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Records management , also known as records and information management , is an organizational function intended for the management of information within an organization throughout its life cycle, from the time of manufacture or inscription to its final disposition. This includes identifying, classifying, storing, securing, retrieving, tracking and destroying or permanently keeping records. The ISO 15489-1: 2001 standard ("ISO 15489-1: 2001") defines records management as "[field] management responsible for efficient and systematic control of creation, reception, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records ".

The organizational record preserves aspects of institutional memory. In determining how long to keep records, their capacity for reuse is important. Many are stored as evidence of activities, transactions, and decisions. Others are documenting what happened and why. The purpose of the archive management is part of the broader organizational functions of Governance, risk management, and compliance and is primarily concerned with managing evidence of organizational activity as well as the mitigation or risk associated with it.

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Draft notes

The concept of record is defined by various. ISO 15489-1: 2001 defines records as "information created, received and maintained as evidence and information by organizations or persons, in accordance with legal obligations or in business transactions". While there are many objectives and benefits to archive management, as these two definitions highlight, the key feature of the recording is their ability to function as evidence of an event. Proper recording management can help maintain the features of this record.

Recent and comprehensive studies have defined records as "continuous representation of activities" as recorded or made by participants or observers. This transactional view emphasizes the importance of context and processes in the definition and meaning of records. In contrast, the previous definition has emphasized the nature of evidence and information from records. In an organizational context, records are materials created or accepted by an organization in a business transaction, or in pursuit or in accordance with a legal obligation. The definition of this organization records derives from the early theory of archives as an organic aggregation of records, namely "written documents, drawings and printed matter, officially received or produced by an administrative body or one of its officials".

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Archive management practices

A Records Manager is someone who is responsible for archive management within an organization.

Section 4 of ISO 15489-1: 2001 states that archive management includes:

  • set policies and standards
  • assigning responsibilities and authority
  • establish and enforce procedures and guidelines
  • provides various services related to the management and use of records
  • designing, deploying, and managing custom systems for managing records
  • integrates records management into systems and business processes

Thus, record management practices may involve:

  • planning the information needs of an organization
  • identify information that requires capture
  • create, approve and enforce records related policies and practices, including organization and disposal
  • develop a record storage plan, which includes short and long term housing of physical records and digital information
  • identify, classify, and save recordings
  • coordinate access to recordings internally and outside the organization, balancing business confidentiality requirements, data privacy, and public access.
  • identification and maintenance of records per specific storage period
  • executes a storage policy on the disposal of records that are no longer required for operational reasons; in accordance with organizational policy, statutory requirements, and other rules, this may involve permanent destruction or preservation in the archives.

Note-management principles and automated records management systems help in the continuous capture, classification, and management of records throughout their lifecycle. Such systems may be paper-based (such as index cards as they are used in libraries), or may involve computer systems, such as electronic records management applications.

Resolute solution

A sustainable solution is one that can be supported by clearly documented policies, processes and procedures that drive how and why the work is done, and that has clearly documented evidence of behavior patterns, proves that the organization follows the limits -the documented extent to the best of their ability.

While defense is applicable to all aspects of the life cycle of records, it is considered most important in the context of record breakage, where it is known as " sustainable disposition " or " destruction sustainable, "and help an organization explicitly justify and prove things like who destroyed records, why they destroyed them, how they destroyed them, when they destroyed them, and where they destroyed them.

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Key note management terminology

Not all documents are notes. A record is a document that is consciously retained as proof of action. Recording management systems generally distinguish between notes and non-notes (ease copies, rough drafts, duplicates), which do not require formal management. Many systems, especially for electronic records, require documents to be formally declared as records to be manageable. Once stated, the records can not be changed and can only be discarded in the system rules.

Records may be covered by access control to govern who can access them and under what circumstances. Physical controls can be used to keep the security of confidential records - personnel files, for example, that store sensitive private data, can be stored in locked cabinets with log controls to track access. Digital records systems can include role-based access controls, allowing permissions (to view, change and/or delete) to be allocated to staff depending on their role within the organization. An audit trail indicating all access and changes can be maintained to ensure the integrity of the records.

