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Ulysses S. Grant, a drunken fighting machine from American history ...

Ulysses S. Grant was the most famous General of Unity during the American Civil War and was twice elected President. Grant began his military career as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1839. After graduating he went on to serve with the differences as a lieutenant in the Mexican-American War. Grant is a keen war analyst and studies the battle strategies that serve under General Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott. After the war, Grant served in various posts mainly in the Pacific Northwest; he was forced to retire from service in 1854 due to drunken allegations. He could not successfully farm and at the beginning of the Civil War in April 1861, Grant worked as a clerk at his father's leather goods store in Galena, Illinois. When the war began, his military experience was needed, and Congressman Elihu B. Washburne became his guardian of politics and promotion in Illinois and nationally.

Provided a trained military recruitment of the Union and promoted to Colonel in June 1861. Major General John C. FrÃÆ'Ã… © mont, who saw in Grant an "iron intent" to win, appointed Grant to the Cairo District commander. Grant became famous throughout the nation after capturing Fort Donelson in February 1862 and promoted to Major General by President Abraham Lincoln. After a series of decisive but expensive battles and victories in Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga, Grant was promoted to Lieutenant General by President Lincoln in 1864 and was given responsibility for all Union Army. Grant went on to defeat Robert E. Lee after a series of other costly battles in Overland Campaign, Petersburg, and Appomattox. After the Civil War, Grant was given his final promotion of General Armed Forces in 1866 and served until 1869. Grant's popularity as a Union war general allowed him to be elected two terms as the President of the United States of the 18th.

Some historians have seen Grant as the commander of the "butcher" who in 1864 used friction regardless of the lives of his own warriors to kill enemies who could no longer fill his defeat. Throughout the Grant Civil War, about 154,000 casualties, while inflicting 191,000 victims on opposing Confederates. In terms of success, Grant was the only general during the Civil War who accepted the submission of three Confederate soldiers. Although Grant retained high casualties during the Overland Campaign in 1864, his aggressive battle strategy was in line with the strategic objectives of the US government's strategic war. Grant has recently been praised by historians for his "military genius", and is seen as a decisive general who emphasizes movement and logistics.

Video Ulysses S. Grant and the American Civil War

American Civil War

Initial commissions

On April 15, 1861, after the Confederate attack at Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina, President Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to lay secession. Galena was enthusiastic in supporting the war and was recognized in providing local people with extensive military experience. The grant helped recruit a volunteer company in Galena and accompanied it to Springfield, the state capital, where a trained unit that assembles in great confusion. Sponsored by influential congressman Elihu B. Washburne, Grant was named by governor, Richard Yates, to train volunteers. He proved efficient and energetic in training camps but wanted field command. Yates appointed him as a colonel in the Illinois militia and gave him orders from discipline and rebelled the Illinois Infantry 21st on June 17 He traveled to Mexico, Missouri, guarding Hannibal and the St. Joseph Railroad from Confederate attacks. On July 31, 1861, President Lincoln appointed him as a brigadier general in the United States of Volunteers. On September 1, he was elected by the West Department Commander, Maj. Gen. John C. Fra  © mont, ordered the Southeast Missouri District. He immediately set up its headquarters in Cairo, Illinois, where the Ohio River joins Mississippi. The order was immediately reorganized and renamed Cairo District.

Belmont Fight, Fort Henry and Fort Donelson

Grant's first Civil War battle occurred when he led the Cairo District. The Confederate Army, stationed in Columbus under General Leonidas Polk, had violated Kentucky's military neutrality. Soon, Grant took the initiative and seized Paducah, Kentucky on September 5, 1861. He was ordered by Major General John C. Fremont's only to make a demonstration against the Confederate Army, rather than attack Polk directly. Grant obeyed the order until President Lincoln took Frà © mont from active duty on November 2, 1861. There was an attack, Grant took 3,000 Union troops by boat and attacked the Confederate Army commanded by General Gideon J. Pillow stationed at Camp Johnson in Belmont, Missouri on 7 November 1861. After initially pushing back the Confederate forces from Camp Johnson, Grant's undisciplined volunteers were wildly celebrating rather than continuing the struggle. The pillow, which was given Polk reinforcements from Columbus, forced the Union forces to retreat in a hurry.

