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Saudade | Lascar

Saudade ( English: ; European Portuguese: Ã, [s? W'ÃÆ'Â ° aÃÆ'Â °?] , Portuguese Brazil: Ã, [saw'dadi] or [saw'dad? i] , Galician: Ã, [saw'ÃÆ' Â ° aÃÆ' Â ° e] ; plural saudades ) is a deep emotional state of a nostalgic or deep melancholy longing for something that does not exist or a loved one. In addition, it often brings the suppressed knowledge that the object of longing may never return. One English translation of the word is missingness , although it may not convey the deep emotional feelings attached to the word "saudade". Stronger Saudade forms may be felt against people and things whose existence is unknown, such as lost lover, or missing family member, move, separate, or die.

Saudade was once described as "the love that remained" after someone left. Saudade is the memory of feelings, experiences, places, or events that once brought joy, pleasure, prosperity, which now triggers feelings and makes people live again. It can be described as emptiness, such as a person (for example, one's children, parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, pets) or something (for example, places, things someone has done in childhood, or other activities done in the past) that must exist at a certain moment that is lost, and the individual feels this absence. It brings a feeling of sadness and happiness altogether, the sadness of being lost and happy having experienced that feeling.

Nascimento and Meandro (2005) cite the definition of Duarte Nunes LeÃÆ'Â o o about saudade: "Memory something with a desire for it."

In Brazil, the day of Saudade is officially celebrated on 30 January.

Video Saudade


The word saudade is used in Cancioneiro da Ajuda (13th century), in Cancioneiro da Vaticana and by the poets of King Denis of Portugal (reigned 1279-1325). Some specialists said the word probably originated during the Great Discovery of Portugal, giving meaning to the sadness felt about those who set out on an unknown sea journey and disappeared in a shipwreck, dying in battle, or simply never returning. Those who stay behind - mostly women and children - suffer greatly in their absence. However, the Portuguese discovery only began in 1415 and since the word was found in earlier texts, this is not a very good explanation. The Reconquista also offers a plausible explanation.

The state of mind then becomes the "Portuguese way of life": the constant feeling of absence, the sadness of something lost, the longing desire for completeness or wholeness and longing for the lost return, the desire to be present against opposition - as said in Portuguese, the desire which is powerful for matar as saudades (lit. to kill saudade ).

In the second half of the twentieth century, saudade became associated with feelings of longing for one's homeland, as hundreds of thousands of Portuguese-speaking people went looking for a better future in South America, North America and Western Europe. In addition to the implications derived from the wave of emigration trends from the country, historically speaking saudade is a term related to the decline of Portugal's role in world politics and commerce. During the so-called "Golden Era", which is identical to the era of discovery, Portugal undeniably rose to world power status, and its monarchy became one of the richest in Europe. But with the emergence of competition from other European countries, the country went colonial and economic into a prolonged decay period. The period of decline and withdrawal from the world cultural stage marks the emergence of the saudade , which is accurately described by a sentence in the Portuguese anthem: Levantai hoje de novo o esplendor de Portugal again today the splendor of Portugal).

Maps Saudade


The DicionÃÆ'¡rio Houaiss da LuaÆ'ngua Portuguesa defines saudade (or saudades ) as "a rather incomplete melancholy feeling. in a private situation because of the absence of someone or something, to move from place or thing, or to the absence of a set of certain and desired experiences and pleasures that have ever lived. "

The dictionary of the Royal Galician Academy, on the other hand, defines "saudade" as "intimate feelings and moods caused by longing for something that no one has missed, which can take on different aspects, from concrete realities. (loved ones, friends, homeland, homeland...) for the mysterious and transcendent.This is quite prevalent and peculiar of the galicia-portuguese world, but it can also be found in other cultures. "

Related words

Saudade is a Portuguese and Galician word that claims no direct translation in English. In Portuguese, " Tenho saudades lever " (Portuguese European) or " Estou com saudades de ti/vocÃÆ'ª " (Brazilian Portuguese), translated as "I have (feel) saudade from you "which means" I miss you ", but carries a much stronger tone. In fact, a person can have saudade from someone who is one with, but has some feelings of loss towards the past or future. For example, one can have a "saudade" of a part of the relationship or emotion that has been experienced for/with someone, even though the person is still part of one's life, as in "Tenho saudade do que fomos" (I feel "saudade" we). Another example may illustrate the use of the word saudade: "Que saudade!" shows a general longing feeling, where the object of longing can be a general/undefined entity/person/group/period etc. This longing feeling can be accompanied or better explained by the abstract will be in place of the object of my longing s.

Although it is difficult to translate fully, the saudade has equivalent words in other cultures, and is often associated with a musical style that expresses these feelings like blues for African-Americans, < i> Sehnsucht in German, dor in Romanian, Tizita in Ethiopia, or Assouf for people Tuareg, appocundria at Neapolitan. In Slovak, it is clivot or cnenie , and in Czech, it is stesk .