Just as organizational records come in a variety of formats, record keeping can vary throughout the organization. File maintenance can be performed by the owner, designated, repository notes, or officers. Records can be managed in a centralized location, such as a recording center or repository, or record controls can be decentralized in various departments and locations within the entity. Records can be formally and discreetly identified by encoding and placed in folders designed specifically for optimal protection and storage capacity, or they can be accidentally identified and filed without clear indexing. Organizations that manage records casually find it difficult to access and retrieve information when needed. Inefficient maintenance and storage of archiving systems can prove costly in terms of wasted space and resources spent searching for records.

An inactive note is a record that is no longer required to do business at present but is maintained until it ends its storage period, such as when a project ends, the product line is discontinued, or the end of the fiscal reporting period is reached. These records may have business, legal, fiscal or historical value for future entities and, therefore, shall be retained for a short or permanent duration. The recordings are organized according to the retention schedule. After the life of the record has been fulfilled in accordance with a predetermined period and no delayed suspension of the law, it is authorized for final disposition, which may include permanent destruction, transfer or preservation.

A disaster recovery plan is a written action and approved to be taken after a disaster strike detailing how the organization will restore important business functions and reclaim damaged or threatened records.

An active record is the record that is required to perform current operations, is frequently used, and is usually located near the user. In the past, 'archive management' is sometimes used to refer only to the management of records that are no longer in daily use but still need to be stored - 'semi-timing' or 'inactive', often stored in the crypt or outside location. The more modern usage tends to refer to the whole 'life cycle' of notes - from the point of creation until they are finally discarded.

Format and media records are generally irrelevant for archive management purposes from the perspective that records should be identified and managed, regardless of their form. ISO considers the management of physical and electronic records. Also, section DL1.105 of the US Department of Defense standard DoD 5015.02-STD (2007) defines Notes Management as "planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promotion, and other managerial activities involving the life cycle of information, including manufacture, maintenance (use, storage, retrieval), and disposal, regardless of media. "

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Record life cycle

The life-cycle record consists of discrete phases that cover the life span of the recording from its creation to its final disposition. In the creation phase, growth records are outlined by modern electronic systems. Records will continue to be created and captured by organizations at an explosive level because of doing business of the organization. Correspondence on product failure was written for internal leadership, financial statements and reports generated for public scrutiny and regulation, old company logos stopped, and new ones - including approved color schemes and corporate fonts - took place in the organization's history.

Examples of recording phases include recording recording, modification of the recording, movement of the recording via different status when present, and destruction notes.

Throughout the life cycle of records, issues such as security, privacy, disaster recovery, emerging technologies, and mergers are handled by professional responsible records and information management for organizational programs. Records and management of professional information play a role in controlling and maintaining the information assets of the entity. They understand how to manage the creation, access, distribution, storage, and disposal of records and information in an efficient and cost-effective manner using records and information management methodologies, principles and best practices in accordance with the laws and regulations of records and information.

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The record manager uses the classification or categorization of record types as a means of working with records. Such classifications help functions such as the creation, organization, storage, retrieval, movement, and destruction of records.

At the highest classification level is physical versus electronic record. (This is debatable, notes defined as regardless of the media.) ISO 15489 and other best practices disseminate functionality based, rather than media-based classification, because legislation defines records as certain types of information regardless of the media.)

Physical notes are those notes, like paper, that can be touched and that take up physical space.

Electronic records , also commonly referred to as digital notes , are notes made with and used by information technology devices.

Classification of records is achieved through the design, maintenance, and application of taxonomy, which allows record managers to perform functions such as categorization, tagging, segmenting, or grouping records according to various traits.

Company records

Company records represent a common record for most companies, regardless of function, purpose, or sector. Such records often revolve around the day-to-day operations of a company and cover areas such as but not limited to litigation, employee management, consultant or contractor management, customer involvement, purchasing, sales, and contracts.

The types of companies that produce and work on such records include but not limited to non-profit, non-profit, and government agencies.