Although the battle was considered unconvincing and futile, Grant and his troops gained the confidence necessary to continue the attack. More importantly, the President Lincoln noticed Grant's willingness to fight. Grant won the approval of Major General Henry W. Halleck to attack the Fort Henry Confederate on the Tennessee River. Starting the fleet of Admiral navy vessel Andrew Foote, the expedition drove south on 3 February 1862 with two divisions of 15,000 people. During the winter, the river has climbed and flooded some Fort Henry defenses. On February 6, 1862, the Admiral of the Union Foote fleet consisting of iron and wooden ships bombarded Fort Henry as Grant's troops began to land. Before Grant could attack, the castle surrendered. Two Union naval officers entered the fort with a rowing boat to accept submission. Although some 3,000 Confederates fled east before submission, the fall of Fort Henry opened the Union's war effort in Tennessee and Alabama.

After the fall of Fort Henry, Grant moved his troops as far as 12 miles east to catch Fort Donelson on the Cumberland River. The Foote Sea Fleet arrived on 14 February and immediately started a series of bombings; However, the water battery of Fort Donelson effectively repulsed the fleet. Secretly, on February 15, Confederate Brigadier. General John B. Floyd ordered General Pillow to attack the Grant's Union troops who were camped around the fort, to make a runaway route to Nashville, Tennessee. The Pillow attack pushed the McClernand corps into an irregular retreat eastward on Nashville Street. However, the Confederate's face stalled and Grant was able to rally Union troops to make the south run away. Confederate troops, under General Simon Bolivar Buckner, eventually surrendered Fort Donelson on February 16. Grant's demands to give Buckner were very popular throughout the Union, "There is no term except unconditional and immediate submission." The General was known everyday since then as the "Unconditional Delivery" Grant. President Abraham Lincoln promoted Grant to the volunteer general general.

The delivery of Fort Donelson was a tremendous victory for the Union's war effort; 12,000 Confederate soldiers have been arrested in addition to an abundant supply of weapons from the fortress. However, Grant is now experiencing serious difficulties with his superiors in St. Louis, Major General Henry W. Halleck. Some writers believe that Halleck is personally or professionally jealous of Grant. In any event, Halleck made various criticisms about Grant to Washington, even suggesting that Grant's performance was marred by drinking. With Washington's support, Halleck told Grant to remain at Fort Henry and to command the next expedition to the Tennessee River to Charles F. Smith, newly nominated as a great general. Grant asked three times to be released from the task under Halleck. However, Halleck immediately restores Grant to the field, perhaps in part because Lincoln intervened to investigate Halleck's discontent with Grant. Grant soon rejoined his troops, eventually known as the Tennessee Army, in Savannah, Tennessee. After the fall of Donelson, Grant became famous for smoking cigars, as many as 18-20 a day.

Battle of Shiloh

In early March 1862, Major General Henry W. Halleck ordered the Grant Army in Tennessee to move south up the Tennessee River to attack the Confederate railway line. Halleck then ordered Army Major General Don Carlos Buell of Ohio to concentrate on Grant before carrying out a planned attack on Confederate troops concentrated in Corinth, Mississippi. Buell, whose veteran army is only 90 miles east at Columbia, hesitantly sends reinforcements, claiming "swollen river" impedes progress. Commander of the Union Grants and then Brig. General William T. Sherman, the informal commander at Pittsburg Landing, mistakenly assumed the Confederate forces would not attack the Armed Forces so there were no graves. On April 6, 1862, the Confederacy launched a full preemptive force attack against Grant's forces in the Battle of Shiloh; the goal is to destroy Grant's army before being reinforced by the Buell forces. More than 44,000 Confederate soldiers from the Mississippi army, led by Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard, vigorously attacked five divisions of Grant's army, bivouack nine miles north of Savannah, Tennessee, at Pittsburg Landing. Union Col. Everett Peabody, after the infantry found the upcoming Confederate attack, was able to warn the Union Armed Forces to form a battle line. Nevertheless, the Confederation was initially able to push back the Union Armed Forces.

