Senin, 09 Juli 2018

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G.I. Bill - Wikipedia

The Readjustment Act Serviceman of 1944 , also known as G.I. Bill , is a law that provides various benefits to returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as G.I.s). It was designed by the American Legion, which helped propel it through Congress by mobilizing its chapters (along with Veterans of Foreign Wars); the goal is to provide a direct reward for almost all World War II veterans.

This avoided the payment of a highly disputed term life insurance policy for World War I veterans that caused political turmoil for a decade and a half after the war. Benefits include special payment of tuition and living expenses to attend high school, college or vocational/technical schools, low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans for starting a business, as well as one year of unemployment compensation. It is available to all veterans who have been in active duty during the war years for at least 90 days and have not been dismissed in disrespect - exposure to combat is not required. The recipients do not pay any income tax on GI allowances, because they are not considered as earned income.

By 1956, some 7.8 million veterans had used G.I. Benefits of education Bill, about 2.2 million to attend college or university and an additional 5.6 million for some type of training program.

Historians and economists rate G.I. Bill's major political and economic success - especially different from the treatment of World War I veterans - and a huge contribution to the stock of American human capital that encourages long-term economic growth.

Canada operates a similar program for World War II veterans, with equally beneficial economic impacts. Since the original US 1944 legislation, the term has included other benefit programs created to help future war veterans as well as peaceful services.

During the 1940s, non-profit "fly-by-night" colleges have sprung up to raise veterans' education funds, as the program provides limited supervision. Similarly, nonprofit colleges and their main generators have taken advantage of post-9/11 G.I. Billing to target veterans for products and services is below standard. According to CBS News, about 40 percent of all GI Bill education funds go to nonprofit colleges. The Veterans Affairs Department, however, does have a GI Bill feedback form for recipients to handle their complaints against the college. In 2012, President Barack Obama also signed the 13607 Executive Order, which ensures that angry colleges are not aggressively recruiting members of their military, veterans, and family services. In 2017, President Donald Trump signed the GI Act Forever extending the time period allowed for veterans to pursue educational opportunities.

Video G.I. Bill


On June 22, 1944, the Readjustment Act of 1949, known as G.I. Bill of Rights, signed into law.

During the war, politicians wanted to avoid the postwar confusion about the benefits of veterans who became political football in the 1920s and 1930s. Veterans organizations formed after the First World War had millions of members; they mobilized support in Congress for a bill that provides benefits only to veterans of military service, including men and women. Ortiz says their efforts "take VFW and Legion as the twin pillars of the American veteran lobby for decades."

Harry W. Colmery, chairman of the Republican National Committee and former National Commander of the American Legion, is credited with writing the first draft of G.I. Bill. He reportedly jotted down his ideas about stationery and napkins at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DCUS Sen. Ernest McFarland, (D) AZ, and National Warrior Commander Warren Atherton, (R) CA is actively involved in the bill section and is known as "father from GI Bill. " One might then term Edith Nourse Rogers, (R) MA, who helps write and who sponsors the law, as "the mother of G.I.Bill". Like Colmery, his contribution to writing and passing this law has been obscured by time.

The law Roosevelt first proposed had a trial - only poor veterans who had a year of funding; only the top score on a written exam that will get a four-year course. The American Legion proposal provides full benefits to all veterans, including women and minorities, regardless of their wealth.

Important provisions of G.I. Bill has low interest, zero down payment for home loans for soldiers, with more favorable terms for new construction compared to existing housing. This encourages millions of American families to move from urban apartments and to suburban homes.

Another provision is known as clause 52-20 for unemployment. Unemployed war veterans will receive $ 20 a week for 52 weeks to a year while they are looking for work. Less than 20 percent of the money set aside for Club 52-20 is distributed. Instead, most of the returnees quickly find work or pursue higher education.

After World War II

A larger percentage of Vietnamese veterans use G.I. The educational benefits of Bill (72 percent) of World War II veterans (51 percent) or Korean War veterans (43 percent).

Maps G.I. Bill


Racial discrimination

Although G.I. Bill did not specifically advocate discrimination, it was interpreted differently for blacks than for whites. Historian Ira Katznelson argues that "the law was purposely designed to accommodate Jim Crow". Because the program was directed by local and white officials, many veterans did not benefit. Of the 67,000 first mortgages insured by G.I. Bill, less than 100 taken out by non-whites.

In 1946, only one-fifth of the 100,000 blacks who had signed up for an education allowance had enrolled in college. In addition, black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are under increasing pressure as registration and tense resources force them to repatriate about 20,000 veterans. HBCU has become the poorest college and serving, for the vast majority of whites, just to keep blacks out of white college. The HBCU resources are stretched even thinner when veteran demands require a curriculum shift away from the traditional "preaching and teaching" courses offered by HBCU. Banks and mortgage agents refused loans to blacks, making G.I. The bill is even less effective for blacks.