Industry note

Industry Notes represent common records and only apply to certain industries or industry groups. Examples include but not limited to medical industry records (eg, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), records of the pharmaceutical industry, and food industry records.

Official storage records

Legal freeze is a mandatory record, usually by a legal counsel or compliance personnel, to be held for a period of time, either by the government or by the company, and for the purpose of addressing potential issues related to compliance audit and compliance litigation. Such notes are characterized by Legal Hold which is in addition to the classification which is the result of a company or industry classification.

The characteristics of legal freezing data may include but are not limited to matters such as litigation freezing signs (eg Legal Holds = True or False), organizations that encourage legal freezing, descriptions of why records should be legally held, what records of time periods must be held for , and hold location.

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Manage physical records

Managing physical records involves different disciplines or abilities and can take advantage of different forms of expertise.

Identify recording
If an item is presented as a legal record, it must be authenticated. Forensic experts may need to check documents or artifacts to determine that they are not forgeries, and that any damage, change, or missing content is documented. In extreme cases, items may be subjected to microscopes, x-rays, radiocarbon dating or chemical analysis. This level of authentication is rare, but requires that special care be taken in the creation and storage of organizational records.
Save a note
Records should be stored in such a way that they can be accessed and protected from environmental damage. A typical paper document can be stored in a filing cabinet at the office. However, some organizations use file space with special environmental controls including temperature and humidity. Important recordings may need to be stored in a disaster-resistant safe or vault to protect from fires, floods, earthquakes and conflicts. In extreme cases, such items may require both access to public and disaster inspections, such as the original and signed US Constitution. Civil engineers may need to be consulted to determine that file space can effectively retain the weight of shelves and filing cabinets filled with paper; Historically, some military ships were designed to weigh the weight of their operating procedures on paper as part of their ballast equation (modern recording technology has transferred a lot of information to electronic storage). In addition to on-site archival storage, many organizations operate a record center outside their own site or contract with commercial recording centers.
Take note
In addition to keeping records, the company must also establish the appropriate capability to take notes, if necessary for purposes such as audit or litigation, or for cases of destruction. The ability to retrieve records becomes complex when dealing with electronic records, especially when they have not been adequately tagged or classified for discovery.
Outstanding records
Keeping tracks away from normal storage areas is called circulation. Often this is handled by a simple written record procedure. However, many modern recording environments use computerized systems involving bar code scanners, or radio frequency identification technology (RFID) to track recording movement. It can also be used for periodic audits to identify unauthorized recording movements.
Disposal of record
Disposal of notes does not necessarily mean destruction. This can also include transfers to historical archives, museums, or private individuals. Destruction of records must be authorized by law, law, regulation, or operating procedure, and records should be removed carefully to avoid unintentional disclosure of information. This process needs to be well documented, starting with the record keeping schedule and the approved policies and procedures at the highest level. Inventory of discarded records must be maintained, including certification that has been destroyed. Records should not be thrown away as garbage. Most organizations use processes including pulverization, paper destruction or incineration.

Commercially available products can manage records through all active processes, inactivity, archives, retention scheduling, and disposal. Some also utilize RFID technology for tracking physical files.

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Manage electronic records

The general principles of archive management apply to records in any format. Digital notes (almost always referred to as electronic records), however, raise specific issues. It is more difficult to ensure that content, context, and archival structure are stored and protected when records have no physical existence. This has important implications for the authenticity, reliability, and confidence of records.

A lot of research is being done on the management of electronic records. International Research on Permanent Authentic Registration in Electronic Systems Projects (InterPARES) is one example of such an initiative. Based in the School of Library, Archives and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, the InterPARES Project is a collaborative project among researchers worldwide committed to developing theories and methodologies to ensure the reliability, accuracy and authenticity of electronic records.

The functional requirements for computer systems for managing electronic records have been produced by the US Department of Defense, the National Archives of Britain and the European Commission, whose MoReq specifications (Model Requirements for Electronic Recording Management) have been translated into at least twelve languages ​​funded by the European Commission.