However, Union soldiers went, under Brig. Gens. Benjamin Prentiss, W.H.L. Wallace, and James M. Tuttle, boldly resisted the Confederate attack set in a road bag known as the "Hornet Hive" for seven hours before being forced to produce land toward the Tennessee River. This gave Union soldiers much needed time to be able to stabilize their line formations and collect reinforcements. Prentiss, himself, was arrested and forced to submit his share to the Confederacy, while Wallace was severely wounded. Grant, treating a previous fallen horse injury, arrives from Savannah where he and Sherman are deploying troops and avoiding defeat. Although Grant's army was beaten, the Tennessee Army held a strong compact position with 50 artillery guns while two federal warships fired on Confederate forces. After receiving reinforcements from Buell and his own troops, Grant had a total of 45,000 troops and launched a counterattack on 7 April. The Confederate General Johnston was killed in combat on the first day of the battle, and the Confederate Army, now under Beauregard, was outnumbered and forced to retreat to Corinth, Mississippi.

23,746 victims in Shiloh shocked the Union and the Confederacy, whose combined total exceeded the casualties of all previous wars in the United States. The battle of Shiloh caused much criticism of Grant for leaving his army unprepared for defense; he was also accused of being drunk. According to one report, President Lincoln rejected the suggestion to reject Grant, saying, "I can not spare this guy; he's fighting." After Shiloh, General Halleck took over the field in person and gathered 120,000 troops at Pittsburg Landing, including Grant's Army of Tennessee, Buell's Army of Ohio, and John Pope's Army of the Mississippi. Halleck was assigned Giving the role of second commander, with others direct leading his division. Grant is upset over the situation and may have left his command, but his friend and associate William T. Sherman persuaded him to stay at Halleck's Army. After capturing Corinth, Mississippi, the 120,000 troops were disbanded; Halleck was promoted to General in Chief of the Union Army and transferred east to Washington, D.C. Grant resumed the Tennessee Army command and, a year later, captured the Vicksburg Confederate camp.

Familiar slave work

On July 2, 1862, President Lincoln had authorized African Americans or "fugitive slaves" who sought refuge in the Union Army for recruitment. During the fall of 1862, Grant made efforts to deal with the "burden of wagons" of black slave refugees in West Tennessee and North Mississippi. On November 13, 1862, Grant placed Chaplain John Eaton of the 27th Ohio Infantry in charge of the refugees. Eaton organized camps and placed refugees to work on the fall of corn and cotton plants on lonely plantations. Eaton proved to be a wise and fair leader of the Union of contraband, protecting them from Confederate marauders. Refugees are not being paid directly at this time; however, money is allocated and spent on them appropriately for their benefit. Eventually, these African Americans were recruited into the Union Army and paid directly to cut wood to move the Union steamers. With the income generated, contraband Union is able to feed and clothe their families. This will be the beginning of what is known as the Freedmens Bureau during Reconstruction. A similar effort to combine African-Americans into Union's war effort was carried out on the Atlantic coast. Many of Union's conservative Union politics in Illinois, however, oppose and block the entry of African-Americans into their country. On 1 January 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, liberating slaves in the states and parts of the state in rebellion. After that, the Union recruited the two former slaves and other blacks to fight the Confederates in the new Army Union regiment known as the United States Colored Army.

Battle of Vicksburg

It was decided to take over the Mississippi River from the Confederacy, the President of Lincoln and the Union Army and the Navy determined to take the Vicksburg Confederate base in 1862. Lincoln authorized Major General John A. McClernand, a Democratic war politician, to recruit troops, XIII corps, and arranging an expedition against Vicksburg. Personal rivalry is growing between Grant and McClernand on who gets credit for taking Vicksburg. The Vicksburg campaign began in December 1862 and lasted six months before the Union Army finally took over the castle. This campaign combines many important operations of the navy, troop maneuvers, initiatives fail, and is divided into two stages. The prize to capture Vicksburg will ensure the success of McClernand or Grant and will divide the Confederate into two parts east and west. At the opening of the campaign, Grant tried to capture Vicksburg from the ground in the Northeast; However, Confederate Generals Nathan B. Forrest and Earl Van Dorn foiled Union Army forces by robbing Union supply lines. The associated direct river expedition then failed when Major General William T. Sherman was repulsed by Confederate forces at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou.

