Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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purpose is the idea of ​​a desired future or outcome that a person or group of people imagines, plans, and is committed to achieving. People strive to achieve goals within a limited time by setting deadlines.

A goal is roughly similar to a goal or goal, an anticipated outcome that guides a reaction, or an end, which is an object, either a physical object or an abstract object, that has an intrinsic value.

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Goal setting

The goal-setting theory is formulated based on empirical research and has been called one of the most important theories in organizational psychology. Edwin A. Locke and Gary P. Latham, the father of the goal-setting theory, provided a comprehensive overview of the core findings of the theory in 2002. In short, Locke and Latham found that specific and difficult goals led to higher performance than easy goals or instructions for "doing the best", as long as feedback on progress is given, the person is committed to the goal, and that person has the ability and knowledge to perform the task.

According to Locke and Latham, goals affect performance in the following ways:

  1. the goal of immediate attention and effort towards activities that are relevant to the target,
  2. difficult goals lead to greater effort,
  3. goals increase persistence, with difficult goals to extend effort, and
  4. goals indirectly lead to passion, and to discover and use knowledge and strategies relevant to the task.

The positive relationship between goal and performance depends on several factors. First, the goal must be considered important and the individual must be committed. Setting participatory goals can help improve performance, but participation itself does not directly improve performance. Self-efficacy also increases the goal commitment. In order for the target to be effective, people need feedback detailing their progress in relation to their goals.

Some trainers suggest setting goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-constrained (SMART), but not all researchers agree that these SMART criteria are required. The SMART framework does not include target difficulty as a criterion; in Locke and Latham's goal setting theory, it is advisable to select targets in the 90th percentile percentile, based on the previous performance averages of those who have performed the task.

Goals can be long term, medium, or short term. The main difference is the time it takes to get there.

Short-term goals

Short-term goals expect achievements in a short period of time, such as trying to get paid bills in the next few days. The definition of short-term goals does not necessarily correspond to a particular time period. In other words, one can achieve (or fail to achieve) short-term goals in a day, week, month, year, etc. The time frame for short-term goals relates to the context in the overall timeline that is being applied. For example, one can measure short-term goals for a project for a month in a few days; whereas one can measure short-term goals for a person's lifetime in months or years. Planners usually define short-term goals in relation to long-term goals.

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Personal destinations

Individuals can set personal goals. Students can set high score goals in the exam. An athlete may run five miles a day. A traveler may try to reach the destination city within three hours. Financial goals are a common example, to save for retirement or saving for a purchase.

Managing goals can provide returns in all areas of personal life. Knowing exactly what one wants to achieve makes it clear what to concentrate and improve, and often unconsciously prioritizes that goal.

Goal determination and planning ("goal work") promotes long-term vision, intermediate mission and short-term motivation. It focuses on intention, desire, acquisition of knowledge, and helps to manage resources.

Efficient job goals include identifying and resolving all the guilt, inner conflicts or limiting beliefs that can cause a person to sabotage one's efforts. By setting clearly defined goals, one can then measure and be proud of the achievement of the goal. One can see progress in what may seem long, may be difficult, to do something.

Reached a personal goal

Achieving complex and difficult goals requires focus, perseverance and long-term effort (see Goal search). Success in any field requires urgent justification and justification for poor performance or lack of adequate planning; In short, success requires emotional maturity. The size of the belief that people have in their ability to achieve personal goals also influences that achievement.

Long-term achievement depends on short-term achievement. Emotional control over small moments in a day makes a big difference in the long run.

Achievement of personal goals and happiness

There has been much research done to see the link between achieving the desired goals, changes in self-efficacy and integrity and ultimately a change in subjective well-being. The success of a goal refers to how likely an individual is to succeed in achieving their goals. The integrity of purpose refers to how consistent a person's goals are with the core aspects of the self. Research has shown that the focus on goal success is associated with the factors of well-being (subjective wellbeing) and goal integrity associated with the meaning of welfare factors (psychology). Various studies have shown the relationship between achieving long-term goals and changes in subjective well-being; most studies show that achieving goals that have a personal meaning to a person enhances the subjective well-being.

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Self concordance model

The self-concordance model is a model that sees the sequence of steps that occur from the start of a goal to achieve that goal. It looks at the possibilities and impacts of goal achievement based on the type of purpose and meaning of the goal to the individual. Different types of goals influence the attainment of the objectives and the subjective well-being generated by achieving the objectives. The model breaks down the factors that promote, first, strive to achieve a goal, then achieve a goal, and then the factors that link the achievement of goals with changes in subjective wellbeing.

Self-appropriate goals

Purposes pursued to meet intrinsic values ​​or to support individual self-concepts are called self-concordant goals. Self-appropriate goals meet basic needs and are in harmony with what psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott calls the "true self" of a person. Since these goals have personal meaning for an individual and reflect one's self identity, concordant goals of self are more likely to accept continuous effort over time. In contrast, goals that do not reflect an individual's internal drive and are pursued because external factors (eg social pressure) emerge from a person's non-integrated areas and are therefore more likely to be abandoned when barriers occur.

Those who achieve self-appropriate goals reap greater welfare benefits from their accomplishments. The welfare-achievement effect is mediated by the satisfaction of needs, that is, the experience of autonomy, competence, and the interrelationships of daily activities accumulated during the period of struggle. This model is shown to provide a satisfactory fit for 3 sets of longitudinal data and to be independent of the effects of self-efficacy, implementation intent, evasion avoidance, and life skills.

Furthermore, the theory of self-determination and research around this theory suggests that if an individual is effectively achieving a goal, but that goal is not self-supported or self-concorded, the level of well-being does not change despite the achievement of the goal.

Goal Setting Tips for Success | Harvard DCE

Organizational goals within an organization

In the organization, target management consists of identifying or summarizing the goals of each team member, leaving no longer relevant goals, identifying and resolving conflicts among goals, and prioritizing goals consistently for optimal teamwork and effective operation.

For any successful commercial system, it means lowering profits by making the best quality goods or the best service quality available to the end user (customer) at the best cost. Target management includes:

  • assessment and dissolution of non-rational blocks for success
  • time management
  • frequent review (check consistency)
  • feasibility check
  • adjust the achievements and main goal targets

Jens Rasmussen (human factor expert) and Morten Lind distinguish three basic categories of goals related to technology system management:

  1. production goals
  2. security goals
  3. economic goals

The purpose of organizational management aims for the goals and objectives of individual employees to align with the vision and strategic objectives of the entire organization. Destination management provides organizations with mechanisms to effectively communicate corporate goals and strategic objectives to everyone across the organization. The key is to have everything come from an important source and deliver a clear and consistent message of organizational goals to everyone so that every employee understands how their efforts contribute to the company's success.

Examples of target types in business management:

  • Consumer aims: This refers to providing the desired market/consumer product or service
  • Product goal: this refers to providing exceptional value propositions compared to other products - perhaps due to factors such as quality, design, reliability, and novelty
  • Operational goals: this refers to running an organization in such a way as to utilize the best management, technology, and resource skills
  • Secondary Goals: This refers to goals that are not considered by the organization as a priority

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See also



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Further reading

  • Mager, Robert Frank (1997) [1972]. Goal analysis: how to clarify your goals so you can actually achieve them (3rd ed.). Atlanta, GA: Center for Effective Performance. ISBN: 1879618044. OCLCÃ, 37435274.
  • Moskowitz, Gordon B; Heidi Grant Halvorson, eds. (2009). Purpose Psychology . New York: Guilford Press. ISBN: 9781606230299. OCLCÃ, 234434698.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