There are particular concerns about the ability to access and read electronic records over time, because the rapid rate of technological change can make software used to make notes obsolete, leaving unreadable records. A large amount of research is under way to address this, under the title of digital preservation. The Victoria Public Records Office (PROV), located in Melbourne, Australia, publishes the Victorian Electronic Records Strategy (VERS) which includes standards for storage, long-term storage and access to permanent electronic records. Standard VERS has been adopted by all Victorian Government departments. Digital archives have been created by PROV to enable the general public to access permanent records. The New Zealand archive also prepares digital archives.

Electronic tax records

Electronic Tax Notes are the computer/non-paper-based note versions required by tax agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service. There is great confusion about what constitutes acceptable digital records for the IRS, because the concept is relatively new. This subject is covered in Publications 583 and Bulletin 1997-13, but not in detail.

Businesses and individuals who want to turn their paper records into scanned copies may be at risk if they do. For example, it is unclear whether the IRS auditor will receive a JPEG, PNG, or PDF scanned copy of a purchase receipt for a reduced cost item.

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Current problem

Compliance and legal issues

Although public administration, health care, and legal professions have a long history of archive management, the corporate sector is generally less interested. This has changed in recent years because of new compliance requirements, driven in part by scandals such as Enron/Andersen affairs and more recent problems at Morgan Stanley. Company records compliance issues including retention period requirements and the need to disclose information as a result of litigation have been deemed important. Statutes like the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act have resulted in greater standardization of archive management practices. Since the 1990s a shift towards electronic records has seen the need for a close working relationship between record managers and IT managers, particularly including legal aspects, focusing on compliance and risk management.


Privacy, data protection, and identity theft have become a matter of increasing interest. The role of record manager in organizational record protection has evolved as a result. The need to ensure personal information is not stored unnecessarily has brought greater focus to the retention and disposal schedule of records.


The increasing importance of transparency and accountability in public administration, characterized by the widespread adoption of the Freedom of Information law, has led to a focus on the need to manage records so as to be accessible to the public. For example, in the UK, Section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires governments to publish Practice Code on Archive Management for public authorities. Similarly, the EU law on Environmental Data Protection and Information, which requires organizations to disclose information on demand, creates a need for effective management of such records.

Adoption and implementation

Implementing the necessary changes to organizational culture is a major challenge, as archival management is often seen as an unnecessary or low priority administrative task that can be performed at the lowest level within an organization. The reputation damage caused by poor record management has shown that archive management is the responsibility of all individuals within an organization.

A very controversial issue among note managers is the adoption of electronic documents and non-critical records management systems.

The impact of internet and social media

Another very interesting issue for note managers is the impact of internet and related social media, such as wikis, blogs, forums, and companies like Facebook and Twitter, on traditional records management practices, principles, and concepts, as many of these tools enable creation fast and spreading recording and, often, even in anonymous form.

Record life cycle management

The difficult challenge for many companies is related to tracking records through the entire life cycle of their information so that it is clear, at all times, where there is a record or if it still exists. Tracking records through their lifecycle allows archive management staff to understand when and how to apply rules related records, such as rules for the detention or destruction of the law.

Convert paper records to electronic form

As the world becomes more digital in nature, the ever-growing problem for the archive management community is the conversion of existing paper records or entry into electronic form. This kind of conversion is most often done in order to save on storage costs, storage space, and in hopes of reducing the timing of taking notes.

Tools such as document scanners, optical character recognition software, and electronic document management systems are used to facilitate such conversions.

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Education and certification

Many colleges and universities offer degree programs in library science and information that includes archive management. In addition, there are professional organizations such as Australasia Professional Records and Management Information (RIMPA) and the Institute of Certified Records Managers that provide separate, non-degreed professional certification, for practitioners, the appointment of a Certified Records Manager or CRM. Additional educational opportunities in the form of certificate programs are also available from AIIM International, ARMA International, and from the Information and Records Management Society in the UK and Ireland. Education and training courses and training on full scientific and technical life management records and Qualified Electronic Quality Practice Standards (Q-ERPS) are available from the Collaborative Electronic Notebook Systems Association.

