Selasa, 03 Juli 2018

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The Importance of Knowing Your Target Audience for Events

target audience is the intended audience or reader of a publication, advertisement, or other message. In marketing and advertising, it is a specific consumer group within a predetermined target market, identified as a target or a recipient for a particular advertisement or message. Businesses with large target markets will focus on specific target audiences for specific messages to send, such as The Body Shops Mother's Day ad, aimed at children and women couples, rather than the entire market that will include women themselves.

The target audience is made up of the same factor as the target market, but more specific, and vulnerable to the influence of other factors. An example of this is the marketing of USDA food guides, which are intended to attract young people between the ages of 2 and 18. Factors they should consider beyond the standard marketing mix include the growing nutritional needs of children, children's knowledge and attitudes about nutrition, and other specific details. This reduces their target market and provides a specific target audience to focus on. Common factors for target audiences can reduce the target market to specific such as 'men aged 20-30 years, living in Auckland, New Zealand' rather than 'men aged 20-30 years'. However, just because a targeted audience does not mean the message delivered will not be interesting and accepted by those outside the intended demographic. Failure to target specific audiences is also possible, and occurs when misinformation is conveyed. Side effects such as boomerang campaigns and 'demerit items' are common consequences of failed campaigns. Demerit items are goods with negative social perceptions, and face the impact of their image as opposed to generally accepted social values.

Defining the difference between the target market and the target audience is the difference between marketing and advertising. In marketing, the market is targeted by business strategy, while advertising and media, such as television shows, music and print media, are more effectively used to attract target audiences. A potential strategy for attracting target audiences is advertising toys during children's TV programs in the morning, rather than during evening news releases.

Achieving the target audience is a gradual process, initiated by the selection of target market sectors. Successful appeal to a target audience requires a detailed media plan, which involves many factors to achieve an effective campaign.

Video Target audience

Pasar target

A target market is a select group of potential or current customers, which a business decides to direct its marketing and advertising strategy to sell products or services. Defining 'target market' is the first stage in a business marketing strategy, and is a process of market segmentation. Market segmentation can be defined as the division of the market into groups of choice, based on various factors such as needs, characteristics and behavior, so that the application of the marketing mix can be appropriate for the individual. Market segmentation gives businesses the ability to define the target market for their products or services, and apply the marketing mix to achieve the desired results.

The target market is a common tool used by many marketers and businesses to determine the set of customers they want to focus on and serve their marketing message. It is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "The particular consumer group in which the product or service is intended" (Oxford Dictionary, 2016). The target market is determined and determined by the objectives set out in the marketing plan. From marketing plans, marketers can set the right target audience needed to successfully complete effective marketing communications (Percy, Rossiter, & Elliott, 2001, p.Ã, 65). Distinguishing a target market is a key decision for every business because it is a group of individuals whose marketing is designed for. Once a business has determined their target market, an offer can be designed to meet the specific needs and desires of a particular audience (Hoyer, Macinnis, & Pieters, 2013, p.Ã, 7). The target audience is often separated by factors such as demographics and psychographic differences. Viewers in this target segment can have different regional, ethnic, lifestyle, and monetary and religious requirements. Adjusting offerings to target markets allows marketers to meet the specific needs and wants of consumers in this audience (Hoyer, Macinnis, & Pieters, 2013, p.Ã, 13).

The marketing mix is ​​a combination of what is commonly called '4 Ps'. These are price, place (distribution), product and promotion, in no particular order. The target market, determined by market segmentation, requires a unique set of 4 Ps to have an effective or efficient product or service marketed for it. For example, the marketing of a new female perfume will require market segmentation to focus almost exclusively on the part of market women, but also should consider 4 Ps before it is determined. In the case of perfume, this may include the product price bracket, where the product is sold, the quality and aroma of the product, and how the product is promoted. With all this considered, the product can be marketed efficiently. Therefore, the combination of the target market with the marketing mix is ​​critical to the success of the product or service.

Maps Target audience

Define the target audience

A business must identify and understand its target audience if their marketing campaign is successful. This allows businesses to make their products or services according to customer wants and needs, to maximize sales and revenue. Successful marketing campaigns connect with consumers on a personal level, which will help businesses to develop long-term relationships with customers (Sherlock, 2014).

