Sabtu, 23 Juni 2018

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The Ultimate Mafia Glossary | The NCS

This is a glossary words related to the Mafia , especially the Italian American Mafia and the Sicilian Mafia.

  1. administration : "top management" of Family organized crime - boss, underboss and consigliere.
  2. companion : the person who works with the mafia, but has not been asked to take the Omertàs oath; an almost confirmed person, or a created one.
  3. connected people : partners
  4. barone : baron or owner.
  5. book, which : phrases that indicate membership in the Family. If there is a possibility for promotion, then the book is open. Otherwise, books are closed.
  6. boss : head of the Family running the show. He decides who made it and who it struck. The boss also gets points from all Family businesses; also see: don, chair.
  7. capo : family member who leads the crew; stands for caporegime or capodecina.
  8. captain : capo.
  9. clip : for murder; also whack, hit, burst, burn, ICE, issue a contract.
  10. code of silence : does not comment on someone's colleagues after a person is pinched - no longer a strong virtue in an organized crime family. Also see omertÃÆ'.
  11. confirm : created; see the created person.
  12. consigliere : Family counsel, always consulted before decision is made.
  13. Cosa Nostra (We mean) : term mob for family or Mafia
  14. crank : speed; in particular, meth crystals.
  15. crew : group of soldiers under capo command.
  16. cugine : a young soldier trying to make.
  17. don : head of the Family; see the boss.
  18. searchers : members who bring in lots of money for families
  19. eat alone : to take care of yourself; be greedy.
  20. family : organized crime clan, such as Genoveses, Gambinos, or Sopranos.
  21. forget it (often pronounced "fuggedaboutit") : Exclamation; as the title character explains in Donnie Brasco :

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