The University of South Australia offers Graduate Certificate, diploma graduate, and MSc in Business Information Management and Library and Information Management with a specialist flow in records management. Australian National University offers a six-week e-learning course worldwide, in Electronic Document and Archive Management. In addition, Columbia University offers the Masters of Science in Information & amp; Digital Resource Management (IDRM).

The recent addition to archives management education in the United States is a 100% online Master of Archives and Records Administration (MARA) degree program, offered by San Jose State University. Another specialization is the Archive and Records Management offered by the University of Michigan School of Information as part of the MSI (Master of Science in Information) degree. Wayne State University in Detroit offers an on-line Information Management and Information graduate certification program.

Canadian schools also provide special educational opportunities in archive management. The Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto allows students in the Master of Information program to centralize their studies in Records Management and Records. The School of Information Studies at McGill University also includes a stream of Archive Management enriched in the archives management course. The University of British Columbia offers the Master of Archival Studies including a concentration in Archive Management.

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Electronic records management system

Electronic Document and Archive Management System is a computer program or series of programs used to track and store records. The term is distinguished from imaging and document management systems that specialize in paper retrieval and document management respectively. Electronic records management systems generally provide special security and audit functions tailored to the needs of record managers.

The National Archives and Archives Administration (NARA) has supported the US Department of Defense 5015.2 standard as "an adequate and appropriate basis for addressing the basic challenges of record management in an automated environment that increasingly characterizes the manufacture and use of recordings." The Vendor Management Archives may be certified in accordance with DoD 5015.2-STD after verification of the Joint Interoperability Test Command which builds the test procedure, writes detailed reports and final summaries of 5015.2 certified products, and performs on-site software checks.

The National Archives in the UK have published two sets of functional requirements to promote the development of electronic records management software market (1999 and 2002). It runs a program to evaluate products against the 2002 requirements. While these requirements were originally formulated in cooperation with the central government, they have been taken enthusiastically by many parts of the wider public sector in the UK and in other parts of the world. The test program has now closed; The National Archive no longer accepts applications for testing. National Archive Requirements 2002 remain current.

The European Commission has published "MoReq", Model Requirements for Electronic Records and Document Management in 2001. Although not a formal standard, it is widely considered and referred to as a standard. It was funded by the IDA Commission program, and was developed at the instigation of the DLM Forum. MoReq's main update, known as MoReq2, was published in February 2008. It was also initiated by the DLM Forum and funded by the European Commission, on this occasion by the IDABC program (IDA's successor). Software testing framework and XML schema that accompanies MoReq2; the software compliance testing regime was approved at the DLM Forum conference in Toulouse in December 2008.

The National Archives of Australia (NAA) publishes Functional Specifications for Electronic Records Management System Software (ERMS), and Related Guides for Applying Functional Specifications for Electronic Records Management System Software, as a draft of exposure in February 2006.

The Archives of New Zealand published the 'Best Practice Standards of Electronic Recording' (Standard 5) in June 2005, issued under the authority of Section 27 of the Public Record Act 2005.

Commercial recording center

Commercial recording centers are facilities that provide storage services for paper records for organizations. In some cases, they also offer storage for records stored in electronic format. Commercial recording centers provide high-density storage for paper records and some offer climate-controlled storage for sensitive and vital non-paper paper media. There are trade organizations for commercial recording centers (eg, PRISM International); however, not all service providers are members.

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See also

  • Enterprise memory
  • Design and implementation of recording system (DIRKS)
  • Standard Design Criteria for Electronic Archives Management Software Application (DoD 5015.2)
  • Document imagery
  • Document management
  • Enterprise content management (ECM) or Content management
  • The Archive Information and Management Institute
  • Machine Readable Documents
  • Office without paper
  • Image archiving and communication systems
  • Record life cycle
  • Management of taxonomy records
  • Notes manager
  • Relational database management system
  • Retention schedule
  • National Archives of the British Empire, The
  • United States Archives and Archives Administration

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External links

  • The principle of storing records received ARMA in general
  • The ArchiveServ Management List

Source of the article : Wikipedia