Not all consumers are alike. Determining target audience is key to reaching loyal and high-income customers, to ensure a return on investment (Cahill, 1997, p.10-11). To effectively define the target audience of a brand, marketing managers should consider three general aspects of audience target grouping: demographics, psychography and consumer lifestyles (Percy, Rossiter, & Elliott, 2001, p.Ã, 65).

To determine the target audience, the business must first identify what problems their product or service solves, or what they need or want to meet (Sherlock, 2014). The problem must be one that consumers realize and thus will be interested in solving it. For example, the problem could be the lack of cheap air conditioning units in the market. If a business enters the air conditioning unit market that sells their unit for a low price, consumers who can not afford another AC unit will see this as a solution to the problem, and will buy a new unit. Problems solved by businesses can be identified by looking for a business or similar business idea. If the search does not work, then there is still a problem that can be solved by the business (Sherlock, 2014).

Businesses must determine what kind of people are dealing with the problems they identify. It is based on consumer demographics, psychographic, geographic and behavioral information (Sherlock, 2014).

Demographic information

Demographic information involves aspects of consumer statistics such as gender, ethnicity, income, qualification, and marital status (Sharma 2015). Demographic information is important to businesses because it provides the basic background of business customers intending to target their marketing campaigns at. This helps them to assess at a basic level how to communicate effectively with whom they identify as target audiences. Demographics are key because they provide the foundation for whom the business will target (Sherlock, 2014). Demographics are statistical information that does not require in-depth analysis to provide answers, so businesses will use quantitative methods of data collection. This method will provide a statistical approach to identify the target audience.

Psychographic information

Psychography is the use of sociological, psychological and anthropological factors, as well as consumer behavior, lifestyle and self-concept to determine how groups of different market segments make decisions about philosophy, people or products (Weinstein, 2014). Psychographical information can be utilized by businesses to gain a deeper understanding of the consumer groups they want to target, by analyzing more in-depth details about consumer lifestyles and thinking processes so as to gain an understanding of their preferences. Things like finances, interests, hobbies, and lifestyles will all be screened by businesses to create target audiences that will theoretically open to products and will connect with businesses through marketing campaigns intended for them (Dowhan, 2013).

Behavioral information

Consumer behavior is the buying decision process, what influences their purchasing decisions, what purpose they use purchased goods, and their responses and attitudes toward the product (Cheng et al., 2015). Cheng et al. explains that consumer behavior is influenced by messages sent by businesses, which in turn affect their attitudes toward brands and products, and ultimately what products they choose to buy (Cheng et al., 2015). When determining their target audience, the business should examine consumer behavior trends. Behavior trends can include online purchases, not shop purchases, or modern consumers who buy new smartphones every year. They then have to choose a consumer segment whose behavior is aligned with the function and purpose of the product to become the intended audience for the marketing campaign. Consumer targets can be identified by businesses as they will show that there is demand for products with their behavioral signals (Dowhan, 2013). Their past interests, hobbies, and purchasing activities provide a platform where businesses can base their marketing campaigns (Dowhan, 2013).

Geographic information

Geographic information is basically where customers are, and is critical to business when they determine their target audience. This is because customers located in different geographic areas will face the things that affect their purchasing decisions (Kahie, 1986). These can be a number of things, including resources, culture and climate, which can cause their behavior, psychographic information and influences to differ from those in the same but geographically distant demographic (Kahie, 1986). For example, cities or areas with heavy drinking cultures will face high liquor sales, while cities or regions with minimal drinking culture will experience low alcoholic beverage sales. Each country has consumers with the same demographics, but because of the cultural influence of the geographic region, their purchasing decisions are different.

The basic examples of consumer profiles are: men aged 35-40 years living in the US and university-level (demographic), are a friendly extrovert of the upper middle class and living an active (psychographic) lifestyle, living in Nashville , Tennessee (geographic) and make small and frequent purchases without considering product brand (behavior). This profile will allow businesses to tailor their marketing campaigns to attract specific consumers.

There are many demographic, psychographic, geographic and behavioral data collection methods. There are several quantitative methods, namely statistical processes such as surveys and questionnaires, and qualitative methods, deep approaches such as focus groups or comprehensive interviews (Dudley et al., 2014). Different aspects of the consumer are all important to the business when planning a marketing campaign, because the information collected by the business will determine what the most profitable market targets for the campaign are, and how to reach these markets.

