarism to the university unless more money was paid. Sorana Vieru of NUS said, "We will urge those who struggle to seek support through their unions and universities rather than seek to fix quickly, and realize that using this website can cost not only money but jeopardize their qualifications.

    Education plagiarism

    Given the serious consequences of plagiarism for students, there is a call for greater emphasis on learning to help students avoid plagiarism. This is especially important when students move to a new institution that may have different views of the concept when compared to views previously developed by students. Indeed, given the seriousness of allegations of plagiarism for the future of a student, pedagogical plagiarism education may need to be considered ahead of the discipline pedagogy being studied. The need for plagiarism education extends to academic staff, who may not fully understand what is expected of their students or the consequences of mistakes.

    Factors influencing student decisions to plagiarize

    Several studies investigated the factors that influenced the decision to plagiarize. For example, a panel study with students from German universities found that academic procrastination predicted the frequency plagiarism performed within six months following the measurement of academic procrastination. It has been argued that by plagiarizing students overcome the negative consequences resulting from academic procrastination such as bad grades. Other studies have found that plagiarism is more frequent if students perceive plagiarism as useful and if they have the opportunity to plagiarize. When students expect higher sanctions and when they have internalized the social norms that define plagiarism as highly inappropriate, plagiarism is less likely.


    Because journalism depends on public trust, the failure of a reporter to honestly acknowledge their sources undermine the integrity of newspaper or television news events and undermine his credibility. Journalists accused of plagiarism are often suspended from their reporting tasks while allegations are being investigated by news organizations.


    The reuse of significant, identical, or almost identical parts of the work itself without acknowledging that a person does that or cites his original work is sometimes described as "self-plagiarism"; the term "recycling fraud" has also been used to describe this practice. These natural articles are often referred to as duplicates or many publications. In addition, there is a copyright issue if the copyright of the previous work has been transferred to another entity. Self-plagiarism is considered a serious ethical issue in settings where one asserts that the publication consists of new material, such as in publishing or factual documentation. That does not apply to public interest text, such as social, professional, and cultural opinions that are usually published in newspapers and magazines.

    In the academic field, self-plagiarism occurs when a writer reuses a portion of their published work and is protected by copyright in the next publication, but without linking to previous publications. Identifying self-plagiarism is often difficult because the reuse of limited material is legally accepted (as fair use) and ethically.

    The contested definition

    Miguel Roig has written extensively on the topic of self-plagiarism and his definition of self-plagiarism because using previously widely disseminated works is widely accepted among the experts of the topic. However, "self-plagiarism" has been challenged as a self-contradiction, an oxymoron, and on other grounds.

    For example, Stephanie J. Bird believes that self-plagiarism is a misnomer, because according to the definition of plagiarism concerns the use of other people's material. Birds identify the ethical issues of "self-plagiarism" as "double or redundant publications". He also noted that in the context of education, "self-plagiarism" refers to the case of a student who resends "the same essay for credit in two different courses." As David B. Resnik explains, "Plagiarism involves dishonesty but not intellectual theft."

    Menurut Patrick M. Scanlon

    "Self-plagiarism" is a term with a special currency. Most notably, it is used in discussions of research and publication of integrity in biomedicine, in which heavy demands are published or which desperately has led to a rash of duplicate publications and "salami-slicing", reporting of single study results in "at least published units" in some article (Blancett, Flanagin, & Young, 1995; Jefferson, 1998; Kassirer & Angell, 1995; Lowe, 2003; McCarthy, 1993; Schein & Paladugu, 2001; Wheeler, 1989). Roig (2002) offers a useful classification system including four types of self-plagiarism: duplication of article publication in more than one journal; partitioning one study into several publications, often called salami-slicing; recycled text; and copyright infringement.