Merchant marine

Congress does not include veteran marine traders in the original G.I. Bill, though they were considered military personnel in wartime in accordance with the Marine Ocean Act of 1936. When President Roosevelt (Democrat) signed G.I. Bill in June 1944 said: "I believe Congress will soon give the same opportunity to marine merchant members who have risked their lives many times during the war for the welfare of their country." Now the youngest veterans of the 80s, there is an effort to recognize their contribution by giving some benefits to the remaining survivors. In 2007, three different bills relating to the issue were introduced in Congress, one of which was only issued by the House of Representatives.

Predators that target veterans

After GI Bill was founded in the 1940s, several "night-night" vocational schools appeared. Subprime for-profit colleges still target veterinarians, who are excluded from the 90-10 rule for federal funding. This gap encourages nonprofit colleges to target and recruit veterans and their families aggressively. The legislative effort to close the 90-10 gap has failed.

Leaders like QuinStreet also act as third parties to recruit veterans for subprime colleges.

The history of the GI Bill | American RadioWorks |


All veterans education programs are found in law in Title 38 of the United States Code. Each specific program is found in its own Chapter in Title 38.

Unlike the scholarship program, MGIB requires financial commitment from service members. However, if the benefits are not used, service members can not reimburse any money paid to the system.

In some states, the National Guard does indeed offer true scholarship benefits, regardless of MGIB's participation in the past or present.

Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill)

In 1984, former Mississippi Democrat Congressman Gillespie V. "Sonny" Montgomery changed G.I. Bill. From 1984 to 2008, this legal version was called "The Montgomery G.I. Bill". The Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty (MGIB) states that active duty members lose $ 100 per month for 12 months; if they use the benefits, they receive on 2012 $ 1564 monthly as full-time students (tiered at a lower level for less than full time) for a maximum of 36 months of educational benefits. These benefits can be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, on-the-job training/training and correspondence courses if veterans are enrolled full-time. Students of part-time veterans receive less, but for longer periods of proportion. This means that every month veterans receive benefits at part-time, the veterans are only charged for 1/2 month. Veterans from the reserve have different eligibility requirements and different rules for receiving benefits (see Chapters 1606, Chapters 1607 and Chapter 33). MGIB can also be used while active, which only reimburses fees for tuition and fees. Each service has an additional educational support program for active duty members. Most delays use MGIB benefits until after separation, discharge or retirement. Options


The "Buy" option, also known as "kicker", allows active duty members to lose up to $ 600 more towards their MGIB. For every dollar a service member contributes, the federal government accounts for $ 8. Those who lose the maximum ($ 600) will receive, once approved, an additional $ 150 per month for 36 months, or a total of $ 5400. This allows veterans to receive $ 4800 in additional funds ($ 5400 total minus $ 600 contribution to receive it), but not until after leaving active duty. Additional contributions should be made while still active on duty. It is available for G.I. Bill recipient using Ch. 30 or Ch. 1607, but can not be extended beyond 36 months if combination G.I. Bill programs are used.


MGIB benefits may be used up to 10 years from the date of the last release or are removed from active duty. The ten-year term can be extended by the amount of time a member of a service is prevented from training during that period due to disability or because he or she is held by a government or a foreign power.

A 10-year period may also be renewed if someone re-enters the active duty for 90 days or more after qualifying. The extension ended 10 years from the date of separation from the next period. The active duty period of less than 90 days is eligible for the extension only if someone is separated for one of the following:

  • Service-related defects
  • Pre-existing medical conditions
  • Difficulty

For those eligible under two years of active duty and four years in Selected Reserve (also known as "call to service"), they have 10 years of their exemption from active duty, or 10 years from the completion of four years. The Reserve Obligation is selected for using the benefits of MGIB.

At this time, service members can not reimburse money paid to the MGIB program when not in use.

Top-up options

Service members may use the GI Bill in conjunction with Military Assistance (MilTA) to assist payments over the Milta CAP. This will reduce the total benefits available after the member leaves the service. Improving Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2010, Section 111, changing Title 38, US Code, by adding section 3322 (h), "Bar to Duplication Based On Single Occurrence or Service Period," which does not allow the Department of Veterans Affairs to determine eligibility for Members of the Service under more than one educational benefit. If service members apply for Montgomery GI Bill benefits (such as the Top-up option to increase Lecture Support) and entry services on/after August 1, 2011, they must be subject to a subsequent service period to convert to Post 9/11 GI Bill. If service members can not be subject to another service period, they are not eligible to convert. The VA considers a service member to have selected a GI Bill after the submission of VA Form 22-1990. and VA approval and issue the Feasibility Certificate.


  • College, business
  • Technical or vocational course
  • Correspondence Course
  • Internship/job training
  • Flight training (usually limited to 60% for Ch 30, see Chapter 33 for more flight information)

Under this bill, benefits can be used to pursue a bachelor's or postgraduate degree at a college or university, co-operative training program, or an accredited independent study program leading to a degree.

Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation Program)

"Chapter 31" is a vocational rehabilitation program that serves qualified active service officers and veterans with disabilities connected with the service. The program promotes the development of appropriate and profitable work by providing vocational and personal adjustment counseling, training assistance, monthly subsistence allowance during active training, and post-training after-work assistance. Self-service services may also be provided to advance job potential for job seekers, or to enhance the independence of eligible participants who are currently unable to work.