Businesses should also look to their competitors to see what processes they are currently taking to try and solve problems, and which consumers they target (Sherlock, 2014). This will allow businesses to get an idea of ​​what kind of consumers they will target, and what is the best way to communicate with these types of consumers. This information can be used to allow businesses to be slightly different from the competition to give them a competitive edge once the marketing campaign begins.

Once the target audience has been identified, the business must then create content for campaigns that will resonate and communicate effectively with consumers (Sherlock, 2014). Tracie Sherlock stressed that the level of content that businesses will use to reach consumers must be of high quality, since 92% of marketers determine that high-level content is useful for campaigns (Sherlock, 2014). This high content level helps the consumer to connect on a more personal level with the business, and contributes to the successful communication process from business to the target audience and then feedback from the target audience to the business.

Once a business gathers data from consumers about their demographic, psychographic, geographic and behavioral situations, they can analyze this and use it to identify a rough target audience. This can be refined by process analysis and competitor targets, enabling businesses to formulate a more segmented target audience. Then the targeted segmented audience can be refined into a clear goal of the business targeted consumer, thus creating a specific target audience for marketing campaigns.


Lifestyle is defined as the "pattern of one's behavior" which is closely related to the personality and consumer values ​​(Hoyer, Macinnis, & Pieters, 2013, p.Ã, 401). The customer lifestyle is often determined by consumer buying behavior and product preferences (Lin, 2002, p.Ã, 250). It gives marketers an understanding of what kind of lifestyle consumers are living. Lifestyle is defined by three main parts: activities, interests and opinions (AIO). If a marketer can do lifestyle research through previous purchasing behavior, it provides a very good understanding of the AIO that enables the target audience to be determined effectively (Hoyer, Macinnis, & Pieters, 2013, p.Ã, 401-403).


Vs. target market

The two major marketing terms are the target audience and target market. Distinguishing the right target market and defining the target audience is an important step when having a business. Although both are very similar, it is important to understand the difference.

The target audience is generally associated with a business marketing message, which highlights the benefits and benefits of a business product or service. Examples of target audiences are "company employees, society as a whole, media officials, or various other groups" (Tambien, E., n.d.). Tom Duncan, author of The Principles of Advertising and IMC, and founder of the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) graduate program at the University of Colorado, defines the target audience as "a group with significant potential to respond positively to brand messaging" (Northwestern University., Nd) (Duncan, T., 2005). These 'groups' are targeted through specific marketing communication channels such as advertisements, aiming to create positive interactions with brands (Tyson, R., 2014). If this works, your audience will play a big role in influencing other potential customers to buy your product or service. An example is when a child, part of the target audience, is positively reached through a communication channel such as TV commercials for toys. Children then share this information with their parents, target markets, who will be affected to buy toys.

The target market is a select consumer group that has common needs or characteristics. Often these characteristics can be divided into four distinct marketing groups, geographic, demographic, psychographic or behavioral (Kotler, P., Burton, S., Deans, K., Brown, L., & Armstrong, G., 2013). Once companies set a target market, they will direct their products, services, and marketing activities to consumers in ways that are expected to persuade them to buy products or services (Kotler, et al., 2013). This impact will result in a satisfactory or less satisfactory marketing strategy.

Target Group of Entrepreneurial Development Programme in India

Strategy to reach the target audience

Achieving the target audience is a gradual process, initiated by the selection of target market sectors. Successful appeal to a target audience requires a detailed media plan, which involves many factors to achieve an effective campaign.

The use of media is what distinguishes the target market from the target audience. While the target market is marketed with business strategy, the use of advertising and other media tools is what makes marketing to target audiences a more effective way of attracting a certain group of people. The effectiveness of target audience campaigns depends on how well the company knows their market; This can include details such as behavior, incentives, cultural differences and community expectations. Failure to identify these trends may cause the campaign to target the wrong audience, and ultimately lose money or no change at all. An example of this type of failure is Chef Boyardee, who is planning a campaign to attract teenage boys, the biggest consumers of their products. However, what they do not consider is that the buyers of their goods may differ from consumers, which is the problem, since mothers are the primary buyers, even though the children consume the product. Factors such as these are perceived at a deeper level with detailed media plans, which can not be found in a simpler target market strategy. Following the media plan requires attention at every stage, and requires a variety of factors to consider. In order, this includes:

  1. Target
  2. Media type
  3. Media tactics
  4. Vehicle media
  5. Media unit
  6. Media schedule
  7. Media promotion
  8. Media logic
  9. Emergency plan
  10. Calendar
  11. Integrated budget and marketing

Each of these sections becomes even more detailed, such as a media unit, which includes minute details like the length of a broadcast ad or the size of a print ad.