A similar melancholic style of music is known in Bosnia-Herzegovina as sevdah (finally from Arabic ???????? sawd? ':' Black [gall] ', translation of Greek Ã,Âμ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???

A saudade é a segunda casa - Frase para Facebook


Saudade is similar but not the same as nostalgia, the word also in Portuguese.

In the book In Portugal 1912, A. F. G. Bell writes:

The famous Portuguese saudade is a vague and constant desire for something that is not and may not exist, for something other than the present, a transition to the past or to the future; not an active dissatisfaction or a sad sadness, but a lazy dream of desire.

A stronger form of saudade can be felt against people and things whose existence is unknown, such as old ways and speeches; a lost lover who unfortunately missed; a place far away where one is raised; loved ones who have died; feelings and stimuli that someone once had; and memories of youth that are still young and faded. Although this is related to the melancholy and beautiful feelings of memories about the things/people/days that pass, it can be sadness of sadness coupled with the joy of paradox that comes from the acceptance of fate and hope of restoring or replacing what is lost by something which will fill the void or provide comfort.

For F. D. Santos, Saudade as a noun has become a longing to miss himself:

There is an evolution from saudades (plural) to Saudade (singular, preferably written with capital S), which is a philosophical concept.... Saudade has an object; However, the object has become itself, because it means 'nostalgia for nostalgia', a meta-nostalgia, longing that is oriented to the longing itself. No more Beloved or 'Back' is desired, based on the sense of loss and absence. Now, Desire Desire's own wishes, as in love poems love for love in Arabic, or as in the famous Lope de Vega epigram about the Portuguese who cried out for his love for Love itself. Or, rather, as the poet Florbela Espanca says, I long for the longing I do not have ('Anoitecer', Espanca 1923).


Like all emotions, saudade has been an inspiration for many songs and compositions. "Sodade" ( saudade in Cape Verdean Creole) is the title of Cape Verde singer, CesÃÆ'¡ria ÃÆ'â € vora, the most famous. ÃÆ' â € ° tienne Daho, a French singer, also produced a song of the same name. The Good Son , a 1990 album by Nick Cave and Bad Bad, was strongly influenced by Cave's mental state at the time, which he described as "saudade". He told reporter Chris Bohn: "When I explain to someone that what I want to write is a memory of things that I think have been lost to me, I am told that the Portuguese word for this feeling is saudade

The use of saudade as a theme in Portuguese music goes back to the 16th century, Portugal's golden age. Saudade , as well as the suffering of love, is a common theme in many villancicos and cantigas compiled by Portuguese authors; for example: "LÃÆ'¡grimas de Saudade" ( saudade tear ), which is an anonymous work from Cancioneiro de Paris . Fado is a style of Portuguese music, generally sung by one person (who fadista ) along with Portuguese guitar. The most popular fado themes are saudade , nostalgia, jealousy, and short stories from typical urban spots. Fado and saudade are the main ideas interconnected in Portuguese culture. The word fado comes from the Latin fatum which means "destiny" or "destiny". Fado is the expression of the musical culture and the recognition of this unshakable determinism that forces the longing to withdraw from the bitter sadness, hope, and hope of existentialness to something in which one has no control.

The Spanish singer Julio Iglesias, whose father is a Galician, speaks of saudade in his song "Un Canto a Galicia" (which is roughly translated as "chanting/song for Galicia"). In the song, he eagerly uses phrases to describe a deep and sad yearning for his native land, Galicia. He also performed a song called "MorriÃÆ' Â ± as", which describes the Galicians having a very strong sister .

Paraguay guitarist Agustin Barrios wrote several sections to invoke the feelings of saudade , including Choro de Saudade and Preludio Saudade . The term stands out in Brazilian popular music, including the first bossa nova song, "Chega de Saudade" ("No more saudade ", usually translated as "No More Blues"), written by Tom Jobim. The jazz pianist, Bill Evans, recorded the song "Saudade de Brasil" several times. In 1919, after returning from two years in Brazil, the French composer Darius Milhaud composed a suite, Saudades do Brasil , which exemplifies the concept of saudade . "Saudade (Part II)" is also the solo flute title by the band Shpongle. The singer AmÃÆ'¡lia Rodrigues represents the themes of the saudade in some of his songs. J-Rock band Porno Graffitti has a song titled "?????", "Saudaaji" transliterated ("Saudade"). Alternative rock band Love And Rockets has a song called "Saudade" on their album Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven. June 2012 brought Bearcat release from their self-titled indie album which included a song called "Saudade".