In order to receive evaluation for Chapter 31 vocational rehabilitation and/or self-service services, those eligible as "servicemember" shall have a disability rating with respect to the service of a 20% or greater memorandum and apply for vocational rehabilitation services. Those who qualify as "veterans" must have received, or ultimately received, honorable or other disrespectful disabilities, have a disability rating related to VA services of 10% or more, and apply for services. The law provides a basic 12-year basic eligibility period in which services may be used, beginning in the final separation of active military duty or the date the veteran was first notified of a service-related disability rating. In general, participants have 48 months of program rights to complete individual vocational rehabilitation plans. Participants who are deemed to have a "serious work defect" will generally be granted an exemption from the 12-year eligibility period and may receive the additional month of ownership required to complete the approved plan.

Chapter 32 (Veterans Education Support Program)

The Veteran Education Support Program (VEAP) is available for those who first entered active duties between 1 January 1977 and 30 June 1985, and was elected to contribute to their military payments to participate in this educational support program. Participant contributions are matched on $ 2 to $ 1 by the Government. These benefits can be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, on-the-job training/internship training and correspondence courses.

Chapter 33 (Post-9/11)

Congress, in the summer of 2008, approved the expansion of benefits beyond the current G.I. Bill's program for military veterans serving since September 11, 2001, was originally proposed by Democratic Senator Jim Webb. Beginning in August 2009, the recipients become eligible for the greatly expanded benefits, or full expenses of any state college in their country. The new bill also provides housing allowances and $ 1,000 per year for books, among other benefits.

VA announced in September 2008 that it would manage the new benefits themselves rather than hire an outside contractor after protests by veterans organizations and the American Government Employees Federation. Veterans Affairs Secretary James B. Peake states that while "unfortunate that we will not have the technical expertise of the private sector," VA "can and will deliver a timely benefit program."

President Obama Unveils Post-9/11 GI Bill August 3, 2009 | 12: 1

President Obama marks the launch of GI GI Post 9/9, which will provide a comprehensive educational benefit for our veterans. This bill will give our veterans the skills and training they need to become successful in the future, and is part of the President's plan to build a new foundation for the 21st century. 3 August 2009.

In December 2010 Congress passed the Veterans' Education Improvement Act Post 9/11 of 2010. The new law, often referred to as G.I. Bill 2.0, extends eligibility for National Guard members to include the time presented in Title 32 or in Active Guard and a full-time Backup (AGR). It does not, however, include members of the Reserve Coast Guard who have served under Title 14 orders performing tasks comparable to those performed by National Guard personnel under the Title of 32 orders.

New laws also include:

registration period. In this case if the veteran is full-time, and his maximum BAH rate is $ 1500 per month, then he will receive (13/30) x $ 1500 = $ 650 for the end of the first registration period, then the veteran will receive (10/30) x $ 1500 = $ 500 for the start of the second enrollment period. Effectively, a change in break-pay means the veteran will receive $ 1150 per month for August instead of $ 1500 per month. This has a significant impact in December-January payments because most schools have a 2-4 week break time.

Other changes allow members of their active service and G.I assignments. Couples eligible to receive a $ 1,000 annual fee (assessed on the level of pursuit), add some vocational, certification, and OJT options, and remove country-by-state college caps for veterans enrolled in publicly funded colleges and universities.

Changes to Ch. 33 also includes a new annual cap of $ 17,500 for tuition and fees for veterans attending Private Higher Education and foreign colleges and universities.

10 Best States for Post-Military Education

Chapter 35 (Safe and Depth Education Aid Program Help)

A sustainable and surviving Education Assistance (DEA) program provides educational and training benefits to dependents of qualified resources for veterans who have terminal illnesses due to service-related conditions, or who are called for active duty or have disabilities related to serving in American troops in the United States. The program provides about 50 months of educational benefits. However, there are still many opportunities. Benefits can be used for degree programs and certificates, internships, and job training. Wives of veterans and ex-wives are sometimes offered free courses.

Chapter 1606 (Montgomery GI Bill-Selective Reserve)

The Montgomery G.I. The Bill - Selected Backup Program (MGIB-SR) may be available to members of the Preferred Reserve, including all the military reserve components as well as the National Guard of the Army and the Air National Guard. These benefits can be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, on-the-job training/internship training and correspondence courses.

Chapter 1607 (Backup Education Assistance Program)

The Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) is available to all backup officers who, after September 11, 2001, complete 90 days or more from the active service "to support contingency operations." This benefit provides a back-up of active tasks with up to 80% of active tasks (Chapter 30) G.I. The benefit of the bill as long as they remain an active participant in the backup.

GI Bill vs VA Vocational Rehabilitation, Which Is Better? - YouTube

MGIB comparison chart

GI Bill, Montgomery and Post 9/11 GI Bills |

Other legal protection

The State of California has an 85-15 rule that prevents ferocious nonprofit colleges and "night-flying schools" from targeting veterans.

In 2012, President Barack Obama issued Executive Order 13607 to ensure that members of military services, veterans and their families will not be aggressively targeted by sub-prime colleges.

MOAA - Post 9/11 GI Bill


Source of the article : Wikipedia