A truly planned, planned and implemented media plan is needed to achieve immediate success in the campaign. Therefore, ignoring one factor may lead to miscommunication with the consumer and ultimately failure to fully reach all target audience effectively.

Effective marketing consists of identifying the right target audience, and being able to pinpoint the right marketing strategy to achieve and influence them. The four main targeting strategies that are widely used in business are; undifferentiated (mass) marketing, distinguished (segmented) marketing, concentrated marketing (niche), and lastly micro-marketing (local or individual) (Kotler, et al., 2013).

Undifferentiated (mass) marketing is a strategy used to capture a broad audience, rather than focusing on differences in a segmented market. A business will typically design a single product line and focus on what consumers demand most often, to create marketing programs that will attract the largest amount of purchases. This strategy typically uses mass distribution and advertising to help create amazing products and is perhaps one of the most cost effective. A narrow product line, an undifferentiated advertising program and the absence of segmented market research and planning all contribute to lower costs. Many do not believe in this strategy, because of the high level of competition and difficulty in creating products that satisfy the majority of consumers (Kotler, et al., 2013).

The differentiated (segmented) marketing strategy is when a business chooses to target multiple segments of the audience, by creating different variations of its products for each. An example of this is the energy drink V that offers a wide range of products including; Regular V, sugar free V, V zero, double espresso V (V-Energy., N.d.). Usually when using this marketing strategy, the company's recognition is expanded and repeat purchases are reinforced, with customers getting products more tailored to their needs. This strategy is unfortunately not cost-effective and involves a lot of research and development, as well as a variety of unique promotions for each particular product. Although, this strategy often has more sales than those who use an indistinguishable marketing strategy. When considering this strategy one should consider increasing sales against increased costs (Kotler, et al., 2013).

Concentrated (niche) marketing is "market coverage strategy where the company runs after most of one or several sub-markets (Kotler, et al., 2013)." This strategy allows the company to create a strong market position without mass production, distribution or advertising. This strategy is usually beneficial because it does not involve much competition. A business can gain greater knowledge about their different segments, as they focus more on the needs and reputation of the segmentation they get. Many businesses using this strategy are now turning to the web to set up their stores, not just because they are cost effective but allow them to become more recognizable (Kotler, et al., 2013).

The micro-marketing strategy (local or individual) targets very narrowly compared to an undifferentiated marketing strategy. Generally businesses that use this strategy will adjust their products, and marketing programs to fit the needs of different market segments and niche markets. A good example of this is shown in the real estate industry whose purpose often determines the type of home clients look for. Micro marketing includes local and individual marketing. Often this strategy can be expensive, due to the customization and lack of economies of scale (Kotler, et al., 2013).

Local marketing is "tailoring brands and promotions to the needs and wants of local, city, neighborhood and even store chain customers (Kotler, et al., 2013)." This type of marketing is indeed experiencing difficulties especially in terms of production and marketing costs, meeting mixed requirements for each market location and brand image familiarity. New emerging technologies and fragmented markets regularly outperform these obstacles (Kotler, et al., 2013).

Individual marketing refers to an accommodated merchandise and marketing program, according to the individual customer demands desired. An example is Coca-Cola, which allows customers to personalize their Coke cans by being able to print their name or text selection into canned packaging (Coca-Cola., N.d.). Although the extra cost for the business, allowing customers to design and create the products they want according to their own needs, can create value and loyalty to the business. It is also a way of business can stand out against its competitors (Kotler, et al., 2013).

6 Key Steps to Identify your Target Audience

Strategy to reach the target market

Marketers have outlined four basic strategies to meet the target market: unspecified marketing or mass marketing, different marketing, concentrated marketing, and micro-marketing/nichemarketing.

Mass marketing is a market coverage strategy in which companies decide to ignore market segment differences and pursue the entire market with a single offer. This is the type of marketing (or trying to sell through persuasion) of a product to a wide audience. The idea is to broadcast a message that will reach the largest number of possible people. Mass marketing has traditionally focused on radio, television, and newspapers as a medium used to reach this vast audience.