In January 1863, the combined McClernand and Sherman XIII and XV, the Mississippi Army, defeated the Confederates in the Arkansas Post. Grant made five attempts to catch Vicksburg through a water route; However, all failed. With the Union impatient for victory, in March 1863, the second stage to capture Vicksburg began. Grant paraded his troops on the west side of the Mississippi River and crossed over to Bruinsburg. Admiral Navy ships David D. Porter had previously ran past Vicksburg batteries on April 16, 1863, allowing Union forces to be transported to the east side of the river. The intersection was successful because of a series of elaborate demonstrations and diversions from Grant who hid the movements he intended from the Confederacy. After the crossing, Grant sent his troops into the interior, and after a series of battles, the state capital, Jackson, Mississippi, was arrested. Confederate General John C. Pemberton was defeated by Grant's army at the battle of Champion Hill and the Black River Bridge and retreated to Vicksburg's fortress. After two unsuccessful and expensive attacks on Vicksburg, Grant settled in for a 40 day siege. Pemberton, unable to join forces with the forces of Joseph E. Johnston, who hovered in central Mississippi, finally surrendered Vicksburg on July 4, 1863. Vicksburg's capture was a turning point for Union's war effort. The surrender of Vicksburg and the defeat of Confederate general Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg stung a defeat for the Confederacy, which is now halved by the Union's dominance on the Mississippi River. President Lincoln promoted Grant to the permanent rank of Major General in the Regular Army. Vicksburg marked the surrender of the two Confederate forces (the other was Buckner's surrender to Grant the year before). During the Vicksburg siege, Grant fired McClernand for publishing to the press a congratulatory order that seemed to claim it was McClernand's winning campaign corps. McClernand appealed to the dismissal to his personal friend, President Lincoln, but to no avail. Grant has put an end to the competition in his own way. The Union Army had captured many Confederate artillery, small arms, and ammunition. Total casualties, dead or wounded, for the last operation against Vicksburg which started on 29 March 1863 was 10142 for the Union and 9,091 for the Confederation.

Although the victory at Vicksburg was a remarkable improvement in Union Union efforts, Grant's reputation did not escape criticism. During the initial campaign in December 1862, Grant became angry and angry at speculators and merchants who flooded his department and violated the rules on cotton trade in the military zone. As a result, Grant issued a Public Order no. 11 on December 17, expelled all Jews whom he believed were involved in trading in his department, including their families. When protests erupted from Jews and Gentiles, President Lincoln canceled orders on January 4, 1863; However, the episode tarnished Grant's reputation. In addition, Grant was accused by Major General Charles S. Hamilton and William J. Kountz for being a "drinker" and "noble drunk" in February and March, 1863. Major General John A. McClernand allegedly has promoted and spread this rumor in secret Union Army. Both McClernand and Hamilton sought promotion in the military at the time of this allegation. Commercial Cincinnati Editor Murat Halstead stressed that, "All of our Mississippi Army is squandered by stupid, drunk, stupid grants." Lincoln sent Charles A. Dana to watch closely. To save Grant from dismissal, assistant General Adjutant John A. Rawlins, a friend of Grant's, made him promise not to touch alcohol.

General Command no. 11

During Vicksburg's campaign, Grant has received numerous reports from General Sherman and others that highly visible Jewish traders are trading in gold for cotton and routinely breaking trade rules in the Grant war district. When his own father, Jesse Grant, arrived at his headquarters with two prominent Jewish merchants who asked for a special permit to trade Grant's cotton became angry and ordered his father and his comrades to leave with the next train to the north. The believing Jewish merchant had used his father and also played a major role in widespread cotton speculation, he issued General Orders no. 11 from his Headquarters in Holly Springs, Mississippi, on December 17, 1862. Because the general words of the antisemitic charge order were immediately imposed on Grant. The Order states in part:

Jews, as a class, violate any trade rules established by the Ministry of Finance, as well as Departmental orders, are hereby excluded from the Department (which comprises the territory of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky).

The New York Times denounced the order as "shameful" and "the revival of the medieval spirit." The editor's column calls for "absolute rejection" at Grant's orders. After the protests of the Jewish leaders, the order was overturned by President Lincoln on January 3, 1863. Although Grant initially stated that a staff member issued him on his behalf, it was suggested by General James H. Wilson that Grant might have issued an order to indirectly attack on " many relatives are always trying to make use of it "(eg his father, Jesse Grant, doing business with Jewish merchants), and possibly even attacking what he evilly sees as their counterparts - Jewish opportunistic traders. Bertram Korn suggests that the sequence is part of a consistent pattern. "This is not the first discriminatory injunction [Grant] has signed [...] he is very confident of the Jewish fault and is eager to use any means to free himself from them." During the 1868 campaign, Grant acknowledged that his orders were his own, but retained, "It would never have been issued if it had not been telegraphed at the time of writing, and without reflection." The order, as if in response to illegal cotton smuggling done without the consent of the Minister of Finance, has been described by one modern historian as "the most overt episode of anti-Semitism in 19th-century American history".