    Code of ethics

    Some academic journals have a code of ethics that specifically refers to self-plagiarism. For example, International Business Studies Journal . Some professional organizations such as the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) have made policies that specifically deal with self-plagiarism. Other organizations do not make specific reference to self-plagiarism like the American Political Science Association (APSA). It publishes a code of ethics that describes plagiarism as "... a deliberate deprivation of the works of others represented as belonging to themselves." It makes no reference to self-plagiarism. He says that when a thesis or dissertation is published "in whole or in part", the author is "not usually under an ethical obligation to recognize its origin." The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) also publishes a code of ethics that says its members are committed to: "Ensure that others receive credit for their work and contributions," but make no reference to self-plagiarism.

    Factors that justify reuse

    Pamela Samuelson, in 1994, identified several factors that she said the reason for reuse of previously published works, which made her not plagiarize herself. He attributes each of these factors in particular to the issue of self-plagiarism ethics, which differs from the legal issue of fair use of copyright, which he handles separately. Among other factors that may be the reason for the reuse of previously published material, Samuelson, lists the following:

    1. Previous work should be restated to lay the groundwork for a new contribution in the second job.
    2. Parts of previous work must be repeated to handle new evidence or arguments.
    3. The audience for each work is so different that publishing the same work in different places is required to deliver the message.
    4. The author thinks they said it very well the first time that it did not make sense to say it differently for the second time.

    Samuelson states he relies on the reasoning of "different audiences" when trying to bridge interdisciplinary communities. He refers to writing to different legal and technical communities, saying: "there are often paragraphs or sequences of paragraphs that can be physically lifted from one article to another." And, actually, I picked it up. " He refers to his own practice of converting "technical articles into legal review articles with relatively few changes - adding footnotes and one substantive piece" to different audiences.

    Samuelson describes error as the basis of self-plagiarism. He also stated "Although apparently not raised in one case of self-plagiarism, the defense of copyright use of copyright law is likely to provide shield against many potential publishers' claim of copyright infringement against authors who reuse parts of their previous work."

    Organization publication

    Plagiarism does not seem to be a problem when organizations publish unmarked works collectively because they do not give credit for originality to certain people. For example, the American Historical Association's (2005) Standard "Standards of Professional Behavior" deals with textbooks and reference books state that, since textbooks and encyclopedias are summaries of other scholars, they are not bound by the same attributional standards as original research and may allowed greater "degree of dependence" on other works. However, even such books do not use words, phrases, or paragraphs of other texts or follow too closely the composition and organization of other texts, and the authors of the text are also expected to "recognize the source of recent or different findings and interpretations, those who have not been part from a general understanding of the profession. "

    What is Plagiarism? Learn About Copyright Law Before It's too Late!

    In the art field

    Art history

    Through all the history of literature and art in general, works of art are for the most part a repetition of tradition; for the entire history of artistic creativity including plagiarism, literary theft, plundering, merging, recording, rewriting, recapitulation, revision, reprise, thematic variations, ironic retakes, parodies, imitations, theft of styles, pastiches, collages, and deliberate collection. There is no firm and precise distinction between practices such as imitation, style plagiarism, copies, replicas, and forgery. This appropriation procedure is the main axis of an educated culture, in which the tradition of the canonical past is constantly being rewritten.

    Ruth Graham quotes T.S. Eliot - "A mature imitation poet, a mature poet who steals, bad poets ruin what they take." - he notes that despite the "taboo" of plagiarism, the evil intentions and the shame it generates in the modern context, the readers seem to often forgive the recent excesses of historical literary offenders.

    Praises of artistic plagiarism

    A part of Laurens Sterne 1767 Tristram Shandy condemns plagiarism by using plagiarism. Oliver Goldsmith commented:

    Sterne's writings, obviously recognizable, that he, whose style and style had long been considered original, is in fact the most unquestioned plagiarist ever crossed out of his predecessors to decorate his own pages. It must be possessed, at the same time, that Sterne chooses the materials of his mosaic work with so many works of art, places them so well, and polishes them so high that in many cases we are thrown away to forgive the desires of originality, in the consideration of extraordinary talent which was loaned into a new form.

    Students and professors respond to plagiarism â€

    In another context

    On the Internet

    Media related to Plagiarism in Wikimedia Commons

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