For the sales team, one way to reach the target market is through direct marketing. This is done by purchasing a consumer database based on the segmentation profile you have defined. This database is usually equipped with consumer contacts (eg Email, no mobile, home no., Etc.). Caution is encouraged when making a direct marketing effort - check the country's targeted direct marketing laws.

The target audience is formed from different groups, for example: adults, teenagers, children, middle teens, preschoolers, men, women.

To market to specific audiences effectively, it's important to get to know your target market; habits, behavior, likes, and dislikes them. Markets vary in size, variety, geographic scale, locality, community type, and in different types of merchandise sold. Because of the many variations included in the market, it's important, because you can not accommodate everyone's preferences, to know exactly who you're marketing.

To get to know the ins and outs of your target market legend, market analysis must be completed. Market analysis is a documented examination of the market used to enlighten business preparation activities around inventory decisions, purchases, labor expansion/contraction, facility expansion, capital equipment purchase, promotional activities, daily upgrades and many other aspects..

Strategic planning and segmentation

Marketing organizations that run strategic plans need to use target marketing in their decisions (Dibb & amp; Simkin 1998). Target marketing is also part of the segmentation process, in which groups sharing the same needs and desires are segmented into specific categories. According to Dibb and Simkin, (1998) the final process of target marketing is the design of the marketing mix program. The marketing mix tool consists of four major groups known as 4 Ps: product, price, place, and promotion (Kotler et al., 2014). The use of a marketing mix program will provide sufficient data and knowledge for the right marketing strategy to reach a specific target audience. Target marketing strategy can be segmentation: Market segmentation shows dividing the market into different groups that may require different products or services (Kotler et al., 2014). Using a market segmentation strategy can enable marketers to have sufficient knowledge about consumer characteristics. Knowledge of demographic, geographic, psychographic, and consumer behavior variables can enable relevant marketing processes to reach the target audience directly.


Geographic segmentation is a marketer interested in a specific geographic region such as country, region, country, city or neighborhood (Kotler et al., 2014). Specific knowledge of geographic preferences allows businesses and organizations to change or change their products to allocate to their markets, (Kotler et al., 2014).


It divides the market into demographic areas such as age, life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, and nationality (Kotler et al., 2014). Some companies offer a variety of products and market strategies to allocate to different ages and life cycles, other companies focusing on the specific ages of the life cycle group. Kotler et al. (2014) states, for example, the Disney shipping line primarily focuses on families with large or small children, and most of the goals offer activity-oriented children and parents. It shows that Disney shipping companies have a special segment of their target market is families with children.


Customers can be sorted by social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics (Kotler et al., 2014). According to Kotler et al. (2014) people in the same demographic region can have very different psychographic characteristics. Marketers generally target the target market into a consumer lifestyle and their social class. Social class has a profound effect on preference for cars, clothing, home furnishings, recreational activities, reading habits, and retailers (Kotler et al., 2014).


Consumers are divided by knowledge, attitude, and use, or responses to products (Kotler et al., 2014). Marketers can group buyers by chance when they make a purchase or use a product. For example, Kotler et al. (2014) show that air travel is generated by opportunities relative to business, leisure, or family. Another way marketers can group buyers using behavioral variables is the user status and usage level. They can be segmented into non-users, former users, potential users, first-time users and regular product users, (Kotler et al., 2014). Usage level is segmentation to users of light, medium and heavy products. According to Kotler, et al., (2014) heavy product users are typically a small percentage of the market but a high percentage of total consumption. Loyalty status can prove to be very significant for a marketer's product or service. Kotler et al. (2014) states, the reason for improving customer loyalty is that "loyal customers are insensitive to price compared to brand-changing ideas."

