Selasa, 19 Juni 2018

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How Management Styles Affect Employee Motivation & Productivity

Management consists of planning, prioritizing, and organizing work efforts to achieve goals within a business organization. Management style is the special way that managers take to achieve these goals. It covers how they make decisions, how they plan and organize work, and how they exercise authority.

Management styles vary according to company, management level, and even from person to person. A good manager is a manager who can tailor their management style to suit different environments and employees. The individual management style is shaped by many different factors including internal and external business environments, and how one perceives the role of work in the lives of employees.

Video Management style

Factors That Shaped Management Style

Internal factors

Internal corporate factors that define management styles include, but are not limited to, corporate policies, priorities, and cultures, staff skill levels and motivation, and management structures.

To be effective, the style and outlook of a manager must fit the culture of the business organization. Their style must comply with the policies and procedures established by the organization, and they must be able to achieve the company's goals. They are responsible for controlling an effective working team and must uphold the organization's belief in the team. A manager who can not do this will be deemed ineffective and removed from his position.

The skill level of staff and motivation greatly influences the management style because it is necessary for a manager to achieve goals while maintaining an effective working team and content. Unskilled or motivated employees will need a more controlling style and foster consistent oversight to ensure productivity. Highly motivated or skilled employees require less supervision and direction as they are usually more technically skilled than management and have the ability, and desire, to make more autonomous decisions. These employees will benefit from a management style that is less controlling or off the hook.

The hierarchical management structure requires a decision to be made only by upper management, and within the scope of the manager's position in the hierarchy. These types of organizations require a more controlled management style to fulfill the objectives and accomplish something as determined. A weaker structure with more decentralized decision making benefits from a management style that encourages team communication and employee contribution related to decision making.

External factors

External factors affecting the management style are those that are beyond the control of the organization. This includes, but is not limited to consumers, suppliers, competitors, the economy, and the law.

Some examples of these factors are competitors that offer a more autonomous environment for capable employees and control of a collection of jobs; the economy for certain good production results in a spike in demand leads to a production crisis; legislation for certain industry changes and requires employees with extensive knowledge and certification that cause company employees to have the talent and motivation to change.

Theory X and Theory Y

Douglas McGregor introduced Theory X and Theory Y in 1957. This psychological concept proposes that how one views human relationships with those of a company determines their management style.

Theory X proposes that people are inherently less motivated and craved for responsibility and need to be closely watched, directed, and controlled to achieve team goals. Without it, workers may become unwilling to work. This is considered a more conventional theory and produces a management style that has a high level of control over employees.

The Y theory reveals that it is human nature to be motivated by purpose and to gain satisfaction through the completion of work. Those who believe in Theory Y believe that it is the responsibility of management to cultivate an environment where employees can develop potential and utilize their skills to achieve goals. This perspective leads to a management style that gives workers more decision-making and provides less supervision.

Maps Management style

Management Type Style

All management styles can be categorized by three main types: Autocratic, Democratic, and Laissez-Faire, with Autocritus being the most controlling and Laissez-Faire being the least controlled.


Autocratic management is the most controlling management style. This style variation is authoritative, persuasive, and paternalistic. The autocratic manager makes all decisions at work. Communication with this type of management is one way, from top to bottom for employees. Employee ideas and contributions are not encouraged or required. Roles and tasks are clearly defined, and workers are expected to follow these instructions without question while consistently being checked and supervised.

This type of style is very useful in organizations with hierarchical structures in which management makes all decisions based on positions within the hierarchy. Employees who benefit from this management style include those who are new, unskilled, or unmotivated, because they need clear oversight and direction. Managers can benefit greatly from using this style in times of crisis or serious time constraints.

The advantages of an autocratic management style are the small uncertainties, roles and clear expectations for employees, and the speed of decision making. All decisions made by managers and employees are expected to meet the requirements so there is no room for variation or confusion. The speed of decision making is ideal and not slowed down by conflicting thoughts or agendas.

Disadvantages include lack of staff input with ideas not encouraged or shared. This can lead to job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, and employee turnover. Because managers make all decisions, employees do not tend to act independently and can become overly dependent on managers. Not all employees want or need supervision, and as a result can be upset and unhappy. Too many dissatisfied employees and the separation of powers with an autocratic management style can lead to a 'us vs. them' mentality.