When Major General William S. Rosecrans was defeated at Chickamauga in September 1863, the Confederacy, led by Braxton Bragg, besieged the Union Cumberland Armed Forces in Chattanooga. In response, President Lincoln put Grant in charge of the new Mississippi Military Division to stop the siege in Chattanooga, making Grant the commander of all the Western Army. Grant, who immediately freed Rosecrans from duty, personally went to Chattanooga to control the situation, taking 20,000 troops ordered by Major General William T. Sherman of the Tennessee Army. Major General Joseph Hooker was ordered to Chattanooga, taking 15,000 troops from the Potomac Army. The ration ran very low for the Cumberland army and supply assistance needed for the Union's counterattack. When Grant arrived in Chattanooga at Union camp, he was informed of their circumstances and implemented a system known as "Cracker Line," designed by Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, William F. "Baldy" Smith. After Union forces captured Brown's Ferry, Hook's troops and supplies were sent into town, helping feed the people and animals of hunger and preparing for an attack on the Confederate forces that surrounded the city.

On November 23, Grant launched his attack on Missionary Ridge, combining the forces of the Cumberland Army, Tennessee Army, and the Potomac Army. Major General Thomas took a place in the lowlands known as Orchard Knob while Major General Sherman took a strategic position to attack on Bragg's right hand side in Missionary Ridge. On November 24th, in a thick fog, Hooker snatched the Lookout Mountain and placed his troops to attack Bragg's left wing in Rossville. On November 25, Grant ordered the Thomas Army from Cumberland to make a diversionary attack just to take the "gunhole" in Missionary Ridge. However, after the soldiers took the gunhole, they resumed their own initiative without orders to make a successful frontal attack directly to Missionary Ridge. The Braggs, who were attacked and defeated, in total turmoil from the frontal assault and forced to retreat to Chickamauga Creek South. Despite the valiant frontal assault, Grant was initially angry that he did not give direct orders to the men to take Missionary Ridge; However, he is satisfied with their results. The victory at Missionary Ridge removed the last Confederate control from Tennessee and opened the door for the Deep South invasion, leading to the Sherman Atlanta Campaign of 1864. The after-battle victims were 5,824 for the Union and 6,667 for the Confederate army, respectively.

Promotions for general leadership

After the defeat of the Confederation in Chattanooga, President Lincoln promoted Grant to the regular rank of the special army, General-in-Chief (Lieutenant General), authorized by Congress on March 2, 1864. This rank had previously been awarded two other times, full rank to George Washington and Brevet to Winfield Scott. President Lincoln was reluctant to give promotion, until he was told that Grant was not trying to be a candidate in the 1864 Presidential Election. With a new rank, Grant moved his headquarters east and installed Major General Sherman as Commander of the Western Army. Presidents Lincoln and Grant met in Washington and drew up a "total war" plan that hit the Confederate heart, including military, railroads, and economic infrastructure.

No more refugees, African-Americans are now incorporated into the Union Armed Forces as trained soldiers, who take over the Confederate labor force. The two main goals in the plan were to defeat the Robert E. Lee Army in Virginia and Joseph E. Johnston, Tennessee Army. They will attack the Confederates from different directions: The Union Armed Forces of Potomac, led by George G. Meade, will attack the Lee Army in Northern Virginia; Benjamin Butler will attack south of Richmond from the James River; Sherman will attack Johnson's army in Georgia; and George Crook and William W. Averell will destroy the railway supply lines in West Virginia. Nathaniel P. Banks is to capture Mobile, Alabama. Franz Sigel had to guard the Baltimore and Ohio trains and advance in the Shenandoah Valley. Grant would order all Union troops while on the field with Meade and the Potomac Army.

Fort Pillow Massacre

On 12 April 1864 the Confederate forces were under Maj. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest captures Union Fort Pillow and slaughters the African Union forces rather than guarding them as prisoners. Union Lt. General Grant retaliated by ordering the Union's prisoner exchange to be canceled until the Union black army was treated the same as the white army. The Confederate government refused to treat the Union black army as equal to the white army.