The jazz/rock guitarist from the Netherlands, Jan Akkerman, recorded a composition called "Saudade", the centerpiece of his 1996 Focus in Time album. Belgian electronic music band Arsenal recorded a song titled "Saudade" on their album Outsides (2005). The jazz fusion group Trio Beyond, consisting of John Scofield, Jack DeJohnette, and Larry Goldings released in 2006 an album dedicated to drummer Tony Williams (1945-1997), called Saudades . Dance music artist Peter Corvaia released a progressive home song entitled "Saudade" on HeadRush Music, a sub-label of Toes in the Sand Recordings. New York City's post-rock band Mice Parade released an album titled Obrigado Saudade in 2004. Chris Rea also recorded a song titled "Saudade Part 1 & amp; 2 (Tribute To Ayrton Senna)" as a tribute for Ayrton Senna, the three-time Brazilian Formula One world champion who died on track in May 1994. There is an ambient/noise/shoegazing band from Portland, Oregon, named Saudade. Extreme rock band has Portuguese guitarist Nuno Bettencourt; the influence of his legacy can be seen on the band's album Saudades de Rock . During recording, the mission statement is to bring music back to medium. "Nancy Spain", a song by Barney Rush, famous for its adaptation by Christy Moore, is another example of the use of saudade in contemporary Irish music, whose choir is:

"No matter where I'm hanging around I'm still haunted by your name - Your beauty portrait remains the same Stand on the edge of the ocean wondering where you are going If you'll be back again
Where's the ring I gave to Nancy Spain? "

American singer/songwriter Grayson Hugh wrote a song called "Saudade" which he performed with jazz guitarist Norman Johnson on Johnson's album, "Get It While You Can".

The legend of Kingston-Upon-Hull IDM Electronica, Downtempo and Deep Groove, Steve Cobby, of Fila Brazillia, Solid Doctor, Heights of Abraham, the famous Twilight Singers and musical incarnation and collaboration, released the 12 track album "Saudade" in March 2014 DÃÆ' â € ° CLASSÃÆ' â € ° Recording.

Não confunda amor com saudade - Frase para Facebook


The collection of Portuguese writers Fernando Pessoa's writings on The Book of Disquiet books is written almost entirely in saudade tones, and is associated with nostalgic and alienation themes. Australian writer novel Suneeta Peres Da Costa Saudade follows Mary, a young girl from the Goan immigrant family, growing in a racial hierarchy of racism and colonialism

Saudade Kollaps


Saudade is also associated with Galicia, where it is used similarly to the word morriÃÆ' a (longing). However, morriÃÆ' Â ± a often implies a deeper stage of saudade , a " saudade is so powerful it can even kill," as the Galician says. MorriÃÆ' Â ± a is a term often used by emigrants Galicians when talking about the Galician motherland they left behind. Although saudade is also a Galician word, the meaning of longing for something that might return is generally associated with morriÃÆ' a . A literary example that shows an understanding of the difference and use of both words is the song Un canto a Galicia by Julio Iglesias. The word used by the Spanish-speaking Galician has spread and became common in all Spanish and even accepted by Academia.

In Portugal, is the word to describe the sprinkling, while morrinhar means "sowing." (The most common Portuguese equation is chuvisco and chuviscar , respectively.) Morrinha is also used in northern Portugal because it refers to sick animals, such as sheep, and sometimes for sick or sad people, often with irony. It is also used in some Brazilian regional dialects for the smell of wet or sick animals.

In Goa, India, which was a Portuguese colony until 1961, some Portuguese influence still existed. A suburb of MargÃÆ'Â £ o, the largest city in Goa, has a street named Rua de Saudades. It is appropriately called because it has Christian burial, Hindu shmashana (cremation ground) and Muslim qabrastan (grave). Most people who live in the town of MargÃÆ'Â o o this road will agree that the street names can not be anything else, because they often think of the memories of a friend, lover, or relative who goes through that path.. The word saudade takes a slightly different form in the Portuguese-speaking Goan family which implies the days once remembered but never returned from the splendor of Goa as Portugal's precious possession, an idea since then made excessively by cultural change which can not be undone which occurred with the end of the Portuguese regime in these parts.

In Cape Verdean Creole there is the word sodadi (also spelled sodade ), derived from the Portuguese saudade and exactly the same meaning.

A saudade nasce quando o amor deixa de morar em um peito

See also

  • Sorrow
  • Han
  • Hiraeth
  • Mono no aware
  • Nostalgia
  • Sehnsucht
  • Good old days

Saudade | CEPHEIDE


Jorge & Mateus - Louca de Saudade - (Como Sempre Feito Nunca ...

Further reading

  • Saudade: Culture and Security of Eurasia in Southeast Asia by Antonio L Rappa Ethos Books and Singapore Management University Wee Kim Wee Center, 2013.
  • (in Portuguese) LourcenÃÆ'§o, Eduardo. (1999) Mitologia dadadade (Seguido de Portugal como destino). SÃÆ'Â £ Paulo: Companhia das Letras. ISBNÃ, 85-7164-922-7
  • (in Portuguese) Ribeiro, Bernardim (Torrao, ~ 1482 - Lisboa, ~ 1552). Livro das Saudades .

Diary Of Voices | Saudade

External links

  • Saudade aesthetics - Essays composed of mainstream theories and explains the doubts surrounding saudade translation
  • "Brazilian BBC": Saudade is the seventh hardest word translated (in Portuguese), London: BBC, June 23, 2004.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