With this management style there is little trust or confidence in employees. This manager determines the orders to the employees and expects that they do the necessary things. This employee has no expertise. This requires ongoing teaching and training from staff and consistent oversight.


Using this management style, managers still make all decisions for employees but then assure employees that these decisions are made in the best interests of the team. The only real difference here is that it can build a higher level of trust between management and staff.

Paternalistic or Exploit/Author

Managers still make all decisions in a management style and treat employees in a patronizing or paternalistic way. Decisions are made in the best interests of employees and managers explaining these decisions and their importance to employees.. This employee may feel cared for and noticed by the paternalistic manager, but may be annoyed at not being taken seriously. This style gives rise to highly dependent employees.


Democratic management styles involve managers reaching decisions with input from employees but are responsible for making final decisions. There are many variations of this management style including consultative, participatory, and collaborative styles. Employee ideas and contributions are encouraged, but not necessary. Communication is top-down and bottom-up and makes the team cohesive.

This type of style is versatile with the advantages of being a more diverse perspective involved in decision making. When employees begin to be taken into account before managers make decisions, employees feel valued that increase motivation and productivity.

The lack of a democratic management style is the time needed to make a decision because of the collection of ideas and opinions. There are also potential conflicts from different perspectives that play a role in decision making and as a result, employees may feel less appreciated if their input is not taken, leading to a decline in morale and productivity.



With this management style trust and confidence is a place where employees and management actively find out their opinions.


Similarly consultative, management trusts employees, but trusts them completely and not just searches for their opinions and ideas, but they act against them. They work together to make decisions as groups and staff are deeply involved. As a result employees feel valued, and show increased motivation and productivity. But the downside to this style is that some employees do not want to be involved in decision making and can hate managers with this style.


Managers with a collaborative style communicate extensively with employees and make decisions by the majority. Managers believe that it involves everyone and gets the team to take ownership with the results in the best decisions made. The main disadvantage of this style is that it is time-consuming, and sometimes a majority decision is not the best decision for a business entity; in this case, the manager must take control of the final choice.


The laissez-faire management style involves little or no disturbance from management. The staff does not need supervision and are highly skilled which allows management to take an approach from hand and leave problem solving, and decision-making to staff. This style variation includes delegative styles and so-called bossless environments or self-managed teams.

This type of style works best in organizations with more decentralized management. Typically, the staff is highly skilled, over management, and trusted by setting the bar for innovation and setting goals.

The advantage of Laissez faire is the improvement of innovation and creativity through the autonomy of expert staff. Ã, Some examples of this type of employee are teachers, creative, and designers.

Losses include low productivity risks by unattended staff, loss of direction due to hand-off management style.



The delegative management style allows employees to take full responsibility for their work area. Managers assign tasks with little or no direction and expect staff to achieve results on their own. Managers maintain responsibility for achieving goals. The main disadvantage of this style is the lack of uniformity among team members and uncoordinated efforts towards productivity. Also because the few directions and guidance the team provides can be less directional and focused.

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No Boss Team or Self-Managed

Although self-managed teams (SMTs) and bossless environments are not management styles, they are the management style chosen by an organization. Like the Laissez-Faire management style, employees in this environment are highly skilled and motivated, but go further because they are also highly educated, independent, and know more about work than management. SMT can report directly to directors or can have managers who follow a delegative, or participative style, but these teams require more leadership than management to remain productive.

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Management with Walking (MBWA)

Walk-through Management is not a true management style, it's more of a practice, but it's still labeled as such. Managers who practice MBWA place importance on the level of rich interpersonal communication. They believe that managers have a tendency to be separate from staff and should focus efforts to understand employee work and are visible and accessible. Managers walk around checking the place with employees and ongoing project status. This practice can help in maintaining contact with employees and offer guidance and reduce problems, but MBWA can also lower productivity by distracting employees.

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See also

  • Management
  • Leadership
  • Micro-management
  • Management by goal
  • Management with observation
  • Worker's Self Management

Understanding Proactive and Reactive Management Styles With Examples


Source of the article : Wikipedia