Overland Campaign

On May 4, 1864, Grant began a series of battles with Robert E. Lee and the Northern Virginia Army known as the Overland Campaign. The first battle between Lee and Grant occurred after the Potomac Army crossed the Rapidan River into a secondary growth tree area and bushes known as the Wilderness. Lee was able to use this protective shrub to fight Grant's superior forces. Corps II of the United Nations Colonel Winfield S. Hancock was able to inflict many casualties and pushed back the Confederate General corps of A.P. Hill two miles; However, Lee was able to push back the Union's progress with General Confederate James James Longstreet's reserves. The difficult, bloody, and costly battles lasted two days, 5 and 6 May, which resulted in profits for both sides. Unlike the Union general who stepped down after a similar battle with Lee, Grant ignored any setbacks and kept moving Lee's right flank moving southwards. The tremendous victims for the Battle of the Desert are 17,666 for the Union and 11,125 for the Confederate army, respectively.

Although the Wilderness battle was expensive for the Union, Grant decided to move south and continue the fight with Lee. As the Potomac Army moved south from the Wilderness, Grant, on May 8, was forced into a 14 day even more desperate battle in Spotsylvania. Anticipating Grant's right-wing movement, Lee was able to position his troops at Spotsylvania Court House before Grant and his army could arrive. The battle began on 10 May. Although Lee's Army in Northern Virginia is located in an open rough bow known as the "Mule Shoes", his army rejected several attacks from the Grant Potomac Army during the first six days of combat. The fierce battle in battle takes place at a point known as the "Bloody angle". The rifles refused to shoot because gunpowder powder was wet from the rain and they were forced to do the same hand-to-hand fight with the battles that occurred in ancient times. Both the Confederate and Union armies were slaughtered and people stacked on top of each other in their efforts to control the point. On May 21st, the battle finally stopped; Grant has lost 18,000 people with 3,000 people killed in a protracted battle. Many talented Confederate officers killed in combat with Lee's Army were significantly damaged by a total of 10-13,000 victims. General Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick of corps VI was killed in combat by snipers and replaced by Major General Horatio G. Wright. During the battle in Spotsylvania, Grant stated, "I will fight him on this line if needed throughout the summer."

Because he could not break Lee's defense line in Spotsylvania, Grant turned south and moved to the River North Ana, a dozen miles closer to Richmond. An attempt was made by Grant to make Lee fight in the open by sending individual corps II on the west bank of the Mattatopi River. Instead of taking the bait, Lee anticipated Grant's second right-wing movement and retreated to the North Anna River in response to the Union V and VI corps, retreating from Spotsylvania. During this time, many Confederate generals, including Lee, were paralyzed by illness or injury. Lee, who was stricken with dysentery, could not take advantage of the opportunity to seize parts of the Potomac Army. After a series of unconvincing little battles in Northern Anna on May 23 and 24, the Potomac Army retreated 20 miles to the southeast toward an important junction at Cold Harbor. From June 1 to 3, Grant and Lee fought each other at Cold Harbor with the heaviest Union victims on the last day. The attack Grant called for on June 3 was disastrous and one-sided with 6,000 Union victims to 1,500 Lee. After twelve days of fighting in Cold Harbor, the total casualties were 12,000 for the Union and 2,500 for the Confederation. On June 11, 1864, the Grant Army of Potomac broke away completely from Robert E. Lee, and on 12 June silently crossed the James River on the pontoon bridge and attacked the railroad crossing in Petersburg. For a short time, Robert E. Lee did not know where the Army of the Potomac was.

Union opinion

Among the elements of the northern antiwar after the Union's defeat at Cold Harbor, Grant was sentenced as "Butcher" for suffering heavy casualties with no great advantage over Robert E. Lee. Grant, himself, who regretted the June 3 attack on Cold Harbor as a bad mistake on his part, was determined to keep the victim minimal afterward. Grant's plan was to keep fighting and Lincoln supported him, as did the Republican apparatus, speakers and newspapers throughout the North.

Without a Union win, the Lincoln President's Campaign of 1864 against former general challengers and Democrat George McClellan might be at risk. Major General Sherman stalled after Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston into a conclusive battle. Benjamin Butler, who was supposed to attack the Confederate railway south of Richmond, was trapped in Bermuda Hundred. Sigel failed to secure the Shenandoah Valley from the invasion of the Confederacy and was released from duty.