Marketing mix

To understand the marketing effect of increasing audience, the basic marketing principles need to be outlined, and the role of marketing strategy in building the target audience is examined. According to, Galvin (1998), marketing is considered as simple as selling or promoting products or services to clients, customers or consumers who need different products. It is also the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational customers (Galvin, 1998). As well as segmentation, the marketing mix is ​​a significant marketing strategy for determining the target audience and further market appropriately for that audience. The marketing mix involves designing packaging, product pricing, product distribution, and promoting or communicating about the product (Galvin, 1998). These processes are known as 4 Ps. Market strategy and marketing mix allows space to create value for customers and build a profitable customer relationship (Kotler et al., 2014). This customer relationship can create ideas about what target audience applies to a particular product, if multiple or more consumers share the same characteristics and buy products regularly for similar behavioral reasons so that the target audience can fall into that category.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing targets individual consumers to get immediate responses and foster lasting consumer relationships (Kotler et al., 2014). According to Evans, O'Malley and Patterson, (1995) the direct marketing industry has become the fastest-growing marketing communications sector. There are several forms of direct marketing such as direct mail, telephone, direct response television, email, internet, and other tools to connect with a particular consumer (Kotler et al., 2014). Evans, O'Malley and Patterson (1995) and Kotler et al. (2014) also considered drops of brochures and samples to become a form of direct marketing. By using this form of direct communication, the customer of the product or service will receive personal, efficient and accessible information on the product. This can affect customers to buy products or services. This is arguably the most direct and direct process to reach the right target audience (Evans, O'Malley & Patterson, 1995).

Vector Group Of People Infographic, Teamwork Diagram, Target ...

Communications strategy

The marketing communications channel has undergone major changes, shifting from traditional types of mass-market advertising such as television and radio. This is due to technological advancements and the Internet era that developed new brand communication channels such as web advertising, social media and blogs (Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & SchÃÆ'¤fer, 2012, p.Ã, 770-772). Many businesses like Coca-Cola are involved with their target audience through these modern media channels, opening up two-way communication from brand to consumer and consumer to brand. This approach generates brand followers through social media, increasingly where consumers find content and brand information. By increasing engagement with targeted audiences, businesses have the opportunity to increase brand equity through traditional media and social media (Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & SchÃÆ'¤fer, 2012, p.Ã, 781-782).

Traditional communication

Traditional media vehicles such as television, radio and the press have been used by marketers for years but have limitations when trying to reach an individual target audience. The advantage of traditional media providing business is the ability to reach a very large audience. This type of marketing is commonly known as mass marketing and accounts for 70% of media spending in 2013 (Hoyer, Macinnis, & Pieters, 2013, p.Ã, 118-120). These media vehicles are more suited to brand efforts to remain relevant or build brand awareness in the mass market it communicates (Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & SchÃÆ'¤fer, 2012, p.Ã, 781-782). Although traditional media are effective in generating brand awareness, in today's market more and more consumers are online, engaging in more than one media channel at a time. Traditional media can not effectively target these consumers where an omni-channel marketing approach is needed (Brynjolfsson, 2013). Traditional media are considered expensive for small businesses with limited ability to market to target audiences; this mass marketing approach serves the message market broadly rather than deeply with the intended audience (Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & SchÃÆ'¤fer, 2012, p.Ã, 781-782). To reach today's target audience effectively, traditional media such as television commercials must be implemented in an integrated marketing communications campaign rather than the only vehicle medium to deliver brand messages (Hoyer, Macinnis, & Pieters, 2013, p. 3-7)

Online communication

Marketers can use online media to better reach their target audience. Once marketers understand their target market segment, they can generate marketing messages that are suitable for the intended target audience. Communicating with consumers through tools such as web banners, social media and email, enables direct targeting to consumers. This presents a special message to consumers who are already involved and interested in the offer. An example of this is remarketing, which allows advertisers to view consumer web history, track them online to see which websites they have visited. Marketers then have a second chance to show consumers related products from previously visited websites, previously rejected by consumers (Libert, Grande, & Asch, 2015).

Social media such as Twitter, Snapchat find, YouTube and Facebook enable two-way communication between businesses and consumers that can not be reached by traditional media. This communication benefits both businesses using social media as a tool and consumer, as they can build meaningful relationships with businesses and other consumers, creating communities around brands. This community can provide new insights for businesses, identify problems and offer solutions through social interaction (Tsimonis & Dimitriadis, 2014, p.Ã, 328-330). When a business has a successful social platform that generates an interactive community around the brand, it enables building better relationships, enhancing brand image and consumer-brand equity (Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & SchÃÆ'¤fer, 2012, p. 781 -782).

Marketers can also use online media to target pre-existing communities by introducing key leaders in the community to their products or services, in the hope that they will in turn introduce their followers to the product.

5 Ways to Effectively Market To Your Target Audience - DPi Graphics

The power of persuasion

Source of the article : Wikipedia