The whole effort of the Union of war seems to be stalling and Union societies increasingly impatient. The Copperheads, the anti-war movement of the northern Democrats, advocate confederation of the Confederate law, immediate peace talks, and encourage the concept of evasion and desertion. The Union's war effort was at its weakest point when Grant made a daring speculation to go further into Virginia at the risk of leaving the Washington-affected House of Representatives building under the Confederate attack.

Petersburg and Appomattox

Petersburg is a supply center for Northern Virginia with five train meetings at one intersection. His capture meant Richmond's direct fall. To protect Richmond and fight Grant in the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor battles, Lee was forced to leave Petersburg with minimal troop protection. After crossing the James River, the Potomac Army, without any opposition, marched to Petersburg. After crossing James, Grant rescues Butler from Bermuda Hundred and sends the XVIII corps headed by Brig. General William F. "Baldy" Smith to capture a poorly protected Petersburg, guarded by the Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard. Grant set up his new headquarters in City Point for the rest of the Civil War. Union forces quickly attacked and overtook the trenches in Petersburg on June 15th. However, Smith mysteriously stopped fighting and waited until the next day, June 16, to attack the city, allowing Beauregard to focus reinforcements in secondary field work. The second Union attack in Petersburg began on June 16 and lasted until June 18, when veteran Lee finally arrived to guard Union forces from taking an important railroad crossing. Unable to break the defense of Petersburg, Grant had to be content with the siege.

Realizing that Washington was left unprotected because of Grant's siege of Petersburg, Lee separated the corps under Lieutenant General Jubal A. Awal's command, hoping it would force Union forces to send troops to chase him. If the Beginning could capture Washington, the Civil War would not end, but the Confederacy would humiliate Unity and maim the northern morals. The beginning, with 15,000 seasoned troops, marched northward "down" the Shenandoah Valley, defeating Major General Lew Wallace at Monocacy, and after the Battle of Fort Stevens, he reached the outskirts of Washington, causing a great alarm. At Lincoln's insistence, Grant sent Union VI Corps veterans and parts of the XIX Corps, led by Major General Horatio Wright, to the capital. With the Union XXII Corps guarding Washington's castle, Early could not seize the city. The presence of the Confederate Army close to the capital is still a shame. In Petersburg, Grant blew up a section of Lee's trench with the munitions planted in a large mine tunnel dug by a Pennsylvanian red stone miner. The explosion dug a large crater and opened a large gap in the Confederate line. Union attacks that followed, however, were slow and chaotic, with troops roaming inside the Crater. This allowed Lee to refuse a breakthrough.

Despite the decline with the Crater incident and the Congressional inquiry that followed, Grant was able to lock Lee and the Northern Virginia Army in Petersburg. The Grant Union raids in Petersburg enabled Union's war effort in other fields to finally bear fruit. Sherman took Atlanta on September 2, 1864 and started March to the Sea in November. With victories in Atlanta and Mobile Bay, Lincoln was re-elected as President and war effort continues. On October 19, after three battles, Philip Sheridan and the Shenandoah Army defeated the early troops. Sheridan and Sherman follow Lincoln and Grant's war strategy by destroying the economic infrastructure of the Shenandoah Valley and large swaths of Georgia and Carolina. On December 16, Major General George H. Thomas defeated John B. Hood's Confederate General in Nashville. Grant continued for months to stretch the siege line of Petersburg to the west to capture the important railway line that supplies Richmond, extending Lee's defensive defense.

In March 1865, Grant invited Lincoln to visit his base in City Point, Virginia. Incidentally, Sherman (later campaigning in North Carolina) happened to visit City Point at the same time. This allows for the only three-way meeting of the Lincoln wars, Grant, and Sherman, which is immortalized in G.P.A. Healy's famous painting The Peacemakers . Grants continued to impose months of endless military pressure in Petersburg on the Northern Virginia Army until Lee was forced to flee to Richmond in April 1865. After a nine-day retreat, in which Grant expertly maneuvered his troops to block all retreats, Lee handed his troops in Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. Considered his greatest victory, this is the third time the Confederate Forces surrendered to Grant. There, Grant offers generous terms that greatly help to ease the tension between the army and retain a little of the pride of the South, which is necessary to reunite the conflicting parties. Within weeks, the American Civil War ended, though minor acts continued until Kirby Smith surrendered his troops to the Trans-Mississippi Department on 2 June 1865.

Maps Ulysses S. Grant and the American Civil War

Reputation and historical ramifications

Ulysses S. Grant was a very popular man in the United States after the American Civil War. After President Lincoln was assassinated in April, 1865, Grant became the first four-star general in America and will assist Congress, led by Radical, in an effort to reconstruct the South. Grant often disagreed with President Andrew Johnson's conservative approach during the United States Reconstruction Era. Grant is seen as a popular national leader who can repair the wounds of the nation and bring the era of peace. Grant was able to drive France out of Mexico as the commander-general under Johnson and also able to thwart the Fenian Brotherhood that seeks to take over Canada. Grant is also responsible for India's campaign on the Western border. President-elect two times in 1868 and 1872 Grant's office term in office was filled with federal corruption scandals and sectional violence over the constitutional citizenship rights of African Americans. Grant, as President, supported the Congressional effort to protect African-American African Civil Rights and was able for several years to legally and militarily defeat the Ku Klux Klan. After Grant retired from the Presidency, he went on a World tour never to have visited Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, returning by ship to San Francisco in June, 1879. In March 1885, with the help of his friends in Congress, President Chester A. Arthur authorized Grant to be reemployed to the US military to receive pension payments. The grant was then restored to its full rank in the US military by President Grover Cleveland where Grant and his family received much-needed military pension payments. In 1885, Grant completed his popular military memoirs and was financially successful and died after a painful struggle with throat cancer.

Toward the end of Grant's life, the mini-religious Biggest Loss Movement of the mystique in the South, sustaining Robert E. Lee as the greatest general during the Civil War and elevating him to god-like status, a pervasive perception of American society. Grant was seen as a drunk and meat-eating drinker who won only because he waged a brutal war. Historian Edward H. Bonekemper opposes this view and says that Grant was the most successful Civil War general, noting that in the West, Grant pushed the Confederacy out of the Mississippi Valley through a series of combat and campaigns, including Fort Donelson, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga. When Grant was brought back to the East and put into command of the Union Army, he was able to defeat Lee's Confederate army within a year and effectively bring the war to an end. According to Bonekemper, the Union of Grant forces in the West and East that fought Confederate forces, caused more casualties, a total of 190,760 Confederates versus 153,643 Union, 37,118.

Even today, many historians, scholars, and even ordinary Americans remember Grant prefers to be "General Grant" rather than "President Grant".

Colorized American Civil War Photographs (circa 1861-1865) / Mads ...

The rating date

  • Brevet Lt. Two, USA - July 1843
  • Second Lieutenant, USA - September 1845
  • First Lieutenant, US - September 1847
  • Captain, USA - August 1853
  • Colonel Volunteers - June 17, 1861
  • Brigadier General Volunteers - July 31, 1861 (date of May 17th)
  • Major General Volunteers - February 16, 1862
  • Major General, USA - July 4, 1863
  • General-in-chief (1866 ~ Lieutenant General), US - 2 March 1864
  • General of the United States Army (General), USA - July 25, 1866

ILLINOIS Galena Family Bible on table interior of home of Ulysses ...

List of Presidents served under

Grants served under nine Presidents.

Military and educational training

Martin Martin Buren (1839-1841) Entering the United States Military Academy at West Point as Cadet May 1839
  • William Henry Harrison (1841)
  • John Tyler (1841-1843) Passed the United States Military Academy at West Point 1843
  • Active task

    • John Tyler (1843-1845)
    • James K. Polk (1845-1849) Mexican-American War
    • Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)
    • Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) Fort Vancouver
    • Franklin Pierce (1853-1854) Fort Humboldt's Resignation July 31, 1854
    • Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) Civil War
    • Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) Civil War and Reconstruction

    Grant by Ron Chernow, reviewed by David Plotz.

    List of western Union ranks and orders 1861 to 1863

    • Army and Department of Tennessee Brigadier General - 1 August 1861 to 14 February 1862
    • Districts and Soldiers from Tennessee West Major General - February 21, 1862 to October 16, 1862
    • Tennessee Department and Army Major General - 16 October 1862 to 24 October 1863

    Ulysses S. Grant - General, U.S. President - Biography

    Victim vs Confederate Union estimated

    Campaigns and Western Battles from Ulysses S. Grant

    • Total Union casualties under Grant: 36,688
    • Total victims of Confederation: 84.187

    Eastern Campaign and Battle of Ulysses S. Grant

    • Total Union casualties under Grant: 116,954
    • Total Victim Confederation: 106,573

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
